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Chapter 2 by Gambio Gambio

Which one of these trash-fests do you want to read about?

Bringer of light, by Aqualis64

“Sooo, this time around we have another first, Gina.”

“Oh, Goodie!”

“For the first time a writer submitted his path from another authors story. Its Bringer of Light, by Aqualis64 from the Story “God's Apprentice.”

“That is one hell of a mouthful...but I couldn't help but notice that you didn't link the title this time.”

“Ah yes..that is because I haven't found the proper starting point. But no matter we just open the story map and...oh my.”

“Couldn't this fucker send a link? I hate him already and I didn't even read a single word of his! That's a new record! Congratulation!”

“I suppose we should start with the back story first anyway. But remember we can't complain about that one!”



“Alright, so basically this is just wish fulfillment right?”

“It appears so, took us long enough, but we finally here. Some Gentlemen receives omnipotent power and uses it to engage in non consensual activities with females.”

“Oh yes! Our very first male protagonist! Good thing we aren't sexist.”

“As always will give this a most fair and impartial reading. Which might be difficult. Because this...gentlemen gets the power of god and decides to use it to travel back to just after the collapse of the western roman empire to...restore it to former glory. How droll.”

“You know there are nerds and then there are supernerds.”

“It does sound rather indulgent, yes. Well, I do enjoy some history, so I am willing to be open minded about this whole...concept. Shall we begin?”

“Ave Marcium!”




“98 chapters. Ninety-eight fucking chapters.”

“I might need a smoke. This is what I get for being open minded.”

“You don't smoke, Marcie.”

“Alright, I settle for a drink.”

“Don't drink too much, you have a tendency to vomit...soo where do we start?

“How about with the fact that this MC is the most revolting pile of human sewage I ever had the misfortune of reading about?”

“I mean our last protagonist wanted to take over the world and rule it with a giant dragon dick and I still think she would have had the moral high ground against this guy.”

“Hell, I take Adventurer's Peril's grammar hell over this, at least I could pass out with that one.”

“So how do we explain this piece of shit to our readers, to really get the point across?”

“I suppose we have to go from the start. Alright, this guy gets omnipotence...travels back in time.”

“Yes, yes get to the good part.”

“And decides to become God Emperor of all."

“Now in theory that doesn't sound too bad, but when you get into the details, it gets really creepy.”

“So first off. He has no remorse for . No conscience, no holding back. This guy just cheats himself some endgame equipment and lops people's heads off like he is at a Black Friday sale. That is a pretty telltale sign of a psychopath."

“Perhaps we should have brought Lindsey along for someone more impartial?”

“But alright, he only murders bandits and enemy soldiers. It's not normal sure, but this type of unrealistic nonsense is fairly standard in Isekai.”


“ It doesn't matter anyway, as this is the least of MC's issues. No, the truly twisted stuff is his Messiah fetish.”

“Messiah fetish, eh? Go on.”

“He plays at war, builds up this glorious army of his, gives them pep talks before battle, when he really could just end this with a single show of divinity. He refrains because he enjoys the sport of it. The fact that he can play at being commander with no risk to his own while people are dying for his amusement. It's perverse in the truest sense of the word."

"Like with that one King guy. Odasomething. The guy had twice the soldiers, so of course he felt confident. Odasomething even came to talk before the battle, so if MC-kun would have just shown him that he is God, he probably could have saved...a couple thousands lives?"

*groans of increasing discomfort*

“Well he did try to smite that one fish-guys race, so it's not like he has a problem with using his powers."

“Oh yes, isn't it lovely how casual the MC resorts to genocide? I love having Pol Pot as the protagonist. Although that is too grandiose a name. Jean-Bédel Bokassa would be a more proper fit for this walking delusion of grandeur. And then he has the nerve to get angry at Gwen because she gets confused by his sudden bout of mercy when he finds out the serpent people where mind controlled. I suppose you get spared if you are literally mind controlled, because this is clearly the only reason you could ever have to oppose someone as magnificent as MC." *violently chuggs down beer*

“Ahh...ha ha ha, how about more casual examples for his praise fetish? Like with that soup kitchen thing?”


“Marcie...calm down...deep breaths...deep breaths...”

“ha...haa....I am calm....I am the very foundation of a clear blue....BLARGHHHH!!!”

“Not over meeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Fuck him...seriously fuck him...give me something more to drink, Giiiiina!”

“No you definitely had enough! Look let's talk about his weird animal fetish? That's a lighter topic, right?”

