Naked Fantasy Life

a world of naked fantasy

Chapter 1 by Zendle Zendle

In times of old, great kings ruled, magic was wielded, across the land all kinds of species (both sentient and not) roamed the land, and there were a lot of naked people.

Wait, what?

Naked Fantasy Life takes place in the realm of Nuderia (original I know). You take the role of a peasant, noble, hero or anything in between within one of the many kingdoms of the land as they go through many naked-related adventures, weather it be intentional or not.

these are the races to start, with more potentially being added (explained bellow):

Humans of Nuderia are spread all across the land and, like most fantasy humans strong willed, brave, and come in a variety of personalities. Most human civilizations view nudity as shameful and practice modesty, believing the human form to be weak and ****. But there are still a few who embrace their natural form.

Elves of Nuderia are beautiful, perfect being who occupy the vast forests of the land. Always at one with nature, lower-ranking or 'common' elves tend to go about naked simply because modesty is something they do not believe in and it helps them become one with nature. Higher ranking elves however are taught to wear majestic clothes designed to cover their bodies to the fullest extent and for an elven noble to shed them in public it is considered improper and a great humiliation to their family and people.

Dwarves, a sturdy, practical people, are known for three things: First, the innate knowledge they seem to have in matters concerning stone and metal work. Secondly, the seriousness they regard their work with. Thirdly, expressed most often after a hard day's work, the dwarves' love of strong drink. Strong, short, stout and sturdy, the dwarves are noted for being one of the few races to have a species-wide sense of modesty on par with that of humans.

Gnome society can be best described as controlled anarchy. They're all amazing inventors, subterranean farmers (Nuderian gnomes live in rabbit-like warrens, but don't describe it that way to them) and much sought after jewel-smiths. Dwarves especially will seek out gnomes to help them convert their precious metals and gemstones into amazing creations. A Gnomes sense of modesty is tied in a sense to their work. Most won't care if a new invention vaporizes their clothes or 'accidently' cause the pretty thing a few feet away to have a high labido, as long as their work succeeds then that's all that matters, clothes be dammed.

Orcs of Nuderia live in the scorched desert to the east, unlike their counterparts in other works, they aren't raving ugly brutes. True, they are much larger than the other species, standing over eight feet tall, with both genders being naturally muscled, and they are green skinned with a pair of viscous lower fangs...aside from that Orcs are quite appealing and very well endowed. Male Orcs have members that are large and thick (anybody under ten inches is considered small), and female orcs have massive breasts that remain proportionate to their muscled bodies. Because of this Orcs are known for ferocious sexual appetites, and also tend to toss modesty aside as they believe anyone who willing covers up their sexual gifts to be shameful.

Goblins, wild little troublemakers that live on the fringes of society. Some regard them as cousins to the orcs, though the similarity ends with their green skin and frequent lack of attire. Goblins often delight in causing havoc, sneaking into smaller settlements to, at their nicest, play humiliating pranks on the people within. Not all of them stay wild, however, though the ones that don't are few and far between. Such goblins, those who have traded their loincloths for more modest garments, often face hardship due to their kin's reputation and their small stature

Other races also exist, but I'll let you , the reader decide who they within the rules of course, speaking of which:


Standard rules apply, no **** ****, hard BDSM, vore, scat or any of those gross fetishes. ABSOLUTLEY NO BEAST RACES. If you want cat, dog, or lizard people go elsewhere. This story is a no yiffing zone.

Which race do you begin with?

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