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Chapter 4 by Caesar25 Caesar25

How will you spend your time?

Chapter 2: An unforgettable feast

{If Lord Michael = true}

The time has come. You and Lord Michael are expected on the feast of Baron George, and to get there you have to depart now. Your carriage is ready and you enter first, while Michael is holding your hand. His wound is healing nicely, but he isn't perfectly fine. It takes a few days to get to your destination, which time you spend with a lot of talking and bonding. {If Fucked by Michael = 0}{If Total Times fucked > 0}(Not mentioning your unfaithfulness incidents...){endif}{endif}{If Fucked by Michael = 1}{If Total Times fucked > 1}(Not mentioning your unfaithfulness incidents...){endif}{endif}{If Fucked by Michael = 2}{If Total Times fucked > 2}{endif}{endif}{If Fucked by Michael = 3}{If Total Times fucked > 3}(Not mentioning your unfaithfulness incidents...){endif}{endif}. You are discovering just how caring he is {If Fucked by Michael > 0}(if you haven't already in his bed){endif}, always watching out for you and wanting the best for you. He offers romantic walks when you have to stop to let the horses rest, helps you enter and leave the carriage, picks you flowers from the fields while you rest, etc. He acts like the perfect chivalrous knight, a noble man is expected to be.

You get to the castle... It is a great one, it seems impregnable as it sits on top of a mountain, its huge walls tower above all things near and far. As you enter the gates, you see many other nobles there, so you weren't the only ones invited. As you wander around the place, Baron George personally comes to welcome you two.

George: Michael and Lily! My dearest of guests! I welcome you to my humble home! I hope your travel was not an unpleasant one!

Michael (sarcastic): George, it has been a long time! Your manners have certainly improved at welcoming guests, since the last time I was here to relieve your castle from that siege some years ago!

George (also sarcastic): Ah, you haven't changed one bit this last year... How is it you are still alive after the Holy Land with your fighting skills? Was it your beautiful lady or god that saved you there? I can't remember the story she told me about it, please enlighten me.

Michael (laughing): If only you could wield your dick as well as your sword, this castle would be filled with your lovers and not soldiers by now!

George (laughing): We all have our strengths and weaknesses Michael, even I can't possible handle a snake as large as mine!

Lily (trying to enter the conversation): {If Sexperience > 3} If it is as large as you say, let me help you tame!{endif}{If Sexperience < 4}Ah, men, always trying to impress us with lying about their size...! (but I wonder if he speaks the truth...){endif}{If Sexperience = 0} Are you two really going to discuss this here, in front of a lady?! You are worse than children!{endif}.

The two man look at you, surprised and silent, than look at each other and burst out laughing harder than before.

George: Lady Lily, forgive my previous outburst, I and Michael have a very "unorthodox" way of greeting each other, that I could not evade before greeting you properly! You are the most beautiful lady in this castle, leaving all other women envious of your beauty! Michael is lucky he has such a wife!

Lily: Oh George, you are overestimating things! Stop flattering me, what will your wife say if she hears of any of this?

Michael (reaching out to his sword): George, you son of a, stop courting my wife, I am literally standing next to her! Do you want to have an other duel of honour again?

George: Look at him Lily, a few kind words to his wife and already bites like a wolf! Michael, your leg is still a bit dysfunctional, you couldn't beat me when you were perfectly fine either, remember? If my wife had only a quarter of your beauty Lady Lily, I would be courting her at our chamber right now... It is safe to say, our marriage was too much based on economic needs. I was not even able to lay with her yet... A shame...

Lily: That means... By law, you are technically not married, as you have not laid with each other, right?

