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Chapter 12 by JimJoeBob JimJoeBob

What does she do next?

Meeting Demands

Report: Robbery in progress, officers have requested any available back up.

13 pulled up a 3D map on her wrist device that told her the robbery wasn't far away. She seemed happy to have a normal crime for her to respond to instead of a wacky one she'd expect from this planet. But it would be a case of counting birds before they hatched as this would change purely from her involvement.

On the scene, a perimeter was set by over half a dozen GDF officers around a local bank. Inside there were suspected to be at least four bank robbers and some hostages. Officer took cover behind patrol vehicles and watched for any sign of trouble. Out further away were police lines to keep the public back, each handled by a lone officer. 13 arrived and flashed her badge quickly to get through the line and up by the action.

"What's the situation," she asked after determining who was in charge.

The negotiator was an oddly shaped xeno with arms longer than his legs, using them for the opposite purposes. He turned toward 13, "We have maybe four peeps in there with hostages. Currently, we are waiting for demands before we proceed. But rumor is that this is the Broken Wing Biker Gang we're dealing with. Some rough customers who managed to slip by undetected by blending in with the locals. And we've heard that their boss, Fliqe the Biker Queen, might be with them. Sit tight over there and await orders." 13 saluted her senior officer even though it was hard to take him seriously in that thong.

She made her way off to the side, keeping an eye out for movement and looking down at her wrist to look up the biker boss's file. This Fliqe looked like a tough bitch with her mohawk of feathers and the scars on her face accented by some body tattoos. Fliqe was some sort of avian humanoid with human features but her fingers and toes had bird scales along with talons on the ends. Forearms and calves adorned with more colorful feathers to complete the ensemble and give her a cyberpunk harpy look. In her profile she wore typical galactic biker clothes with her gang's symbols all over, but 13 suspected she'd be wearing nothing but her feathers going off what the officer said.

Just as she finished looking over Fliqe's profile, a xeno popped out from the door and called for everyone's attention, "We're ready with our demands!"

The negotiator used a speaker in his wrist device to broadcast his voice, "Alright, name them and we can get everyone home safe."

"We want another ten thousand credits for each hostage's safety and a ship ready at the nearest port. In exchange we will turn in one of our own, no strings attached."

"You make it five thousand credits and I'll call it in."

"Let me check...," he said as he pulled his head back into the building. Inside Fliqe was indeed one of the four bank robbers and she had been watching carefully through the window. Her brains were well matched with her brawn and she'd come up with a plan to escape as she eyed up 13. The robber came back to the door, "Change of plans. We only want the ship at the port and we'll let the hostages go."

"Great, my bosses will surely take that d-"

"But, SHE," he said pointing to 13, "must masturbate right here in front of completion."

13 was stunned with all eyes on her, not able to believe what she just heard. "...Okay, that is acceptable. Get over here, rookie," ordered the negotiator. 13 grew red as she meekly wandered over to her commanding officer with her fists balled. "Go on out there and play with yourself, rookie," he said with his arm around her shoulder.

"Sir," she awkwardly whispered, "I don't know how. And I don't want to."

"Don't want to!? Rookie, people's lives are at stake. You have to."

13 reluctantly agreed that lives would be worth it, "But I still don't know how. I've never done it...(willingly)."

"Ugh," he groaned, "Fine, I'll help you." He lifted 13 up and placed her on the hood of a patrol vehicle.

"What are you doing?!"

"I'm taking charge and will make sure you orgasm in front of these robbers," he bluntly stripped 13 of her clothes and put her body on display for the officers, robbers, and bystanders.

She covered her nakedness with her hands, "Sir, I-" But she was too late to make a statement as the negotiator moved swiftly into what he thought was foreplay. He used his feet hands to take hold of her tits by the nipples and just yanked them without care for her wellbeing. 13 yelped as she felt the sting and pull of her milk jugs by the rough touch of the negotiator, "Yeeow! Sir, that really hurts."

"Nonsense," he said, "this should be getting you halfway to orgasm." He continued to yank at her breasts and stretch them into a torpedo shape. 13 could hardly speak as she gritted her teeth with each pull, gripping the hood of the vehicle, butt cheeks clenched tighter than ever before, face twisted into a mix of anger and worry with her eyes looking toward the sky. "Hmmm," he took pause with his **** on 13's boobs, "Maybe you need extra technique."

He placed his feet hands back on her nipples that stood harder than diamonds and looked quite red on her pink skin. Then he squeezed as hard as he could and twisted her nipples, forcing a shout from her mouth so wide. He then continued to twist again and again as if her areolas were keys to a car that wouldn't start. "Please, stop...," she begged."

The negotiator paused, then he yanked and twisted together one last time and **** her face into a goofy scowl. Afterward, he let go and stepped back from 13 who held onto her now sore breasts and especially her poor abused nipples. "Maybe you're broken," he said so casually the rudest thing 13 had heard thus far.

"No, no, no," another officer interjected, "You're doing it all wrong." He was also oddly shaped with big meaty forearms and calves ending in equally fat hands and feet. "That is not how you give a female an orgasm. Here, watch," he said as he approached the two. This other officer swooped on 13 with his giant hands and placed her over his knee with her bum facing the bank.

"What are you-," she began before his big hand landed firmly on both of her ass cheeks with a meaty slap. 13 let out a scream as she curled her body in reaction to being spanked by such an oversized appendage. But it wasn't over as he continued to spank her with his giant palm and place another handprint over her crack. Each time her ass grew more red and she lost the energy to react to every slap as she grew more silent.

"Are you there yet?," he asked.

"What? Ow! I don't- Ow! -know."

