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Chapter 2 by majus majus

Creation of Avatar (name, occupation, race);Army(race, faction);World of choosing

Eve Sharp a bandit leader; Bandits; Wild West

Well, you decided on wild west.

You always thought that this era lacked strong female characters, so you will become one. In your life you were a feminist, lesbian and have no intention of changing that. You will teach the world the power of females!

First – your avatar.

A female with European roots. You, of course, make her a beauty – that's how it is, you either make your character beautiful or ugly, one or the other, not many go with common.... and dammit! That's your second life! You want to have nice body. Sculpting her – soon yours – face was fun, it reminded you of Sims. You made sure her body was fit – not to much fat but not to little as well (it will not mean much without a proper trait, but it is nice for an eye). You gave her C-cup sized breast, long black hair, bright violet eyes... you considered adding a scar on eye but decided not to. Then clothes: bra, panties, chaps and short vest – all in black leather. Then black heeled riding boots and black cowboy hat. With your thighs, belly and cleavage on display, this clothes for sure didn't leave much to imagination.

Then traits.

You took 'quick draw' and 'fast trigger' which allowed you to, quickly draw weapon and shoot fast... faster then common grunt. This will be useful in gunfights at noon. You added 'good eye' trait, which allowed you to shoot more accurately and spot things and enemies better.

Finally you added 'sex appeal' and 'sex bomb' that made you more attractive for those that are interested in females... enough attractive to hesitate a little before firing on you. Those sure went with clothes... it actually amplified the effect.

You automatically get 'Player trait' - which makes you resistant to many negative mind effects like fear and horror.

Now, your army.

Confeds, Federals, Mexicans, bandits, Siux, Apache...

You decide to go with bandits. They while lacking in discipline and equipment they are quite varied group.

You will be master of your won. Maybe you will create some kind of country of your own...

The main recourse for new units is gold. You can acquire it by killing enemies (who's equipment you can take as your own), stealing or preforming quests.

With everything finished, you pushed start button hanging on lower right of your vision. Then pushed that 'yes I'm were sure of mine choices'. Again, 'Yes I know that I can't take them back'. Another pop-up. Seriously? Even in afterlife?

After third time, you were sucked out. The next thing you know, is that you are standing in middle of forest in body that you designed. Cool.

You check your menu, you character sheet is okay, your equipment... what?

You only have single Colt Paterson with belt holster... and holster's not black?

Och, and only 20 bullets.

Okay. You have 1000 gold. You go to unit menu. Normally you will need a building to build/spawn units, but this is starting zone – one of few exceptions to the rule.

Okay, peasant, 20 gold, equipment knife pants, shirt sandals...

No. Definitely No. Big NO.

Let's modify it a little.

A peasant, change gender to female. Change equipment to white loincloth, sleeveless tight long white tunic, brown knee-long moccasins. Thighs and cleavage on display – checked. You added two weapon: a knife and model 1822 musket. Then traits 'good looking', 'homosexual' and 'good eye' (after all you want them to be useful and manage to hit your enemies, not only be an eye candy).

Overall cost – 100 gold. Much better.

You set the design as one of your standards.

Now, you spawn five of them. You will keep rest of gold for later.

As they appear, you can tell the differences between them, they are not identical, not clones - definitely nice to eye, but not beautiful. Considering the light blush adoring their faces when they look at you, you can say that your traits are working.

Finally one speaks, drawing you away from checking them ou... from your musings.

“Hey boss! What's the plan?”

Yes, what now?

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