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Chapter 13 by JimJoeBob JimJoeBob

What does she do next?

Lost and Mistranslation

Report: Someone has called for help

A very vague statement offered little comfort, but 13 accepted the task and whatever challenge she may face. She swiped at her screen and out came the 3D map with a location of the call. Her eyes squinted as she gazed into the translucent map and attempted to memorize the directions. But this would soon be complicated by the strange forces of the universe that sought trouble in her life.

A loose pip on a nearby building broke and bent out toward the street, spraying water everywhere. While not in the direct blast, 13 was still misted by some and it caused her wristband to zap and produce smoke. 13 jumped back, hand wiping the liquid from the device and in an effort to prevent further damage. But enough was done to cause the device to malfunction as the 3D map failed to remain one still picture as the pixels twitched and the image flickered.

Now all she could make out was the address at the bottom of the screen, forcing her to look for street signs. But Vavius 5 is mostly digital now and so street signs had been removed ages ago as most xenos on this planet could simply use the internet. 13 cursed under her breath as she struggled to find a solution. Then it came to her, she could simply ask someone for directions even if they didn't know off-hand.

"Excuse me," she said to the nearest passerby, "Can you give me directions to this address?" The stranger just looked at her in disgust and went about his/her day, "Huh, rude." She tried another one walking by, "Sir can you help me?" He seemed delighted, overly so, and approached 13 with a lustful gaze but 13 was less interested, "No thanks, goodbye." Another xeno was walking by and 13 hopped in front of her, "Hello, ma'am. Can you help me find this address?"

The woman raised a brow and then spoke in some incomprehensible babble before walking away with her noses upturned. 13 scratched her head, unsure of what just transpired, and tried to brush it off and talk to someone else. But she was foolish to cast aside that weird gibberish as it seems her wristband wasn't the only thing to get wet. Some droplets got onto her translator, wrapped around her ear, and must have caused to stop working properly. Now she could no longer automatically understand all languages or speak them for easy interaction with the numerous species in the galaxy.

Instead of questioning that mishap, 13 found another xeno to ask for help in finding that address. But her request for assistance sounded like, "Please slap my ass, cocklord!," in his tongue. So he obliged and gave a firm wack to 13's behind and an added squeeze for good luck before taking off with a friendly wave goodbye. 13 just stared at him with confusion as she rubbed her ass with both hands. "What was that?," she asked herself.

Another xeno came by and 13 tried again only for her to say, "Purple water barn the?" She stopped in her tracks to try and understand what 13 was asking, prompting 13 to try again. "I want your mouth on mine, sexy momma," she mistranslated. The woman seemed intrigued by her proposal and went in for a kiss, making sure this sexy cop got some action from her three tongues. 13 mumbled into the woman's mouth as she flailed her arms in shock from the kiss she never meant to ask for that kinda turned her on with that hot lesbian kiss.

Eventually she pulled away and gave 13 a peck on the cheek and a final flirty wave goodbye while 13 just stood there with lipstick on her face. "What is with people today?!," she asked aloud as she wiped her mouth with her wrist. 13 was starting to feel nervous about asking another stranger, but there could be serious trouble at the address and she needed to hurry.

So she found another one to ask, a shop owner this time with an open storefront on the street. "Please sir, I need to get to this address. Where is it?" But all he heard was rambling of a sex crazed pervert, "Dildo in mouth? I need dildos! Dildo dildo dildo dildo dildo." He felt scared by this odd cop and wanted to appease her instead of face any consequences. So he held out a finger and told her to wait a moment while he went to get her dildos.

13 was confused, but at least this guy didn't invade her personal space so she thought she was on the right track. When he came back with several dildos she knew something was wrong. Before she could ask, "What are those?," the shopkeep slid a dildo into her open mouth. She gagged and gasped with her eyes watering from such a sudden entry. Her garbled words meant nothing to him as she pointed toward her face and he failed to help.

Instead, she pried the phallus from her maw and threw it to the ground with coughs and sputtering, "Why did you do that?!" The store owner didn't understand and instead thrust another dildo into her mouth for a similar result. "Stop doing that!," she cried as she approached the terrified shopkeeper who began tossing dildos hoping to appease 13 and her lust for dildos. As the plastic penises slapped against her skin, 13 blocked them with her arms and fled the store and went around a corner. "What the fuck is going on?!," came another pointless question.

13 decided to ask one more civilian before calling it quits and looking for another job. This last xeno was a massive blob of translucent slime with no visible organs other than his rotund body. She asked this final time and received no response in the first few seconds. Her expression dulled with anticipation, slowly accepting that she'd need to get her wrist device fixed. But the blob started to move and hope filled her heart for only a moment as the next was filled with fear. The slime creature then towered over her tiny form and cast shade over her as he loomed closer and closer.

Then she was about to shriek when she felt her head being swallowed by his membrane and she was slowly being submerged in his goo. Her flailing was of no use and 13 was sucked in inch by inch until she was now held within his center. That's when she noticed her outfit had not come with her as the inorganic material had been rejected and spit out simultaneously as she was engulfed. 13 tried to struggle, but her movements were stiff and had little range in his dense mass.

But now she had bigger problems as she watched him move down the street and carry her along on full display for everyone. Many eyes followed the strange cop as she lay within the blob, tits and ass bare, clothes just lying in a gooey puddle further away. She scowled at every onlooker who got an eyeful of her wonderful body while some laughed at her predicament. 13 had no idea where this creature was planning on taking her, but she had **** in the matter.

He was decently paced as he slithered down the streets, taking a turn here and there. But then he stopped and 13 paid full attention once more as she felt him shifting from within his mass of slime. 13 was eased out of his body just as she had been swallowed and slid out and onto the street. Her slime slickened body slipped away and gave her a hard time trying to stand up until she flicked some of the good off her feet and hands.

When she wiped away a significant amount afterward, she turned back to the blob to ask, "What was that for?!." Only her taxi had already left, slinking away in the distance and leaving her lost and naked.

"Excuse me," called an old alien, "Can you help me cross the street?" 13 turned to the shaking, wrinkly coot and had an epiphany; her wrist device managed to stay on, unlike her clothes, and brought back the static riddled map. After looking at it for a few seconds, 13 could make out her location on top of the call for help.

She sighed, "You've got to be fucking kidding me..."

A resigned 13 then walked the old bastard across the street, covering her tits with one arm while the elderly gentleman held onto the other. She was still dripping with goo and all together brought a sour look to her face, sad and defeated. When she at last completed the task, her fist slammed into the device on her wrist and confirmed that the situation had been handled.

As she sat on the sidewalk, questioning what bad luck she had, a fellow officer rushed to her side. "Recruit FX-13?," he asked. She nodded and changed her mood upon seeing her colleague with her clothes in hand. "Here, I found these and cleaned them up for you," he said as he handed 13 her uniform which she quickly put on her naked and drying body. The officer helped her clean the goo off as he explained, "We got a report of some odd occurrences and I arrived to find your uniform. I think your translator was damaged as well as your wristband, it seems. I will fix them for you and order some better models to your locker."

He went to work fixing her devices after she was clean of slime and made sure they were functioning properly. When asked why she could understand him and the old man, the officer concluded that she must know their native languages. Pulling it from her brain's database, that seemed to check out and she thanked him for his assistance. The office said his goodbyes with a salute and headed back for HQ.

With that out of the way, 13 checked her fixed wristband to see if all was well and good. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary other than a message for her waiting to be opened. But 13 pondered if she should continue with more reports...

Should 13 answer the message or continue with patrol?

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