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Chapter 3 by ewong ewong

When and where do we find Ms. Croft?

Lara's Embarrassing Origin

I originally posted this to A Video game Humiliation II, but since I own this story. I should also post it here.

Lara had turned 18 a few months prior, and was preparing for her first year at university. Er parents were leaving on another trip, this time to the Amazon. Her father apparently had business there, which she had no knowledge of the particulars, and frankly couldn't care less what he was doing.

The girl stood in her bathroom, having just washed her face and brushed her teeth, contemplating what to do today. It was late spring, and the heat was already building even in the morning. Then a smile appeared on her face...

She had started to become somewhat mischievous lately, partially due to her sense of independence from her parents, and to try out things she never did before. She had snuck out of her room in the middle of the night before, nd knew she could scale the perimeter of her family's property without anyone ever knowing. Of course, the danger of being caught was also fun for her, so in her late night excursions, she had challenged herself to wear only her underwear.

For months, she would climb out her window, scale the wall until she met the roof, and climb along it before needing to swing from eave to eave until she arrived at the roof of the foyer, which meant er back would be facing the street. She would then climb onto the roof and hop from one tile to another, trying to be light on her feet and not putting too much on her steps. She would find her bedroom window, climb down, and back inside.

As she looked at herself, she saw the fruits of her "training". Her arms and legs began to show some tone, her flat belly made her proud of her efforts, but she was mostly proud of her bust. Neither too big or too small in her eyes, her large C cup breasts were nicely contained in her bra, which was a light pink lace, which matched her thong underwear. Her backside wasn't small, but it definitely wasn't big. In some ways, she hoped it would get bigger so she would have more of an hourglass shape, but also knew that it meant more boys would be looking at her, and se wasn't sure if they were the kind of boys she wanted the attention of.

Sighing, she turned towards her large picture window and got butterflies in her stomach. She smiled as she made her decision and nearly ran towards the window to open it. Taking a deep breath, she didn't allow herself to second guess ashe climbed out and began her normal routine. It was definitely different than at night. She was able to see the forest tat grew around he properly, and see how isolated she really was. She wanted to relish the moment, as she wasn't sure if she would get such an opportunity once she's off to Uni.

As Lara was perched on the roof, her mother had come by to check on er daughter, and maybe say goodbye before she and Lara's father left. However, she was met with an empty room and an open window.

"That girl always liked it drafty. Better fix this." She said, closing and latching the window shut.

Lady Croft, as she was known, went about straightening up her daughter's things, picking up the stray clothes on the floor and giving instructions to their butler, Percy to wash them with the other clothes that had accumulated in the laundry room. She assumed Lara was showering in the bathroom, so did bot check on her, valuing her privacy. Little did she know that Lara was standing in her underwear on the roof in broad daylight.

Lara finished taking in the majesty of her surroundings and continued on. She reached the foyer and saw the shuttle to the airport parked outside. Realizing she can't climb on the front facing wall, lest she be seen by the driver, she ad to think of a new route. However, she had to use that route because the only way to get back to her room was to walk on the middle of the roof, which she was afraid would make more noise and possibly cause more damage. However, she had to choice. She then decided to get on all fours to distribute her weight better. She began crawling and blushed as she thought about what would happen if she had kept her normal route and the driver spotted her climbing in her underwear? Would they like what they see? Would they tell her parents? What would her parents do/say? She shook the thoughts from her head and continued. Then she heard it...

It was her father's voice, but muffled she looked around and saw the large skylight that was above the foyer. Lara crawled over to it and opened one side. She then could clearly hear what was being said without being detected.

"No, I can't make it any faster! Just keep it fueled. We will be there within the hour. And make sure I have all my supplies, Jonah." She heard him say.

Lara's eyes bugged. She never heard her father raise his voice before. It was like he was another person. Her mother joined him and they embraced. Lara saw they deeply loved each other and smiled at their intimacy.

"Lara is showering, so I don't think she'll see us before we go." Her mother said.

"Just as well. We may be gone longer than she thinks. I'll just leave this note for her." Her father said, scribbling something on a piece of paper.

Lara's heart swelled as she watched her parents trying to do right by her, but she did want to say goodbye to them, underwear or not. She quickly tried to assess a way to climb into the skylight and down to the floor safely. Directly to the left was where the large chandelier in the foyer was installed. She could use it to climb down part of the way, and jump to the wall with wood paneling. She could then climb down the rest of the way.

Steeling her nerves, she went in feet first and hung from the frame of the skylight. She grabbed the chandelier with one hand and moved her other to close the skylight. However, she didn't realize how much the chandelier would swing. The skylight slammed closed, causing her parents to look up at their underwear clad daughter swinging from the chandelier. They were too shocked to say anything at first, which allowed Lara to get her bearings. She tried to climb down the chandelier, but the swinging made it difficult. She fell from the top layer as it swung upward, but was stopped as her bra caught on one of the protruding sconces, ripping it off and exposing her breasts. Lara gasped and went to grab the chandelier, her survival instinct kicking in. She climbed father down the swinging chandelier until she reached the bottom layer of lights. She then kicked her legs toward the wall she wanted to swing to, making the chandelier into a swinging pendulum. She made her leap, but her panties caught on the chandelier's protrusion at the base, pulling the waistband.

