Can You Keep From Getting Impregnated?

Don't let the man cum inside your craved pussy

Chapter 1 by pablosantori pablosantori

You are Emily: a short, curvy 18-year-old brunette-haired girl. With elegant long curls that surround your round bright face, wide wondrous eyes, and pouty lips, you are, at times, the moon and sun to the people who surround you. It is said that when you're smiling and laughing, your face brightens into the most terrific beam of sunshine; however, when you're not smiling or laughing, your eyes cast a black-eye shadow which gives many the assumption that you're sad (when you may or may not be).

You often maintain a cautious disposition, especially toward boys. Despite your fears, however, you have a very trusting personality-- until someone takes things too far. And how far is too far? Believe me, you'll know.

"I like boys, I love having their attention, I crave it, but I don't want them in the way that they want me." So you have said one time or two.

At times, you can be flirty, until your fears hold you back. This often leads boys to immediately label you as a tease, since no one has gone any further with you than a mere kiss on the lips. The boys that are quicker to do so, are the ones of whom you must be most cautious of.

When you were younger an old gypsy placed a curse on you. "You will become **** to the first man who impregnates you." She said. And along with this curse came an unwavering fertility to your delicate womb, the perfect baby-bucket. So she warned (as if this curse needed such a label), "A single drop of a man's seed and he will have total ownage over you. So, watch out you little slut."

Now, you are ready to begin. Please, be careful out there...

A few notes: Birth control pills do not work for you; however, condoms may help...a bit.

If a man's seed enters your egg, it will take approximately seven to fourteen days before you are fully transmuted into his ****.

So, tell me, where do Emily's adventures/misadventures begin?

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