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Chapter 26 by Almax Almax


Ask if he'd be okay to go for a walk with you.

{if@ Gammod == False}You wake up from the horrible dream, that weird feeling from last night washing all over your body again. You feel tingly....

That dream sure had.... l-lots of sex, and it wasn't very nice. Again, it really does feel like it wasn't from your imagination like a normal dream, but... none of the stuff lines up with the real world. S-so, that means.... that means you're having those dirty dreams all on your own, from your own head.

A chill fills the room, making you shudder. You look over to the window, which confirms that it's still very much the middle of the night, but you also see that the window is closed like normal. There's no chance a cold nighttime breeze could've just swept in here.... oh, you feel really weird right now. Recurring nightmares are just the worst.... you don't want to be alone right now. You look away from the window and over to where Cameron lies, still perfectly asleep, and your shoulders slump before knee-crawling over to him.

You set your palms on Cameron's shoulder, and gently start to shake him awake. You feel bad doing this, but you want some comfort from the bad dream you just had, and you feel like you're maybe good enough friends that he can maybe give it to you maybe. You tried going back to sleep on your own already, but with no luck, so.... hopefully he won't be mad at being woken up.

He slowly blinks awake, clearly a bit bleary-eyed, and takes a second to look up and focus on you, still squinting his eyes in reaction to the slight moonlight coming into the room. In your nervousness, you accidentally keep rolling him gently back and forth with your hand to wake him up, and it takes you a while to realise and stop. He's too tired to have noticed, thankfully, because that might've been embarrassing otherwise. Close call!

Cameron sits up and looks around the room, calibrating what time it is, then looks back to you again and stretches.

"Debbie? What time- is it night?" He asks, clearly still getting his bearings a bit, but not seeming annoyed at being woken up. You nod a few times in reply.

"I, um- I dreamt-" You whisper, then pause.

You don't want to tell him exactly what you dreamt about, because that might reflect badly on you. On top of that, it's weird that you're whispering when he's speaking at a normal volume. But it's probably too late to change that second one without drawing even more attention to it and looking even weirder. You breathe in, then continue.

"No fun." You finish simply, in a mournful tone. Cameron's face gets sympathetic, and he adjusts himself to sit up a little bit more comfortably.

"You want to talk about it?" He asks.

You chew on your bottom lip and look all over the carpet, considering. The answer is yes, but you're still iffy on giving him any of the specific details. That's too embarrassing. But.... if you don't say anything at all, then you woke him up for nothing, and you probably still won't be able to sleep. So......

{endif}"Cameron?" You ask, approaching the topic like it's got a bunch of land mines around it. But that's necessary! For protection! "Are you... tired right now?"

Cameron considers for a second, then shakes his head. First set of land mines crossed!

"So... you wouldn't mind- I was thinking- I think I'm going to go take a walk around the school, for a bit, because I'm so, because I'm really full of energy right now." You say. "And I just- if you, I thought you should know that if you wanted to come also, then, you can do that."

Cameron nods supportively, reaching a hand up to rub the sleep out of his eyes, then slowly gets up to his feet with a yawn and a stretch.

"Yeah, I, uhm.... I was actually thinking of doing that myself right now anyway." He says. "So- let's, you know, ready when you are."

Whoa! Second set of land mines crossed with flying colours! And you're one of the colours! Flying right over the landmines! That's awesome, this is definitely worth considering a major success. Despite your tiredness, you spring up to your feet excitedly, and rush over to open the door and spring out into the hallways.

Cameron follows a bit behind you as you step outside, and the moment you pass out of the room and into the halls, the chill you were feeling earlier disappears instantly. This is great. Really great. Okay, one lap around the building, and then you should be all good to go back to sleep and get ready for tomorrow morning.

You speedwalk with purpose through the dim moonlit hallways, Cameron following close behind you at his own slower shuffling pace (but keeping up with you anyway, because when you get too far ahead you just speedwalk in a small circle to let him catch up). You want to work off as much energy as possible before trying to get back to sleep again.

Cameron doesn't talk much and focuses more on his shuffling, but he responds whenever you say anything to him. You say quite a lot of things to him, to get your mind off of that horrible dream.

"Do you think that the moon is more blue, or silver?" You ask chirpily, stopping your speedwalking to peer out a hallway window at the night sky (but making up for the loss of motion by bouncing up and down on the spot).

"I-I think it's, I would say it's white. Or, I guess- grey."

"I know that!" You reply, annoyed, looking at him as he shuffles down the hall towards you and leaning back so far that you'd fall without your hands both grabbing onto the windowsill. "I mean is it more blue or silver?"

Cameron reaches you, and steps close to look out the window for himself. He has to blink his eyes a few times, even though it's a cloudy night and you can't see much of the stars or anything.

"S-silver." He says. "It's more silver."

You nod, because you agree, then start bouncing down the hallway again. Cameron pushes off the windowsill to shuffle along behind you again.

"It would be really cool if it was blue, though." You say, turning and speedwalking backwards so that you can look at Cameron while talking to him. "It wouldn't even need to be bright blue, just a pale blue would do it. That'd be awesome."

Cameron nods, then stops in place and looks to his right side towards the row of lockers set up against the wall there. For a moment you just keep on moving, hoping he'll eventually start following you again, but instead he takes a step towards the lockers and puts his hand on one in particular. What's he stopping for? You skip over to him to see, and he looks at you with a concerned expression.

"Uhhh... Debbie, y-you.... you didn't just hear that?"

"Hear what?" You tilt your head. Cameron gestures with his head towards the lockless locker door he's got his hand pressed against.

You did not just hear that, if there was indeed a that to hear as he puports there to be. You move your hand towards the door to open it, but Cameron stops you.

"It sounded like an animal." He says, concerned. "In the locker. Like, a possum or something. Or a very loud rat."

You nod, grateful for the intel, and move your hand towards the door again. He stops you another time.

"Debbie." He says. "S-shouldn't we just- I mean, this is maybe an infestation problem, and it could- don't animals, animals have diseases, right? Shouldn't we... alert someone, or something?"

"Fish don't have diseases."


"Fish." You reply. "They don't get diseases. The water keeps them clean."

Cameron's face gets puzzled, as he tries to figure out whether or not you're right, then he shakes his head. "But I don't think there's a fish in this locker. It didn't sound like a fish."

"Are you sure?" You press him. "I don't know what fish sound like. Do you? If you don't, then there could definitely be a fish in there."

"If there is..." He says slowly, pausing to think. "...then it's a fish that doesn't have any water, and that means it could have a disease. Look, see?"

Cameron points to the vents and gaps in the edges of the locker door, which would certainly mean that it wouldn't be able to hold water. Hmm.... he's got a point, but you also do really want to know what's inside. Plus, some animals are cuddly ones, and that would be a tremendous boon if it was the case here. So....

What's the play, cap'n?

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