George: Yes, correct, I am trying my best to do my duty as a husband, but some duties just prove to be harder than others... I would wage war on the Holy Land 10 times before laying with her... Now, to the point I called you both here... This feast is held in your honour! The king decided to bestow a title on you both for your actions in the Holy Land! Thanks to your efforts, his majesty could get away with his life, while you and your men held the centre of the line from collapsing! He will arrive in a few day's time, please, make yourselves comfortable while we are waiting for his arrival! Be my guests and enjoy the pleasures my castle can provide you with! Eat, drink, dance and/or get to know others till your heart's content!{endif}

{If Lord Michael = false}

The time has come. You are expected on the feast of Baron George, and to get there you have to depart now. Your carriage is ready and you enter.{If Elegance = 0} Even though, you have no clothes at all, you don't want to turn down his invitation...{endif} It takes a few days to get to your destination, which you spend bored... {If Elegance = 0}You wish, at least you had some clothes... But too late for that, hope you can find or buy some later.{endif}{If Pregnancy = 100} Your pregnant state makes the travelling more difficult, you try to travel as comfortably as you can, to avoid any damage to your soon to be born baby.{endif} You get to the castle... It is a great one, it seems impregnable as it sits on top of a mountain, its huge walls tower above all things near and far. As you enter the gates, you see many other nobles there, so you weren't the only one invited. As you wander around the place, Baron George personally comes to welcome you two.

George: Lady Lily! My dearest guest! I welcome you to my humble home! I hope your travel was not an unpleasant one! You are the most beautiful lady in this castle, leaving all other women envious of your beauty! {If Elegance = 0}Forgive my indecency... But you seem to be still out of dresses... Which, don't get me wrong, doesn't bother me at all, just the opposite in fact! In my humble opinion, all the ladies should embrace such a free lifestyle! It only shows your beautiful body to all the others to see!{endif}{If Pregnancy = 100}Oh, and only now do I realise... You are carrying a child, are you not?{endif}

Lily: Baron George, I gladly accepted your invitation, I do hope, I will finally find out about your "surprise"! {If Elegance = 0}About my dress, well... I could not obtain an other one... But I guess we could look at things as you have done just about now!{endif} And stop flattering me, what will your wife say if she hears of any of this? {If Pregnancy = 100}And yes, I am carrying a baby, it has been a few months since I got pregnant and...{endif}

George: That is no flattery my lady, I merely state the obvious facts! If my wife had only a quarter of your beauty, I would be courting her at our chamber right now... It is safe to say, our marriage was too much based on economic needs. I was not even able to lay with her yet... A shame... {If Pregnancy = 100}I congratulate on your success at it with Michael! I was beginning to think, he will never get to succeed in it! But wait a minute... A few months you said...? But Michael...{endif}

Lily: That means... By law, you are technically not married, as you have not laid with each other, right?

George: Yes, correct, I am trying my best to do my duty as a husband, but some duties just prove to be harder than others... I would wage war on the Holy Land 10 times before laying with her...

Lily: I am sorry to hear that George...{If Pregnancy = 100}About the child... Yes, Michael died a year ago in the Holy Land as you know... The child is not his...

George: Oh my...! Lily, have you remarried since...?

Lily: No... The child is illegitimate... I can hardly bare the shame of my actions...

George: Your situation is dire than... But I might be able to help you.

Lily: Help me....? How...? I will give life to a child after more than a year of my husband's ****, I will have to live my remaining day off in shame!

George: I know a woman, she is a druid, a strange cult of nature worshippers, I personally do not like any of their pagan actions, but she has great knowledge about all kinds of potions, she has helped other noble ladies in such dire situation too, to preserve their honour... She is also invited to this feast, I will introduce you to each other!

Lily: George... Is this really possible?...

George: Yes, she can help you abort the child, an unholy thing to do, to say the least, but... Should you want to, you can try it. I am merely giving you a chance to decide it, I do not want your honour or Michael's legacy and memory to be tarnished by such a thing... All people have needs that have to be looked after, I understand your position.

Lily: Thank you George, I will meet this druid woman you spoke of.{endif}

George: Now, to the point I called you here... This feast is held in your honour! The king decided to bestow a title on you and Michael for his actions in the Holy Land! Thanks to his efforts, his majesty could get away with his life, while he and his men held the centre of the line from collapsing! He will arrive in a few day's time, please, make yourself comfortable while we are waiting for his arrival! Be my guest and enjoy the pleasures my castle can provide you with! Eat, drink, dance and/or get to know others till your heart's content!


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