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Chapter 2

Creation of Avatar (name, occupation, race);Army(race, faction);World of choosing

Darth Sinuous; Imperial Storm Troopers (1st Galactic Empire) **VS** Livia "Tertia" Serpentius; Kastafor 4th Legion: "Feat of Steel" Brigade (The Imperium of Man): **ON** AEtherverse Universe B-52

Your was a tragedy for your family, but a statistic to most: you were a child in the foster system, but not one for whom your removal from your parents care was at all justified. You see your parents had the misfortune to be Pagans who were open about their rejection of Christianity: in Georgia...

They moved there for a job opportunity, never realizing what it would cost them, you and your fraternal twin sister.

Things went well for a year or two before people started to notice you and your folks didn't go to any of the churches in town, and then someone asked the wrong question to which you or your sister gave an honest answer, you both blame each other now for being the one who did, you can't remember any more who it was, it was so many years ago, and within a fortnight DCFS of Georgia had 'done their Christian duty' and stolen you from your parents on trumped up charges of 'child ': which is to say not bowing down to the same tribal god images that the government busybodies did.

Thereafter you both endured hell, bouncing around from foster family to foster family: having been 7 when you were 'taken' and too attached to your parents to make any effort to get adopted, in fact quite the reverse. By the time you were 13 you both were considered 'Problem Children' and though they tried to break you and your sister up you would run away to be with each other, till at last they gave up and found places for you together. You both were molested on several occasions, generally when you were apart, but also sometimes when you were together, over the years of pain and grief and only seeing your parents when they were in court trying, AGIAN, to get you both back, never successfully in a state where religious bigotry was considered an ASSET for a Judge's re-election prospects, transmuted your love for each other into a mix of love and hate, until, at 13, you were placed with the Vance's and you learned the true definition of hell.

Jason Vance was a sexual sadist pederast who “took in” “troubled” girls like you and your sister, and then abused them till he ether broke them into servile receptacles for his hideous proclivities at which point he lost interest but pimped them out to others, or they died of his attentions and he took them 'on vacation' to various cities where they “Ran Away”. The people who were supposed to check this sort of thing were either complicit or willfully blind. His wife had been so abused by the man who had taught Jason Vance how to do what he did and was completely subservient to her monster of a 'Husband' even assisting in the just to escape being so abused herself any more.

You and your sister endured and didn't break for a full year, slowly enraging Jason till at last he killed you both, only having kept you alive that long because he had never had a pair of twins to work with. However your defiance awoke the last guttering spark of independent thought in 'Mrs. Vance' and that night, she took Jason's shotgun and fired two warning shots, into his head and heart, then cleaned up the mess and called the police to confess. It was her honest reason for cleaning up that was most telling in securing an N.G.R.I. Ruling: “I had to clean up the mess, Jason would have been furious if I didn't.” The police then used extensive interviews with her to break the whole ring, bringing down dozens of people, which turned into hundreds as the tangled web of abusive foster parents and corrupt officers of the law came tumbling down with two of it's keystones yanked out and one of those turned into a wrecking ball.

However, that was much to late for you and your sister, who's festering sibling rivalry and pain had at last transmuted most of your love into full blown hatred leaving only slowly guttering embers over that year of hell, your stubborn resistance not based on drawing strength from each other precisely as being unwilling to be the one who broke FIRST, never showing weakness before your bitter rival...

You followed a point of light out of the darkness of into this room, and now you look at each other without the shell of flesh to conceal your true emotions, and realize the depth of each other’s antipathy. Most of those faint embers go out at this moment, but there remains a small white hot core to your love which nothing can fully extinguish, that lost and agonized part of you which is still 7 years old and living happily with your family, now forever beyond full recall but unbroken and unbreakable, the last part of you which is still YOU: not a twisted reflection or shattered vessel.

It is this part of you which keeps you from separating fully and finally here: Instead you talk, full of bitterness and spite, but remembering you are siblings, and you agree to arrange things so you will reincarnate on the same world, as what amounts to Identical Twins but from two different universes and parents: Genetically Identical but raised separately and on the opposite sides of a war: leading two armies which while similar will naturally be at daggers drawn from the moment they meet: One way or another this sibling rivalry thing is getting put to bed in this next incarnation, ether with one of your 's or with you overcoming 7 years of bitterness and pain, part of which has already come crashing down: your perfect recall without a body to fog things over showing you a hard truth: both of you gave the game away all those years ago, to two separate people on the same day at the same time, both of whom called DCFS, the 'two calls' they needed to open a case against your parents and perpetrate this perverted abomination of an injustice.

You then turn your backs on each other and open the character creation screens, consulting only enough to make your avatar’s appearance and genetics identical: before beginning a thorough process of differentiation.

On of you becomes Darth Sinuous, Dark Mistress of the Sith, cast adrift across the gulfs between universes by a damaged hyper-drive on the relic of a Venator Class Star Destroyer she had cobbled together from the scraps of wreckage of a dozen battles across the galaxy to be her personal base of operations, containing a set of cloning labs and manufacturing facilities to create early First Galactic Empire era Storm Troopers.

The other becomes Commissar-Leutenent Livia "Tertia" Serpentius, Child of the Schola Progenum and unwavering servant of The Immortal Emperor, Shepard of Humanity, who leads part of the Kastafor 4th Legion: "Feat of Steel" Brigade, a formation of mechanized Grenadiers, equivalent to The Impirium of Man's own 'Storm Troopers', but an entire formation of them, not a single elite squad attached to a larger , who has crossed dimensions by the grace of the Immortal Emperor when her unit's “Beachhead Outpost Landing Transport” was sucked into a localized warp storm in the skies of Bellosus when prosecuting 'Crusade' against the Chaos Sorcerer Prince of that benighted planet, who harbors a deep and dark secret: she is an Unsanctioned Psyker, but with an unusual gift: instead of the traditional focused psychic talent of most people of your potency you have a range of them, of which you are not even fully conscious, what someone from the Star-Wars universe would recognize as the gifts of a strong ' Sensitive' without formal training.

You work together also on the world you have landed on: Beta-52: a historical alternate of Earth, where the 'Cuban Missile Crisis' actually sparked World War 3, leaving most of the planet a radio active wasteland: and led to the utter collapse of civilization: but from which the world recovered surprisingly quickly and humanity survived: Rising from the ashes to a late WWII era level of technological sophistication in the less scarred southern hemisphere just before your two ships along with 2 others show up to fuck things up for the survivors...

You have made all your decisions, your characters are ready, and you look at each other and nod before pressing 'Confirm Choices', then the tide of hatred, bitterness and pain which has been your life for the past 7 years at last truly divides what naught has ever been able to keep apart...

(At least for now...)

Only one question remains right now: which one are you?

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