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Chapter 2 by Gambio Gambio

Which one of these trash-fests do you want to read about?

Debauchery is Underrated, by CurvyLinesEverywhere


“Gina, please.”

“This is one of these pretentious fuckers isn't it? The ones who think their writing is waaaay better then it actually is.”

“Well, lets not judge too early. The tags sounds fun.”

“The guy can't even spell embarrassment right, Marcie!”

“Hm, after reading the author's note who basically take over half the first chapter, the premise of this is in essence that this is...a fantasy Isekai.”

“Wow! What an unique and novel idea! I bet it will have lots of RPG stats and other nerd shit and guess what? It even is in game mode! You know how many stories we read that made good use of game mode? One! Why aren't we reading Becoming a Warrior, Marcie? I want to bully Almax-kyun instead of this turbonerd!”

“Gina, you are currently at a ten and I need you at like a six. Can you do this for me?”

“Ugh, roll the fucking title already and lets get this over with.”

“With pleasure, we are reading Debauchery is Underrated, by CurvyLinesEverywhere"

“And the title sucks too!”


“The story starts with our hero, well, protagonist, Shiroe arriving in a different world. Right from the start he is eager to...change the world?”

“That's certainly a fucking vague goal.”

“Well, gathering intelligence is the cornerstone for any endeavor and so he starts by doing just that.”

“Eventually, he runs into a catgirl who really wants a muffin. Instead of just buying her the fucking muffin we get shit like this.”

Shiroe raised both eyebrows to indicate interest, and continued listening.

I despise when writers do this. I am not a fan of show don't tell but this is show and tell. The worst of both worlds.

“And this.”

Shiroe pressed his fingertips together while regarding her and continued to wait.

“Fun fact. This gesture is called a scholar's cradle. Add the word “Excellent” to it for maximum effect.”

“After all this worthless shit, our hero finally accepts the quest to get the girl a muffin and demands to speak to the shops manager like a fucking Karen. Ugh! This is chapter 5! Where is the sex!”

“Gina please. The tags did promise a slow burn.”

“Uggghhhh!!! Now they are just talking about how to make muffins!”

“Well, we reached chapter 8 and there is at least a tickle scene. It's not a particularly erotic one and the protagonist doesn't even take part in it but...”

"Fuck... you..." Niki gasped hoarsely.

"Not in public. Ugh... Cantrip: Instant Bath."

“Great, the fucker has Marcie's sense of humor.”

“I would never make that joke.”

"I warned you that if you kept your weakness a secret, sooner or later, it would come back to haunt you."


"Of course, if you'd been in any real danger, I would have intervened. You're just lucky that it happened here, in the middle of town, in broad daylight, and not out on the battlefield."

"That... wasn't... my weakness."

"I beg your pardon?"

"That wasn't my weakness... That was just... Fang... being a bitch."

There was more?

"I see." Shiroe thought for a moment, but then realized that more thinking wasn't necessarily going to help.

"We'll talk about this later. Right now, let's get you hydrated."

„This is what counts as a chapter for this absolute unit. Where's the fucking narration? This shit feels like something we would write. Is this guy a troll? Is this fuck just out there trolling us? Maybe this is unkown in disguise again.“

“Please, Gina. The writing is too advanced for that.”

“Then that one's followed up by a long ass introspection in which the muffin man justifies his warped worldview. Holy fuck, this is you Marcie!”

“Gina, please.”

“12 fucking chapters and we finally get a sex scene and its some weird tickle fetish again!”

“I go out on a limp and say if the protagonist was female you would be all over it.”

“I would not!”

“As expected, our protagonist is a genius a sex. He is so good at it that he sends Niki.(the muffin cat girl) to an alternate dimension.

this is referred to as 'subspace--' the mental space sometimes inhabited by intentionally submissive people."

“Intriguing. Did you ever experience something like that, Gina?”

“Yeah-with Marel.”





“Oh, come on, stop pouting, Marcie! That was a joke!”

“I am a master of the erotic arts.”


“For I read many books on sexual intercourse. I know what I'm talking about.”

“Marcie, can we, like, continue?”

“I suppose, ah, that tickle sex scene. It was good, but hm.”

“What it is, it?”

“The author framed it as this immense sensory overload that pretty much turned Niki to mush and the protagonist cursed himself for going too far. But the scene itself didn't feel like that, you know? It all felt like pretty harmless tickle play.”

“So, the author is a sissy ass bitch, you say?”

“I withhold my judgment until later, but I do believe this first sex scene should have been drawn out longer. As it is, there is a bit of a disconnect.”

“Oh look! 20 fucking chapters in and we finally have a battle in this Fantasy RPG story!”

“Against giant crabs.”

“At least its not goblins.”

"Do you have any complaints?" he said.

"Fuck you."

