The ranch

The ranch

Life of freedom on the green fields.

Chapter 1 by Caelum83 Caelum83

Somewhere on the rolling planes of the United States, far away from the busy cities, with the next nearest house at least an hour’s drive away, there was a ranch. It was run by a divorced blonde woman in her mid 50’s called Blanche Rochard, who had 2 daughters from her previous marriage and one from her first boyfriend which she only dated for a month. Clair was 32 years old, blond like her mother and although her mother conceiving her was more like an accident, Blanche loved her daughter dearly and they could get along as best friends. Clair co-ran the ranch and knew everything as well as her mother. Megan, the eldest of the other two siblings, was a 23 year old redhead girl with her hair always in 2 tails over her shoulders, freckles covering her face. She was very protective of her younger sister Chrissy. Chrissy was very tomboyish, curious and brash. She had short red hair, mostly because of her mother’s choice, as she could always find her youngest in the trees or mud, her clothes and hair a total mess. Blanche, Megan and Chrissy almost always wore denim dungarees, a blouse, leather boots and cowboy hats. Clair most of the time would be wearing skirts or hot pants with t-shirts, still with leather boots and cowboy hats like her family.

Now, Blanche’s ranch wasn’t a place where you normally would raise a couple of hot blooded, spirited girls as on the Rochard ranch they didn’t keep your regular animals. On the fields and in the barn human females were taken care of. Consenting females at that. Women would come to the ranch, willingly losing their clothes and would live on the ranch as livestock while getting taken care by the Rochards. It started when Blanche was much younger, dating her first boyfriend, and she somehow found out that some women had a kink of walking around naked and be treated like an animal, some kind of advanced mix between submission and voyeurism.

Blanche and her boyfriend bought this old ranch and tried to facilitate those women. They would usually come for a part of the day, have fun and then go back home. But after a while not only did word spread about the ranch, pulling more women towards it, women were asking if they could stay longer, often overnight. With her boyfriend leaving on her, Blanche was running everything and agreed as the constant attention took her mind of everything.

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When after a few months noticed she was expecting Clair, things seemed to get too much for her, but instead of it all becoming a burden, the regulars on the farm instead helped Blanche getting through her pregnancy. They even helped taking care of Clair when she was born if Blanche was too tired to do so, those that were capable of doing so breastfeeding the child and others keeping her warm and safe. This way, Clair grew up between the naked women and was mostly naked herself too, getting used to it all while growing up. Caring for Clair in such a natural way, some of the regular women started to yearn for caring for offspring too. This would take the ranch to the next level as women started to ask Blanche if she could arrange for men to be invited, only to impregnate the women after which they could leave again. Blanche agreed after setting up some ground rules and contracts and so it happened that the first man set foot on the ranch.

One of the regulars, Grace, a 27 year old black haired woman who Clair loved to be with, was sleeping curled up in the barn with an also sleeping Clair in her embrace, when she suddenly felt a warm, slick rod sliding inside her vagina. As she slowly woke up and looked over her shoulder, she saw a man looking back, motioning her to silence while pointing to the sleeping Clair. Grace was softly breathing while she let herself get mated. Not long after the man started to cum inside her warm hole, making the female moan louder as the man picked up the pace. Just before the man came in Grace, Clair woke up, smiling at her moaning guardian as Grace felt herself get filled up. As the man pulled out, and stood up, Grace looked up at him tenderly and while she felt drops of his cum slowly sliding down her leg, she watched the potential father of her child walk away. Then she turned back to Clair, who yawned loudly and held the child tightly and went back to sleep. 9 months later, all the females were sitting around a screaming Grace as she was delivering her child in the same place as it was conceived. That year, even more females had gone into labor and delivered their litter at the Rochard ranch.

*All my stories are public now, so add to your delight and imaginations! *

Which brings us to the current state of business.

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