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Chapter 3 by hematoma hematoma

What do you do?


You are not afraid of some glorified stalagmite with a mouth! You grip your borrowed meat cleaver in both hands and charge directly at the roper girl and her wriggling tentacles.

“Yes, come and get me,” she laughs, a smile spreading on her face and her horrifying vertical mouth opening wider.

“Lucas, be careful!” Hina cries out and tries to pull you back, but her hands miss your tunic as you charge past her.

“Dieeeee foul beast!” Bellowing bravado, you raise the meat cleaver over your head and prepare to strike the roper girl a mortal blow. Glistening purple and tentacles lash out with inhuman speed, knocking the cleaver from your grasp and sending it clattering away on the floor. You have an instant to realize your folly and then you are seized in the roper girl’s powerful tentacles.

Slimy purple tentacles wrap around your neck, bind your wrists and stretch your arms wide, and wrap your legs from your ankles up to your knees, wrenching them so violently apart that your trousers spilt their seams. The roper girl lifts you off your feet and into the air, smiling triumphantly and glaring at you with the single red eye set above her huge mouth.

“No!” Hina cries. “Let him go!”

She charges forward and the roper girl bashes her aside with two tentacles, knocking her into a grate that breaks open. Hina disappears through the grate. You hear her cry of surprise receding as she slides off down a tunnel into some deeper place within the Crystal Sanctum.

“Thought you could chop me up boy?” The roper girl returns her full attention to you. “No need to get violent. We can be friends, can’t we?”

“L-let me g-go,” you say, trying to sound forceful, but stammering over the words. Of all the monster girls you have faced, she is the least human and the most terrifying. Not even the cruel vampiress possessed the same sort of pitiless predatory aspect as the roper girl.

“I won’t be letting you go,” says the roper girl. “But you can enjoy your time with me. What is your name, little boy?”

“Lucas,” you say.

“I am Evelynn,” she says. “Let that name be on your lips as you sink into pleasure.”

Her tentacles slither into the legs of your trousers and poke through the burst seems and with a soft chuckle she shreds your pants. Her slithering tentacles quickly strip off your under shorts and you gasp as the warm, slippery tentacles begin to wriggle around your stiffening cock. Evelynn’s tentacles secrete a slippery mucus that coats your thighs and makes lewd, wet sounds as it covers your cock and dangling bollocks.

“Oh, gods, help me,” you moan, watching her tentacles bind your cock and begin to stroke it steadily. The mucus feels warm against your skin. As she wanks your cock with her merciless tentacles, your body grows hotter and hotter. Your need to feel pleasure overwhelms your sense of self-preservation and even your sanity. You moan pitifully, watching her plump breasts heave as her tentacles stroke your cock.

“That’s it,” she laughs. “There is no point fighting it. Come closer now, Lucas. Spill your seed into my hungry mouth.”

The huge, lipless mouth sags open only inches away from your cock. You can feel the warmth of her inner flesh so close to your manhood. You watch her tentacles stroking you, faster and faster, raunchy sounds accompanying each pump of her squeezing appendages. Your pleasure rises and you know your doom approaches.

“Ohhhhhh,” you moan, bucking your hips and surrendering to the pleasure as you fuck your cock into her writhing tentacles.

“Yes, yes,” she gasps, her tentacles furiously stroking your cock and holding you up over her enormous vertical mouth. “Cum for me. Cum into the mouth that will devour you, Lucas! Uselessly spill your seed into my mouth!”

“Ahhhhhh noooo!” You cry, twisting against her tentacles as your pleasure builds. You cannot deny the pleasure that wells from your cock. Your cum explodes, spurting from your cockhead and splashing into the glistening maw that yawns open before you. The hideous mouth trembles and gulps your spewing seed. Evelynn laughs at you as her tentacles milk your seed into her monstrous lower mouth.

“All done?” She asks, squeezing the last of the cum from your cock. All you can manage is a whimper as she draws you headfirst into her gaping maw. The hot, fleshy walls close around you and you barely even offer a kick of resistance as the tentacles push you all the way into her gullet. Darkness and heat close in around you. The roper girl swallows and you slide deeper, down her monstrous throat and into the churning, steamy cauldron of her belly.

“Gods, help me,” you moan as the slimy liquid coats your flesh and begins to belt away your tunic.

“Your goddess can’t help you now, Lucas!” The roper girl mocks you. “Melt into my belly, little warrior boy. Dissolve and become one with me.”

You sink back into the squeezing walls of her stomach, coated in digestive fluid and unable to fight her. Worst of all is the pleasure that overwhelms your fear. You know you are doomed, but the warm liquid all around you stimulates your pleasure. You moan and spurt more seed into her monstrous stomach.

“That’s it, Lucas,” laughs Evelynn. “Cum again! Nothing more humiliating than cumming as you dissolve!”

You close your eyes and listen to the beating of her mighty heart somewhere above you. It is like a drumbeat counting down your destruction as your body dissolves into the pleasant stew that fills her belly.

Your last thought is how shamefully you have been defeated by the roper girl.


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