At the same moment, Lara had grabbed onto the wall, so her momentum was carrying her one way while the chandelier's momentum pulled the panties away from her and down her legs, which nearly pulled her off the wall. However, her panties were pulled clean off, dangling from the chandelier with her bra. Lara, now naked, had 5he unenviable task of climbing down the wall fully nude while being watched byvher parents. As she dropped to the floor, she used her arms to cover up, even though they likely already saw all of her.

"Well, it seems out Lara has some secrets of her own." Her father said.

"Lara, did you climb out your window and come in through the skylight? In your underwear?" Her mother asked, putting the pieces together.

Lara nodded.

"Well it seems we should probably put in some kind of training course for Lara before she parades her naked body out where anyone can see her. Percy, get in touch with a contractor. I'll draw up some designs and send them to him." Her father said.

Lara gasped as she realized Percy was behind her, getting an unobstructed view of her cute little bum. She blushed as she thought of her least favorite part of her body being displayed.

"Um..very good sir. Shall I fetch a coat for the young miss?" Percy asked.

"No, that won't be necessary. Lara just wanted to say her own way." Her father smiled at her, which made her blush redder.

"Come now, you've embarrassed her enough." Her mother walked over and gave her a hug.

Lara's demeanor melted as she felt her mother's warm embrace. She closed her eyes and laid her head on her mother's shoulder before she ended the embrace.

"Be safe while we're away. And don't be frolicking starkers in public in broad daylight, ok? Percy also has been instructed that you aren't to have any visitors at night. And any visitors must stay in the living room, and not explore any other rooms, especially your bedroom. Is that clear?" Her mother explained.

Lara nodded and was shocked to feel her father hug her now.

"We love you Lara. We'll be home before you know it." He said, kissing her on the forehead and stapping away.

Her mother grabbed her bag and her father carried his out the door, Percy closing it behind them.

"Perhaps now is a good time to get dressed, or will this be your attire while you paren4s are away?" Percy asked.

Lara now realized that she had uncovered herself to hug her parents and was now exposing herself completely to Percy. The blush returned to her face and she gasped, covering with her hands again.

"Don't be so shy. I know of your nightly excursions out on the roof. The property has several security cameras that I monitor. You do have skill, and the training course your father will design will hone those skills. Now do get some clothes on..." Percy said.

Lara ran to her bedroom and quickly got dressed. She felt her heart pounding in her chest as she replayed the entire ordeal. She couldn't believe her parents, and even their butler has seen her naked! She hoped her exposure wouldn't distract them from their trip...

A week later, she received the design for the training course. And Percy had hired their contractor to build it. Lara wished she could talk to her parents about what happened and to defus the tension she felt. But she was focused on the training course being built. It was completed and she was able to test it out. It served its purpose quite well, and she wasn't yet able to complete it.

A month later, she received a letter from her parents, letting her know they were safe and hope to see her soon. Then, at the bottom of the letter, instead of their usual "See you soon Lara", they had written "See you soon, Our Little Jaybird"

Lara blushed, knowing this meant her nudity had gotten in their heads. The thought of her as their (naked) little jaybird! She blushed and smiled, knowing her parents were kind and understanding. She couldn't wait for then to come home.

...but they never did.

Lara would receive word from their friend Jobah that her parents had gone missing while sailing to a remote island during a specially bad storm. Lara hoped they would return soon, and trained hard to impress them when they did return.
She often decided to train naked as it had become sort of an in-joke between her and Percy. However, the week before Lara would start Uni, Jonah informed her that they had to declare her parents dead, and as she was now 18 she would be inheriting their assets and finances. Thus, she would be unable to attend classes while all the legal forms and protocols needed to be filled out and completed.

Lara didn't lament her education as she now had a single goal in mind: find her parents.

However, both Percy and Jonah told her that she would need to train extensively in order to be able to venture where they went. Lara didn't balk at the challenge. She loved the training course as she saw it as her parents' final gift to her, and it meant they gave her the tools to come find them.

Lara trained naked, but was still very self conscious showing it to anyone else. She wore simple clothes when going outside. Tank top and pants. She hoped her training would be enough, but knew she must also study the texts her father left, about ancient cities and religions. She taught herself how to read some ancient languages and felt she was finally ready.

At 24, she called Jonah, who she hadn't formally met in person, and was surprised to see he was not much older than her, merely 6 years her senior. She had expected Jonah to be nearer to her father's age, and she felt a bit nervous being around him. But they became fast friends as she showed him how well her training was (clothed, of course). Jonah felt she was ready for her first expedition, and they began their plans.

How goes their first mission?

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