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Chapter 2 by obieblu_tumblr obieblu_tumblr

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Attack the bandits!

“Gentlemen...” you flourish nobly, casting an illusion. The sound of war horns sounds from out of sight, just around the bend of the road. The bandits all panic and spin to look. With barely a whisper of air, Kheden has already sent two throwing blades into the necks of two bandits with crossbows. They gurgle and fall before the others realize what's happened. Everyone turns to look at their fallen comrades, and you fell another two bandits, the 'injured' man with the crossbow and one to his side with your lute darts. Four bandits are down before they realize they've been attacked.

Kheden and you both draw your crossbows simultaneously as he charges his horse forward, bowling over a bandit, while you yank your horse around, bowling over one to your side. You shoot the bandit closest to Talvin as he's raising his sword and kick the last one behind him. You draw your shortsword as you dismount and with one spinning flourish, you dispatch the last of the bandits to your group's rear. You glance to the front, and Kheden has killed or incapacitated all to the front. He spares you a proud smirk at killing more in the same time as you, but that's why you're adventuring partners.

An arrow suddenly goes wizzing over your shoulder. Kheden dashes for the trees while you reach up and grab Talvin around the waist. He yelps as you drag him off the side of his horse, using the horse's body as a shield. You spin Talvin, additionally shielding him with your body in addition to the horse, as another arrow flies over the saddle where he was just sitting.

A few moments and the sounds of some scuffling later, you can hear Kheden call from the woods, “I got two more. Sounds like the others ran off.”

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