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Chapter 5 by NecroPeridot NecroPeridot

Does Ay head there or somewhere else?

Heads directly there

Upon exiting the Hokage tower Ay decided to go directly to the Uzumaki household. Immediately upon exiting the tower Ay jumped back up to the roofs and looked down at the paper Tsunade had given him. On it not only was the address of the Uzumaki household but also directions on how to get there. Mentally thanking the extremely endowed Hokage in his mind Ay took off towards his destination. It took the Raikage nearly five minutes to reach his destination it was an annoyance to him that about halfway through he had to switch from roof jumping to tree jumping. This was a testament to how far out of the way the Uzumaki family lived. Normally this would have bothered him but for what he had planned this was perfect.

Ay stopped a couple dozen feet away from a building that he assumed was the Uzumaki household. He actually admired it even if it was fairly small. The house was mostly circular in design with a couple section that were extruding outwards a far deal. The house didn’t look all that big though looking as if it had very few rooms for people to stay in. Though he wasn’t one to judge as he usually just slept in his office everyday because he was always so busy. Deciding that he lollygagged enough he approached the light brown wooden door of the house and was about to knock on it when it opened up. It showed Naruto Uzumaki walking out of the house with two children following after him.

“Good bye Hinata we’ll be back in a couple days.” With that Naruto just noticed the mountain of muscle that was the Raikage in front of him, “Hello Raikage what are you doing here?” The way Naruto said it in such a way that showed genuine curiosity as few people visit his home with it being so far out of the way.

Seeing the blonde Uzumaki still infuriated the Raikage as in his mind the brat continually disrespected him by never taking him seriously. Oh, how the Uzumaki would pay for that and the best part was he wouldn’t know anything was happening before it was too late. Those thoughts aside however the Raikage made note that children were present so Ay had to temper his usual aggressive attitude, “I am in town for diplomatic reasons and need a place to stay. Tsunade told me that I should ask you if my entourage and I could stay here for the duration of the trip.”

Naruto seemed to ponder this for a bit,” well I think it should be fine. Although I’m taking my children on a trip to Mount Myoboku so we should be gone for a few days.”

It surprised Ay that Naruto had children and couldn’t help but ask about them,” I didn’t know that you of all people would have children”

Naruto just laughed it off, secretly infuriating Ay more at what he perceived to be an insult to him, before saying, “Nope I have two kids Boruto and Himiwari. I would stay and talk but we need to hurry, or Ma and Pa will have my hide.” With that he picked up his children to the delight of the girl, Himiwari, and chagrin of the boy, Boruto, and took off like a bat out of hell.

Ay just stood there dumbly for a minute before realizing the golden opportunity he was blessed with. Him alone with Naruto’s wife for an extended period of time. His plan couldn’t have gone off any better with that. With those thought he walked into the house noting that it was much more spacious on the inside than it looked. He heard someone coming down the stairs and knew that it must be Hinata as she was the only other person here. He decided to look to see how she changed in the years since he met the Hyuga.

Hinata definitely changed though over the years as her outfit was much different than what she wore during the war and the few times he seen her with Naruto later on. She had on a light purple short-sleeved jacket that had a white long-sleeved shirt underneath it. Moving down she wore a pair of light brown shorts that ended just a bit above her knees. The final item that he could see is she was also wearing purple open-toed boots that reached up to the middle of her calves. Looking closer he noted two major things the first being that she had a necklace on that had the Uzumaki symbol on it. The second one and the more important in his mind was her breasts seemed to have gotten much larger than they were years prior. Hinata made it to the final step when she noticed him finally. “Lord Raikage what are you doing here? If you are here for my husband, her just left.” Her statements were said with the same naivety that he remembered her having all those years ago.

‘this should be easier than I thought’ was the first thing that popped into Ay’s head. Waiting a few moments to answer Ay responded,’ I needed a place for me and my entourage to stay while we are in the village. Uzumaki said it was alright before he rushed out with those children of yours.” Ay said dismissively like it didn’t really matter. Hinata seemed to mull over his words seemingly slightly uncomfortable for a moment before she took on a faint smile.

“Very well if Naruto said it is okay then you can stay.” With that said Hinata went back upstairs. Ay watched he walk up the stairs watching her ass move with each step she took. To him it seemed like her breasts weren’t the only thing that got bigger. He decided to take a look around to familiarize himself with the place he would be staying. He only had been walking around for a couple minutes before he heard water running coming from upstairs. He actually seemed giddy upon the implications of this sound and figured this would be a perfect time to make his move. He stealthily made his way up the stairs and towards where the sound was coming from, which seemed to be the master bedroom which in hindsight should have been obvious. He slowly cracked the door open to see if there was in the clear to enter but knew he had to wait since Hinata was in the room.

Hinata was dressed much differently though than she was downstairs. It seemed Ay had caught her already undressing herself and only had her underwear on. That was a sight that he greatly enjoyed too as she was wearing a deep purple bra that looked snug on her breasts. Ay looked at he breasts to see what size the were and was actually taken aback when he estimated them to be G cup sized breasts. her breasts seemed to be just a size under Tsunade’s own legendary rack. Reluctantly pulling his eyes away from her magnificent tits Ay moved his eyes down to her ass. Ay felt his breath hitch in his throat because Hinata had the perfect bubble butt. It was only further helped that she was wearing a skimpy thong on that matched the bra she wore. Ay felt his cock harden and twitch in his pants seeing all of this.

Ay watched as Hinata walked towards the bathroom connected to her room. Ay waited for a couple minutes before he entered to make sure she didn’t notice him. When those couple minutes passed Ay walked towards the bathroom to see what was going on. He looks in to see that her thong and bra sitting on the ground right on the other side of the door. He grabbed the thong and tucked it away thinking he could use it for something later. He noticed that Hinata had stepped into shower and was mesmerized. Watching the water cascade down her smooth pale body entranced the dark-skinned Raikage. He sat there for what seemed like hours watching the droplets of water flow across her breasts and make their down her flawless body. Ay’s cock was so hard that it felt like it was threatening to rip through his pants. Ay couldn’t take it anymore and all but tore his pants down his body. His huge 15 inch cock flopped up and hit developed abdomen. He strode confidently to the shower and stepped inside Hinata still not seeing due to her back being to him. Ay felt he waited long enough and walked under he was right behind her. Then when he was directly behind, he grabbed her massive breasts and pulled Hinata into him. Hinata let out a gasp from the sudden feeling of her breasts being grabbed but before she could say anything though Ay, with a cocky smirk, asked her,” Are you ready for some fun?”

What does the Raikage do next?

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