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Chapter 5 by jaed jaed

What happens to Alice's spare swimsuit ?

It disappears without a trace.

" Alright Beth, let's just get over with this quickly", Alice told with Beth as both girls headed into the female locker room to retrieve her spare swimsuit.

"Are you sure you bringed one this time ?", Beth asked, as they entered the locker room, "Yes, and i made sure to triple check this time", Alice responded, alluding to the time she forgot to bring her spare one to class.

"Enough talk for now, it should be here if i remember correctly ", Alice said, while aproaching the upper middle locker on the left wall, "This is it Beth, now all i have to do is to open it and retrieve my swimsuit", she stated, " Are you sure ?, because this isn't your normal locker" Her friend commented.

"Yes, witch is why i decided to change locker and put all of my things on this one", The redheaded girl explained, "Yes, but, did you know if it belonged to someone", Beth pointed out to her.

"Don't worry about that, i asked the instructor if it currently belonged to someone and he said no", Alice explained while opening the locker door, " now, it should be here.....WHAT??!," she yelled as she realized as the swimsuit wasn't there. Because, unknowgly to her, this spare locker did have a previous owner, a girl who decided to quit her swimming classes, but returned after Alice had already settled there, in order to take all her stuff she left there, among witch, she accidentaly took Alice's spare swimsuit, after mistaking it for one of her own.

"err...Alice, are... you okay..?" Beth asked concerned to her friend, as Alice looked very shocked by this turn of events, "No..,I'm.. fine.., let's just...go plan B, remember that i had a third one hidden on the locker room, didn't i ?" The naked girl nervously said as she regained her composture.

What happens to the other spare swimsuit ?

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