A New Home

A New Home

And an old friend.

Chapter 1 by alextbyron alextbyron

“My name’s Mark Harris. I’m here about the apartment,” you speak into the intercom.

The front door to the low-rise apartment building buzzes and unlocks for you. You take the elevator up to the second floor and you walk down the hall glancing at the numbers beside the doors.


You sincerely hope the apartment isn't a rat-hole. Not that it would make much difference, you are ****.


Judging by the price in the paper, it could hardly be anything but a rat-hole.


You are looking for 210, and there are only two doors left on this side of the hall. At least it is a corner apartment. But that optimism fades when you glance down at the floor. At the foot of the door lays a welcome mat with a large image of a pair of eyes and the words “Nice Skirt!”

Great, you think to yourself. It’s going to be a bunch of drunken college guys. That is hardly what you need but you knock on the door anyway. You are ****.

There is a few moments of silence followed by a scuffling noise and then a woman’s voice answers you.

“Who is it,” she asks breathlessly. Great one of the kid’s girlfriends.

“My name’s Mark Harris. I’m here about the apartment.”

“Ohh! Great, umm… let me just grab a towel.”

You sigh to yourself and wait quietly in the hall. After a few moments you here the sound of deadbolt being drawn back and the door swung open to reveal someone you didn’t expect.

Who is it?

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