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Chapter 5 by PiZzA101 PiZzA101

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Locked Out

Several minutes passed as the party moved on around Joanne, with her nudity at the center of attention. Many of the attendees tried to pressure Joanne to get out of the pool, and go get dressed in the house. She briefly considered it a few times, but each attempt became harder to reject than the last. Staying in the pool only made her a constant joke for everyone to laugh at, whereas the house offered solace in the form of a change of clothes. “Maybe it would be worth it...” Joanne thought to herself.

When nobody was looking, Joanne decided to make a break for it and jumped out of the pool. Of course, the sound of her making an exit immediately turned all the attention back to the pool. Joanne tried to ignore the refreshed round of laughter that started up behind her as she sprinted towards the sliding door. She expected the door to slide open at her first pull, but instead the door wouldn’t budge an inch. Joanne tried again and again, but found the door still wouldn’t move. “There’s no way...” Joanne thought with horror. Sure enough, the door had been locked, sealing Joanne away from the only chance she had at getting some clothes on. She turned around, a fire in her eyes. The flash of a Nikon camera from her mom caused Joanne to blink a few times, before recovering her nipples and pussy with her hands. She seethed towards the crowd, and huffed in anger.

“It’s a little chilly out here, isn’t it?” Her brother Gary chided.

“I wish I still had a rack like that...” Her neighbor Maria said to herself, looking sorrowfully down at her chest.

“Say ‘Boobs Out!’” Her mom exclaimed, snapping another picture with the large camera. She smiled widely, and laughed to herself as she snapped pictures of everyone else around her.

Joanne’s sister Katy merely grinned and raised a glass in her direction, seeming to say “Good luck.”

Lacey meanwhile grinned to herself. Her plan had unfolded perfectly. Give her mom a dissolving bikini for her birthday, have a pool party, get her to play volleyball, and lock the door along with all the pool towels. She’d made sure to follow the last step and hide the key under the stairs to seal her mom’s fate.

All of this, as an act of long-term **** for making her undress in front of all her friends last summer after Lacey had gotten mud all over herself during soccer practice. Joanne had refused to let her in the car until she removed all her clothes, because she didn’t want to dirty her freshly cleaned car. So Lacey was **** to undress down to nothing but her shoes in front of the soccer team, which had caused her to be the butt of a great many jokes among the soccer team.

Now with her mom locked outside naked at the pool party, Lacey could finally revel in the justice she had worked so hard to achieve.

“Please, can I just have a towel? This isn’t funny!” Joanne exclaimed, to no avail. Her protests seemed to fall upon deaf ears.

“Lacey! Sam! Go get me a towel, or find me the key!” She commanded, as she hid her body unsuccessfully behind the grill.

Sam simply shrugged, before stating “I don’t know where the key is. And the towels are all missing. Here, look for yourself.” Lacey decided her best move was to join her sister, and play the innocence card. “Yea. This is really weird isn’t it Mom?”

Joanne might have been forgetful, and clumsy, but she knew she wasn’t stupid. “Tell me where the key is right now or you’re both grounded!” She yelled, looking all over the patio for something to cover with.

Sam and Lacey exchanged a glance, before shrugging and deciding they would deal with the consequences later. Joanne looked on with horror as they both sat down on chairs, and smiled back.

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