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Chapter 2 by Grif*end Grif*end

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MCx3 (Magic Clothes Mind Contoling Magical Cuties), George Beage

George Beage was for the most part just an ordinary guy, perhaps a bit more introverted than your average college student but that wasn't all that strange considering he had to move in order to attend university and had to part ways with all of his friends, so he didn't know what to think when some game company reached out to him offering him free access to one of their premium games, like most in his position he first assumed it was either some kind of prank or a scam but just looking into things a bit proved that was not actually the case the company was legit and the message came from their official media what's more the message seemed to be personalized instead of a machine generated one although George guessed there was still a chance it was made by AI with how much these things were progressing nowadays.

Looking more into things the game was titled MCx3 and it was a turn based rpg themed around magical girls with a gatcha system... it was also a porn game, George did wonder if that last thing was why he was chosen, he had after all spend a lot of time in sites hosting such content recently so perhaps that's why he was chosen? Nothing else made much sense as to why after all.

What had shocked him however the most was how sought after this game was some people in the internet were willing to pay stupid amounts of money for an access link and naturally George did consider selling his link however his curiosity won and decided to try it first after all if people were willing to pay that much money for it i had to be good and he could always sell his account along phone with the game later.

Convinced George used the link downloading and installing the game on his phone before launching it he quickly scrolled over the usual agreement stuff and accepted without really reading any of what was written just as he did the form of a devil girl popped on his screen

" Master weaver you should really take the time to read over any contract you agree to "sigh" well not much that can be done about that." George couldn't help but chuckle at the meta humor of the game had it somehow deduced he didn't read it or did every player get that also did the devil just raise her eyebrow in response to his chuckle. "Ahem anyway let me welcome you to Magical Clothes Mind Controlling Magical Cuties! Please create your avatar !

Then a new window popped into the screen with what seemed like a ball of yarn.

It took him some time to figure out what was going on but apparently he was to use the thread to make an avatar after a few failed attempts he ended up with a weird looking yarn creature that looked somewhat presentable and so decided to stop wasting time and go with it.

The moment he hit confirm the devil girl started to clap her hands "Congratulations master weaver that's a rather cute avatar, now please allow me to present you with this tada !" Saying this the character on the screen presented to him a black orb decorated with numerous stars "This is a Magica dress orb you can use this to recruit your first magical girl "So this must be the gatcha currency" George thought to himself but almost like reading his thoughts the devil responded by moving her finger left and right "tsk tsk tsk i know what you are thinking master weaver but MC x 3 is a unique! In this game you have to recruit real people as your magical girls, to do that you just need a dress orb you want to assign to them, then if not already in your roster just take a picture of them. Oh! but the picture needs to clearly show their face so keep that in mind, i should also mention that each dress orb can only be assigned to a single Individual so choose carefully who you want to recruit !

George was surprised by what the game assistant said wait would the game generate sex scenes with the people he took the photo? Was this why people were willing to pay so much for it ? And wait was that even legal?George didn't know but right now he didn't really care much as he started to think of potential candidates to "recruit"
There was Sonia Merson a cousin of one his best friends and pretty much the closest thing he had to a friend in this town, talking a photo of her would be simple but he had conflicting feelings about watching porn of her.

An other candidate was Clover Iliopulos who was something of the local sweetheart always helping those around her, George wasn't close with her or anything but he was confident she would allow him to take a picture of her if he asked, he had some reservations about taking advantage of her kindness like that but with the kind of body she had he would be in for some top quality porn.

There was also Natasha Raand a fellow college student he was acquainted with, she was the shy bookwormish kind a bit of a loner so most people tended to ignore her but if anyone paid attention like George had they would had noticed she had both a nice body and a face, as for taking her picture she would likely object but George suspected she could be pressured into accepting or he could just take one while she was absorbed by one of her books.

Finally there was Iris Fornson she was a one of the smartest students of the university and was considered the most beautiful girl on campus, all this however was guaranteed to make getting a good photo of her tricky.

Now who to chose...

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