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Chapter 4 by Bauer1 Bauer1

What's next?

Enter The Gunslinger


“Hold onto her!” the big man yelled. “She’s gonna scamp if you don’t hold on!”

 Sasha tried to struggle out of the skinny man’s grip but it was no good. The skinny man’s arms may have been thin as sticks, but his hands were large and strong. He giggled incessantly as she struggled, revealing his dying, brown teeth. His breath was rotten and stunk of fish.

 The big man grabbed hold of Sasha's right foot and began to tie his rope around it.  He was big as a bull, and twice as ugly. Raccoon skins hung from his duster and swung to and fro as Sasha kicked at him and he wrestled to keep her still.

 There were two other men present and they looked on from the mounts of their horses, a small smile on each of their faces. They were in a small valley formed by the mountains and dotted with hills and brush. There were mountains of sand and mud everywhere and a small stream ran through the valley.

 The big man hit Sasha in the face with the **** that resembled a freight train, which knocked all resistance out of her, allowing him to finish tying the rope to her foot. Soon, all four of her limbs were fastened with rope. Sasha had been beaten, witnessed the **** of the people she had shared the now burning stage coach with, and was too weak to struggle anymore.

 The men tied the other end of each rope to four horses. The skinny man got onto his horse as the big man stood over Sasha and smiled down at her.

 “The monies we got from the stage coach will mostly go to Loco. However he won't get his take of you!" He said, with a filthy glint in his eye. "You've got spirit, bitch! I like that!" Indicating to the fresh claw marks adorning his forearm given to him by Sasha. "If you don't want to die a horrible ****, right here you will lie still, keep quiet and pleasure us!"

"No! Please don't!" Sasha pleaded, turning her gaze onto all four men, desperately seeking one of them who would help her in her most **** hour, but she didn't find any compassion or warmth in the eyes of her four assailants. "HELP ME!" Sasha screamed at the top of her lungs, her **** cry bounced off the canyon's walls.

"Fucking bitch!" The big man cursed, and hit her again, ceasing her pleas for help.

 Chuckling menacingly he got on his own horse. All four of the bandits were on horses now, with each horse holding a rope that was tied to her. She was going to be drawn-and-quartered. This was it: She was going to die.

 “Hey!” The skinny man shouted. “Get out of here! This ain’t no business of yours!”

   Sasha looked around as best she could. Standing just in front of a small hill, bathed in the harsh sunlight, was a stranger. The stranger was tall and wearing a duster. The terrified and tied up woman could only see a silhouette and discern no more.

 “Are you deaf and dumb?” The big man asked in a menacing tone.“He said get out of here!”

 The Stranger looked up at them and the big man began to laugh. The Stranger was a woman. She took her hat off, tossed it aside. Her hair was long and brown, sweaty and dirty . As she moved closer to them, they could see her better. Her duster was open, revealing her strange clothes. A dark vest was open save for the bottom button, revealing a small white shirt. A short scarf hugged her neck. The bandits' attention were simultaneously drawn to her pair of huge, round breasts straining at the fabric of the shirt. She was wearing a pair of jeans that had been cut off, leaving behind the shortest pair of shorts the men had ever seen. Her legs were clad in black hoses and she wore sturdy, mud-caked boots. A gunbelt complete with matching pistols adorned her hips and ammo pouches were strapped to her legs. A sawed-off Remington rifle was slung across her back.

 The big man pulled his pistol,and pointed it at the Stranger. “Leave or you will die, foolish woman,” He shouted.

 “Not exactly fair,” the Stranger said, causing the big man to laugh again.

 “We don’t play fair, honey,” The skinny man sniggered between bouts of laughter.

 The Stranger looked at them, a small smile on her face. The big man stopped laughing, realizing that her meaning was different. She wasn’t talking about the four of them ganging up on Sasha. She meant that they provided no challenge to her.

 The Stranger moved before the big man could react. She pulled two long, curved knives from the insides of her duster and threw them. They twirled through the air and cut all four ropes that bound Sasha. One cutting the ropes binding her arms, the other cutting the ropes binding her legs. Now that she was free, Sasha managed to crawl out of the way and hid behind a bush.

 “Kill her!” the big man roared, in time with his thumb cocking back the hammer on his Smith and Wesson.

 Immediately after throwing the knives, the Stranger pulled both of her pistols and began to fire. Her first shot took the skinny man in the face, his nose disappearing and the back of his head exploding. Her second shot hit the third man’s horse, dropping it and the man riding it to the ground. The horse landed on the man’s leg and he began to scream in pain.

 The big man and the fourth man began to fire at the Stranger and she whirled away, hiding behind a tree. Quick as lightning, she pulled the sawed-off rifle from her back, and  whirled back into the line of fire.

 Panicked the two men fired again and again at the Stranger, but their shots were wild, and tore into the bark of the dead tree. She fired twice, taking down both men, who uttered choked cries of pain and surprise as fell off their horses, dead before they hit the dirt.

The Stranger walked past the carnage, noting the three bodies of the victims of these bandits' savagery. One was a old lady with a bullet hole in her right temple. The same fate had also met a gentleman clad in some fine looking clothing, and a young man in a typical rancher's outfit.

A loud groan bought her attention to the man pinned under his own horse. He was desperately trying to reach for his gun, but wasn’t having any success. He looked upwards to find the Stranger stood over him. "P-please!" He whimpered pathetically, his voice tight with pain and his eyes wild with fear.