"Hmm," he pondered as he continued to **** her behind. Then he took a break and wiped his big finger through her butt crack, over her vagina, that sent a chill throughout 13's body. A small dribble of lady juice, even for his fat finger tip, was all that he found before sucking on his finger to taste her cum. As she watched, 13 felt disgust and her body tingled with that grotesque knowledge. "This isn't working either," he concluded before placing 13 back on the ground.

13 used one hand to ease the pain of her sore nipples while the other rubbed her freshly sore ass and it's big red palm print. "All Wong fellas! I'll show you how it's done," a third officer called out. He had a hunched figure with a eye catching long snout from which his tongue flicked out from every so often. This third guy casually approached his fellow officers and took hold of 13's feet with his hands and **** her back on top of the vehicle. Together he moved them toward his maw as it slid open and his tongue thrashed about in anticipation for her bare feet.

13 was cringing at the thought of having her feet licked by this creature as his wet mouth drew near. Just as his tongue lapped at her soles and sent chills down her spine, she was saved by a fellow officer who had just arrived on the scene. She could be described with four Fs as she was female, feline, and had two big double Fs one her chest that stood loud and proud in her tiny polkadot bikini. "What is going on here?!," she yelled as her heels clicked against the pavement.

"Lieutenant Fluffytail!," the negotiator responded with a salute to his superior officer, "We were just handling the demand of the robbers inside. They demanded we bring this rookie, specifically, to orgasm in front of them for exchange of the hostages." The other officers followed suit except for the foot guy who froze with his jaws hovering over 13's feet before going to them.

13 was glad she likely wouldn't suffer any more than what had transpired or just having some saliva on her toes. Clearly the negotiator's statement was ridiculous and the lieutenant wouldn't believe him as her expression soured. "And what have you tried?," her question make 13' heart drop.

"Everything, ma'am. I tried pulling on her mammaries and twisting those knob things. He gave her a spanking and that did very little. And then this guy was about to suck on her feet to see if that would work. We're all out of ideas!"

Fluffytail sighed and crossed her arms, "You know nothing about the female form. You don't need to be a doctor to know how to turn a girl on. Here, let me do it." The lieutenant went straight to work as she pulled her hair back and planted her face firmly into 13's crotch. Her wet cat nose and whiskers tickled the labia and gave a little chill through 13's legs. Next came the sandpaper tongue that scratched every itch 13 didn't even know she had as the wet, pink instrument explored her nether regions.

Lieutenant Fluffytail knew exactly what to do, having gone down on tons of women before, an experienced muff diving carpet muncher. After sufficient lubrication, she lapped up some juices and pulled away so she could plug it up with a couple of fingers. 13's body went wild with such masterful work from another woman compared to the rough and objectively stupid guys and their laughable "attempts". Those tiny retractable claws on the end tickled 13's g-spot as Fluffytail's fingers wiggled inside the rookie.

Moans and yelps, she couldn't help herself from audibly encouraging the pleasure her female colleague offered. Her hands gripped the nearest edge on the hood of the vehicle, her toes curling while her legs rubbed uncontrollably against the metal slab. Her eyes trailed back into her head when the lieutenant flicked that rough tongue against her sensitive clit. Even 13's hands got in on the action by playing with her sore nipples involuntarily. 13's pussy secreted her glistening liquid down the face of Fluffytail and onto the hood before it dripped to the ground below.

After a good, heavenly time, she felt that wave approach and she gave out a cry that signaled her climax. 13 squirted some more of her juices onto the lieutenant's face and let her body convulse with the best orgasm thus far in her time outside of the tube. She lay there, breathing in after all that work, on display atop the hood for bystander and coworker alike to see so naked and ****.

Fluffytail stood back up and whipped her chin of 13's pussy juice then licked it off her fingers with a snack of her lips. "And that," she proudly declared, "is how you bring a woman to orgasm." The officer clapped with the crowds behind the police lines calling for an encore while the lieutenant waved back like a prideful lioness. "Okay!," she shouted to the bank, "You got what you wanted. Now let the hostages go!"

The bank doors remained closed and no sound or movement came from inside. The officers huddled around Fluffytail who ordered two to reach the windows and inspect the interior. They did just that, creeping up to the windowsill slowly so as to not cause the robbers to panic. But inside they were nowhere to be found as all the hostages lay on the floor, calmly awaiting a rescue. "Move in and search the place," the negotiator commanded.

A quick sweep found the place devoid of perpetrators and that bank codes had been successfully stolen by hacking the vault's database. Each hostage was checked to make sure none were hiding among them, especially Fliqe. Nothing came from any scans and the hostages were taken to the station together for their individual reports. Other officers remained to check the scene for clues. It seems that Fliqe's plan was to distract everyone with 13's body and get away out the back before anyone noticed. She and her gangs got away without a single ruffled feathers and a load of credits to transfer via those stolen codes.

"You mean I did all that just for them to get away?!," 13 shouted from the doorway after getting redressed. She felt embarrassed that she had let her comrades touch her all for nothing while a whole crowd of people watched.

"It's not all bad, rookie," the lieutenant assured as she wiped some evidence from the ground with her finger. A white and sticky substance pooled near a window and trailed off out the back door. She licked the residue and fondled it with her tongue, "It's cum...Xaxonian cum. Very specific flavor. Bag this and follow that trail." She turned to 13, who was disgusted at her blatant disregard for sanitation, "You did good, rookie."

Her fellow officers gave 13 a round of pats on the back before continuing the investigation and leaving 13 to go back to patrol duty. She wandered back into the street as the crowds dispersed into the city with fond memories of her public orgasm. She was still sore and rubbed her mangled tits and the big red mark on her ass for all to see as she exited the crime scene. Another glance at the wrist device brought up a message waiting for her to respond. But she also still had some reports to attend to if she chose to accept them after all that.

What does she do next?

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