"Not here. You might get crabs."


„No, Marcie.“

„But you do have to admit he has a pretty refined sense of humor.“

“Yeah, repeating the same joke within the span of 10 chapters sure is the height of comedy.”

“But, Gina, that is the joke.”

“Well the joke sucks!”

“I think we should move on.”

Shiroe pushed his glasses up his nose.

“You know, I know what he means but I still can't help imagine him shoving an entire pair of glasses up his nostrils every time that sentence pops up.”

“Please contain your nose picking fetish for once, Marcie.”

“He wrote embarrassed erroneous again in chapter 34. Is it wrong that his inability to spell this particular word right is turning me on?”


Some people people stared at him. Other people hid what they were doing, or even fled when they saw him coming.

“Ah yes, the people people who like to watch people.”

“Repeating words is definitely this authors weakness. Have some more examples on the house.”

Tirra stopped pumping her her mana into Amara's ritual,

you can lean on each other for the strength that you would normally normally draw from me."

“Alright, Marcie now the story is just jumping from place to place randomly.”

“True, from here on out the flow of the story becomes somewhat disconnected. We get many different plot threads that seemingly lead to nowhere.”

“Like the two fuck bunnies. I wanna see more about them!”

“This isn't necessarily a bad thing. It gives the whole story a certain slice of life quality. And I do believe these plot threads will eventually pay off.”

“You know what doesn't pay off? The sex to story ratio! And then this asshat, this absolute piece of garbage has the audacity to introduce a succubus and give us a sex scene with her, described entirely in a fucking POEM!!!”

“Which he then promptly proceeds to explain in the comments.”

By the penultimate stanza, we've passed through scene-setting, metaphor, innuendo, and explicit orgy, finally arriving at the devastation left in the wake of her ravenous feeding. But again, it's ambiguous which lines are literal and which lines are sex puns. Her attack fades as mysteriously as it manifested.

„This fucker is so up his own ass, holy shit!“

“I get the desire to explain things, but in general this just comes across as insulting the readers intelligence.”

“Explaining your own chapter in a fucking comment? What kinda pretentious fuckwit does that?”

“The author also likes to link certain words. As if I didn't know what Wabi-sabi or a Prince Rupert's drop is! Please, don't insult my intelligence like that, author. My mind could run circles around yours.”


“As we enter the final stretch of the chapters, we do finally settle on a main arc. A Succubus is invading another demon's realm and we are helping her.”

“Xyly is my favorite character! I want to see more of her.”

“She is interesting, but...”

“What now, Marcie?”

“The whole demon realm as explained in the story is such a highly intriguing concept, which is why I find it such a shame that we are demystifying it so quickly. I wished the author would have let it simmer for a bit first. The story sets up a very interesting dilemma for Xylyra and I think exploring it from the sidelines while the focus was on other things would have been the better choice here.”

“I just want to see more of Succubus girl. Give me some sex scenes with her! And I'm talking actual sex scenes, not some off screen tickling and fuck poems!”

“Ah yes, the sex. Shiroe is interesting as far as porn protagonist go, because he is almost the anti thesis of them.”

“Well no shit, at one point he invented a spell to literally make people less horny. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

“He isn't averse to sex, but he only uses it as a means of control. But not in the regular sense either. He is more like a stern father, disciplining his unruly children. And if they behave he is going to make them feel good as a reward.”

“Thanks for the disgusting metaphor, Marcie.”

“My pleasure.”

“I'm still not convinced this story isn't just a giant troll.. The amount of fakeouts is insane. Just gimme some sex damnit!”

“To be fair, we certainly have covered stories with less sex. On that subject, managed to masturbate to this one, Gina?”

“I fucking hate myself for it, but yes.”

“Oh my, I knew you where into tickling!”

“That's not it! The fucker cheated! All this time all we do is talk about muffins and satisfy the authors perverse tickle fetish and then suddenly there is this really nice scene where the girls are having fun while Shiroe was watching like the cuck he is. That was hot and my hands just started to move on their own, ugh! It was like a fucking sex ambush! Fuck you, Curvy!”

“I believe your ramblings refer to the sex scene in chapter 32? That was certainly the grandest sex scene in the entire story, but alas...”

“Didn't do it for you.”

“Unfortunately that is a yes. All in all Shiroe is just too nice for my taste. Although...the way he Xylyra to pay all these warriors and made her to dress up as the Chicktapusapine was quite erotic.”

“I don't think that was meant to be erotic, Marcie.”

“Be that as it may, I believe we have reached the end of this review. While the story and writing starts of a bit clumsy, I really think it finds its stride about the midpoint.”

“I wish it would have found the sexpoint.”

“All in all I would say I can give it a rating of quite adequate. Any closing thoughts, Gina?”

“The fucking game mode did nothing at all, you fuck!”

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