Too Good For Too Long

Too Good For Too Long

Aliens "help" a woman's vagina take its rightful place.

Chapter 1 by MagnumTape MagnumTape

I awoke to the sound of bustling footsteps and frantic conversation. After a few seconds to orient myself to my surroundings, I took stock of the strange situation. I was strapped upside-down to some kind of examination table with thick metal bands, my arms pointing downward. The table split with my legs, spreading them open slightly, and the sides seemed to be connected to pivots. An IV filled with strange green fluid was hooked into the side of my knee. I was completely naked, my recently shaved pussy on full display for whoever had orchestrated this strange scene. A familiar smell, like antiseptic and latex gloves, hit my nose. Was I in a hospital? The last thing I could remember was leaving for work. I did the only sane thing I could and let out a shrill scream. My cry of terror was cut short by an unfamiliar nasal voice.

"Will somebody shut that thing up?"

A gloved hand grabbed my chin, and I shifted my gaze from my exposed body to the figure kneeling in front of me. I audibly gasped just before the being held my jaw open and a green cylinder was **** into my mouth. The thing was surprisingly humanoid. It had slightly green skin, and the hand that was painfully trying to push something the size of a soda can past my tongue had four slender fingers. Its brown hair was cut to a bob and framed a face that could have belonged to anybody I knew in my neighbourhood. The being could have passed for a human in cosplay if it wasn't for the most prominent difference: in place of a mouth and nose, the creature had a vertical slit underneath its green eyes. Upon close inspection, it wasn't a vagina (there was no clit and the proportions were all wrong), but it looked close enough from a glance. Realizing that the large device wouldn't fit in my mouth, the being let go and adjusted a dial which I hadn't noticed. I once again tried to scream, this time for somebody, anybody to end this nightmare, but the being clamped its hand over my mouth to silence me yet again. The four-fingered hands were surprisingly strong and I could taste the glove it was wearing as I strained my voice.

"I could use some gel G2, sister. This disgusting thing's canal is too small for the plug."

I heard a clattering sound as if a tray had been moved, then a second figure came into my field of view holding a small canister of purple liquid. As the being had spoken, its vagina-like slit had wiggled, flexing and stretching to produce the words. They came out nasally due to the absence of a nose. I realized that the sounds of the room around me must be other beings of the same type, walking around and preparing for something. The being in front of me opened the canister and applied purple liquid around the "plug", adjusted the dial again, and took her hand off my mouth. Before I could scream again, however, she pushed my mouth open as wide as she could with one hand and positioned the strange device between my teeth with the other. Drops of bitter purple landed on my tongue, making strange bubbling noises where they landed. She took a second to steady her hand, then shoved the 2 and a half inch wide plug into the back of my throat twice as hard as the first attempt. Retching noises filled the room as the head bounced against my tonsils, triggering my gag reflex. My body spasmed as much as it could within the restraints. Purple foam from the lubricant spilled out onto my face, the bitter taste running down the back of my throat and the smell filling my lungs. In the midst of the ****, I heard the prominent nasal voice from before ring out again.

"We can't wait any longer for the plug. Begin preparing for oral resuscitation. This is an emergency situation, sisters!"

The being decreased the pressure on the cylinder, clearly frustrated with my lack of performance. Somehow between the foam and the foreign body stuffed in my jaw, I got in a breath of air. Before I could take a second, the plug was rammed into my gullet again, eliciting another series of retching noises. It was taking everything I had not to vomit all over my face and the table. This time, however, I felt a cold metal object press against my neck, then a click like a camera shutter.


I involuntarily swallowed, sending a huge mouthful of purple foam and spit down my throat.


As the plug hit the back of my throat, I heard another click.

"Glglh- " *SHLOPPP*

The first inch of the plug had slipped into my throat, roughly pushing my uvula to the top of my mouth and stretching my tonsils to insane proportions. A spurt of purple liquid shot out of my mouth, hitting my attendant in the face. She wiped it off, taking a second to smirk at her success while my throat and jaw ached. Another click.

"HHhhgGGGlhhhh- " *SHLOPPP*

My throat convulsed and clenched around the device, another inch sliding down my throat. Strangely, even though I could still feel my gag reflex triggering, the retching noises began to subside. The plug had nearly cleared my teeth and the being once again pushed as hard as she could. This time I felt the sick sensation of the soda can slipping past my tongue. The being tilted my head back on the table until I was looking directly at the floor, and held it there while she wiggled the plug to find the best angle of approach. the foam lubricant in my mouth ran down her arm and fell to the floor in thick gobs, mixed with my spit and snot. My lungs were pounding for another breath of air.


The last two inches lurched inside of me with a squelch. I tried to cough, to vomit, to do anything, but I found that I simply didn't have control over my vocal cords anymore. The urges were there in my brain, telling me to get this thing out, to reach in and rip it out of my throat, but I wasn't making any noises, no matter how hard I strained my lungs or shouted internally. The attendant tapped the same cold metal tool to the front of my throat, running it over the horrible bulge of the 4-inch-long goose egg in my throat. My adam's apple was displaced by the object, sticking out grotesquely. A beeping sound emanated from inside my throat, signalling the attendant of something. She smiled and released my head from the table, walking out of my field of vision with the tool and the gel canister. I felt the device whir to life, strange vibrating sensations echoing down my trachea. My eyes had begun to droop, the lack of oxygen making my vision fuzzy. They closed for a second, then snapped open again as a rush of air entered my lungs. The device was automatically regulating my breathing.

"The plug has been successfully inserted, doctor. All breathing and vocal capability is regulated. A very strange, unwelcome orifice. I recommend stretching regimen B1."

"Good work, sister. The equipment is ready for resuscitation, we must proceed immediately. Status report?"

A third nasal voice spoke up.

"Still no activity from the patient. Other body processes are green."

A gloved hand stroked my labia, sending sparks down my body in spite of the uncomfortable throat procedure.

"Don't worry, Ma'am. We'll get you out of there safely. We're professionals."

Just out of the corner of my eye, I could see four more beings wheeling in a cart covered with tubes, glowing lights, and warning signs.

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