“Despite the title nothing here brings light, there is only the deep dark depths of a depraved demon, but very well. Yes, it did indeed appear he likes females with animal features. It's a light form of furry, but I reckon this is only because true is forbidden here."

“Hey at least it's not as creepy as deer pussy guy. To be totally honest they are kinda cute!”

“I actually have to agree. I quite like the female characters. I just wish they would have conspired and murdered the main character 10 chapters in.”

“So what's next on the creep checklist...Umm the Sexism?”

“You mean the fact that women “think” different then men? Or that he automatically felt attracted to males the moment he turned himself female? I attribute this to casual sexism and a general lack of understanding of females. It is almost cute by how inept it is, at least when compared to the rest of this cocktail of filth.”

“Ah yes, we didn't even talk about this odd self , sister whatever....”

“Why bother? This guy has the mental capacity of a toddler, of course he would imagine having sex with himself.”

“Hmm...I suppose the story and setting wasn't complete ass. When there was a story at least. Remember that part when everyone just did fuck all for 500 chapters?”

“Some people like to call this slice of life. And that is quite accurate. It did feel like these chapters sliced some life out of me.”

“Yeah, the writing itself was never bad just..”

“The pacing, dear Cthulhu the pacing. How many chapters do we need the MC either fucking everything that has two legs or roleplaying Archimedes?”

“Yup, I think that's about the real issue. Although I wouldn't mind this type of stuff with an all female cast. This story would be fantastic if it was just about the female God's doing cute stuff and conquering shit. You can throw genderbent Mars in for good measure! And then maybe some hot scene between Artemis and Ishtar? That tease we got with the spanking! Now that's what I call divine!”

“Keep It in your pants, Gina. I don't even have a problem with the men beyond the MC, I like Strabo and Dumond. Although if I have to hear the word “venerable” one more time, I might have to kick the author in his venerable spot.”

“Oh yeah about Dumond, no spoilers, but don't get too attached, huehuehue.”


“So, this is the part where we talk about masturbation or our favorite scene right?”

“No and No.”

“Wow harsh. Come on, there must be something you liked."

“I would have liked to see the MC getting ass by god, but alas we only got a tease.”

“Oh! Actually! Despite your initial assumption the MC only partakes in consensual sex! That counts for something right?”

“How admirable of him. You know who also never someone? Adolf Hitler."

“Personally I really like the scene in the glade. You know with the girls just frolicking in the nude, having wild sex?"

“Unfortunately that scene was ruined by the presence of the toxic waste that is the MC.”

“Look Marcie, I think I know what's really going on here.”

“Do tell.”

“I think you really just have a problem with Divine Providence.”

“I am actually amazed you know what that is.”

“I mean you do me to study for two hours every evening. I had to learn a thing or two.”

“But truly, is there a more loathsome thing? The MC didn't earn these powers bestowed upon him. He simply lucked into them. He used these ill gotten gains to take over a settlement, raises an army, declares himself emperor while indulging in his own hubris. It's awful!”

“He arbitrarily makes rules.”


“Punishes people at a whim.”


“And makes cringy pop cultural references!”

“Ah yes! Let us not forget the cringy”


“Don't you even dare.”

“All I say is if MC-kun had a female version of his, a real female version, not this absurd wank fest he created...”


“Could this hatred perhaps come from some sort of self reflection?”






“Oh wow, didn't think you actually admit it!”

“Perhaps there are some very minor similarities, but I would never partake in such a travesty!”

“Well, I mean you have no issue using Uni-chans curse.”

“As I have told you many times, that is not a curse but a mental affliction. You feel bad about all the horrible crimes you committed and have such construed this curse as a way of atonement. I used my intellect and wit to take advantage of that and earned my position trough hard work!”

“Sure, sure, keep telling yourself that.”

“At any rate. If I had MC's power I would usher humanity into a glorious new golden age of enlightenment I would create an Utopia this witless Plebeian wouldn't even be able to dream of!”

“You would still make yourself supreme ruler of the universe, tough.”

“Obviously, but unlike this base mongrel I actually have what it takes to rule. I also wouldn't call myself god. I would go with something much humbler like Universal President for Life, Celestial Empress or Supreme Leader over All. Something like that, but not god.”

“Yes, yes. You are much better then him.”

“Stop patting my head. It displeases me greatly.”

“So, are we just about done here? I think we really should link the story tough, just to show we mean no spite.”

“Ugh fine, alright here it is: Stupid story about stupid god-guy creating stupid empire with lots of stupid sex.

“Good night, loser nerds!”

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