The stranger raised her rifle and shot him in the heart. She collected her long, curved knives and put them back in her duster, put her hat back on and looked towards the bush where the young woman was hiding.

Sasha finally found the strength to sit up and did so, looking around the bush that she had collapsed behind and eying the Stranger with a little suspicion. The Stranger caught her look, took a few steps towards the woman. Sasha moved away quickly.

 “It’s okay,” the Stranger said softly.

With great trepidation Sasha crawled out from behind the bush, never taking her eyes off the Stranger. Sasha was in her mid twenties, with caramel chocolate skin. She was wearing a dress which would normally have been frowned upon polite society for being rather revealing before this tragic event. The dress was torn in places revealing a trim tummy, but the stranger's eyes were fixated on Sasha's huge, exposed breasts as they rose and fell spectacularly as she breathed heavily. The black lady's breasts seemed to be of a size to rival her own, the gunslinger mused. If it weren't for the cut on her lip and the black eye she was sporting courtesy of the brute lying in the dirt she would be stunning,  the brunette thought. 

“How far is town from here?” The Stranger asked, aware that she should help the near victim of a brutal **** rather than ogle her voluptuous body.

 “Not far,” Sasha replied between ragged breaths. “A couple miles, I think".

“I’ll give you a ride,” the Stranger offered before searching the pockets of the nearest dead bandit for anything of value. She then moved to the next, and could feel the eyes of Sasha on her full behind as she went through the big brute's pockets. To test her theory the Stranger shook her ass, and was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath from the lady she had rescued. 

 With an amused smile the gunslinger took one of the dead men’s horses, mounted it, extended a hand to Sasha once she was strong enough to stand. Sasha looked at the offered hand for a moment, wary, before taking it. She got on the horse behind the Stranger, and encircled her arms around the woman while pressing her huge breasts against her rescuer's back.

 They rode in silence for a few minutes, Sasha spent the time staring off into the distance. The sun was setting and the view was breathtaking, as was the gorgeous, mysterious woman who rescued her from a terrible fate. "Thank you for saving me back there. I'm Sasha".

"The name is Victoria, but keep it to yourself. I don't like to advertise myself too much!" The beautiful brunette replied, gazing over her shoulder at Sasha while favouring her with a smile. "So Sasha, why were you headed to Garrison?"

"I have been hired to do some dancing for one of the saloons on a six month contract. Bed, board and a decent wage". Sasha replied, trying valiantly not to think about the other three people in the stage coach who weren't as fortunate as she was, whose bodies were probably being used as food for vultures right about now.

"Six month contract? You must be good". Victoria remarked "Cabaret?"

"Something like that". Sasha replied, unwilling to tell this stranger that she would be working as a burlesque dancer, despite her rapidly growing attraction to her gorgeous saviour. 


They were silent again for the last half a mile, and by the time they rode down the main street of Garrison, the sun was setting. After locating the stables to leave the horse, Victoria tossed the awe struck teenaged stable hand a silver dollar coin, and told him to look after her new horse. The youth to his credit managed to nod inbetween gawking at the two curvaceous women.

"This is my stop" Sasha announced once they stopped outside the Lucky 8 Saloon which also doubled as a gambling house, and would also be her home for the next few months. "I'm going to check in. Wait up for me, will ya?"

Victoria nodded, and buried herself watching Sasha's firm behind sway with every step. While she waited for Sasha to return the brunette gunslinger spent the next few minutes scoping the landscape, the buildings and citizens of Garrison. Victoria noted with some amusement that such a small town had three brothels. "Looks like I'll have plenty of choice later". She muttered to herself with a smirk.

"My room is number 11". Sasha announced when she returned. She had obviously spent a little while cleaning up, and she looked a whole lot better. In fact bar some swelling on her face, and a cut lip Victoria wouldn't have guessed that she had been assaulted. "Listen, thanks again...."

"Think nothing about it. I....." The gunslinger said, before Sasha interrupted her by pressing her lips against the brunettes' own full pair of ruby cocksuckers. Victoria moaned in surprise, but quickly recovered and returned the kiss passionately. 

It was quite some time before their lips parted, and it took them a few moments to realise that quite a folks were gawking and staring at them, the teenaged stable boy amongst them.

"Do you want to come up to my room?" Sasha whispered in her rescuer's ear.

Victoria was sorely tempted, but she felt that the beautiful Sasha needed rest time after her ordeal. "I really do, but I think we should wait a bit". She told her disappointed would be lover, before dipping her left hand into the left pocket of her cut off denims. "These are for you". She announced, placing several coins in Sasha's dainty hand. "For new clothes, and to see the town 'quack' in the morning".

"I.... I can't take this money". Sasha stammered.

"It's a gift". Victoria assured her, before flashing the gorgeous chocolate skinned woman an amused smile. "Besides the bandits won't be needing that money anymore!"

Sasha glanced at the silver coins for a few moments before closing the palm of her hand around them. "Thank you, for everything. Will I see you tomorrow then?"

"You shall indeed". Victoria assured her, and plants a fierce kiss on her soon to be lover's lips.

Eventually the two curvaceous vixens disentangled themselves from each other, and went their respective ways.

"Man, I really need to get laid!" The busty brunette muttered to herself as she turned her gaze upon the buildings down Garrison's main street. 


What happens next? Where does she go?

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