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Chapter 16 by JimJoeBob JimJoeBob

How goes the mission?

All Roswell That Ends Well

"Wake up, Captain," called the synthetic voice of the ship AI. 13 yawned as she rolled out of bed and made her way to the cockpit. "I will download the location data to your wrist device, Captain. You can contact for extraction at any time and I will prepare the ship for launch."

13 watched the bar on her screen slowly inch forward as she walked out of the cock out and toward the side door that led to Earth, home of most of her genetic code. It was a hot, dry place with yellowed foliage littered about the sandy desert and orange rocks to populate the landscape. Her ship had picked a spot behind one of the bigger rocks and as she left it's cold metal embrace, it cloaked to avoid human detection. Her wrist dinged and signaled the data had been fully downloaded.

Maps of the local town called "Roswell" that was labeled as "Avoid Unless Necessary." Her objective, however, would require this other map and some blueprints of something called Area 51. The notes mentioned it being a highly secure military base used to build top secret technology for a local government. But her gear would allow 13 to avoid standard detection unless she was spotted by a human patrolling the base. The computer even provided a route to where the specimen was located and readings of guards at each level within the base.

With this mission's success seemingly handed to her, 13 felt confident she would be in and out of this place in no time. The perfect introduction to future missions for the GDF and a star on her record that would get her off Vavius 5 very shortly. She grinned and began walking toward the base in the distance as she watched experimental jets take off from the runway.

The first half of the infiltration was easy as her wrist warned her of surveillance devices as she made the approach. Next she had to climb the fence topped with barbed wire, made easy by her inherent gymnastics skills that tossed her right over the top. Her map said that she should use some drainage ditches and pipes to get closer to base and avoid all guards and cameras. Her shoes wadded through the ankle deep runoff and brought her right to the main facility.

A door in the back had two men standing guard in uniforms with the added safety measure of a passcode lock. 13 was about to jump into action when she saw a warning on her screen, "Do not kill any humans!" Although she was hoping to let out some pent up rage, 13 decided it was for the better and just snuck past them, waiting in the shadows for minutes at a time until they turned their heads every so often. The lock was simply handled by her device which hacked remotely and entered the code silently.

The black metal door eased open just enough for 13 to squeeze through before shutting again and not alerting the oblivious guards. Inside she followed a staircase that opened to a vast room of metal walls with all sorts of personnel moving around boxes of who knows what. Through the warehouse she snuck, using the containers as cover from both cameras and guards alike until she followed the map to the next room. She couldn't take the elevator and instead had to find another staircase down a hallway of offices.

A second basement floor contained a huge labyrinth of labs and testing sites where scientists worked while military officers watched their progress. This space left her with little freedom to avoid cameras and so she let her device do all the work as it mapped out path from room to room. She zigzagged through the facility, dodging earthlings and sliding under lab tables until she reached another stairwell.

This third floor was where the specimen was held, a prison with loads of cells all containing unknown prisoners. Cells ranged in size but all had thick metal doors and no windows so 13 had to rely on the device to track the location of Dr. P's lost experiment. It seemed to be all by itself in a lone cell away from the other blocks, signifying it as special or perhaps especially dangerous to other inmates. But whatever it was, it was behind this next door and 13 was curious to find out what was worth the trouble.

The doors whirred open after her device hacked the locks, and steam spewed out from the cell. Cold air filled the room as her eyes glanced at the wall and floor littered with tubes and cords all leading to vat in the middle of the room. Strange how this place was unguarded leading her to believe that the earthlings didn't fear it's escape. A huge tube of glass, fogged up on the outside, flowing with bubbling green juices and a huge amount of energy to keep it alive. 13 recalled her time in the doctor's lab as similar, remembering that she was in a device the same as it. She wiped her hand against the glass and slowly revealed what lay within; something that made her step back and tilt her head.

Inside the tube and green liquid was an alien not unlike herself. A completely naked and feminine creature in humanoid form just floating with her eyes closed. Only she was definitely made of a different blueprint than 13 as she had some feline DNA mixed in, clearly evident by her cat ears. Her body was hairless like a human except for her spade tipped tail floating above her buttocks. Skin pigmented in amethyst purple and accented by her hair color in cyber grape with her inner ear being the standout and having some celadon green. Hair in a natural bob touching her neck with her ears sticking out the top and toward the sides of the tank.

She had a starlet's body, nice and lean with some soft curves and a cute face adorned with a mole below her left eye. Little bubblegum pink nipples staring straight out from her slender, somewhat conical, breasts and a neat vagina crowned by pubic hair shaved into a three pronged shape. A closer look revealed some more details like her black tipped nose, her long nail tipped fingers, or the pairs of black tiger stripes down the sides of torso from shoulder to waist. 13's assessment left her to believe this girl was definitely one of Dr. P's projects, but she just didn't seem that important. But then again she was thankful for the opportunity and assumed that the president was ready to grab any chance to facilitate 13's career.

A console in front of the vat had a clearly labeled release lever which 13 pulled and **** the machine to dump the liquid elsewhere; the tank drained, the girl inside slowly floated to the bottom before it emptied and the glass parted to let in fresh air. Upon release, the cat girl was still immobile while the green liquid still left dried fast in the open air. 13 moved to her, checking for signs of life only to watch her begin to wake as she stretched as if she'd been taking a long nap. Those raspberry red eyes blinked with fluttering, long eyelashes as her pupils found 13 standing off to the side.

"Hello," she said so casually. The cat girl stood up from the tube, jumped down to the ground, then performed a few slow somersaults to show off her flexibility and test those muscles. She didn't seem to care that she was in a strange place or even who she or 13 might be, no questions of what life was or why she was here.

"Uhh," 13 spoke, "I need you to come with me."

The girl looked back at 13, "Oh, okay," then cheerily skipped to her new friend.

"No questions? Not curious about why I'm here or what you are?," said the puzzled woman.

"Nope. Just where are we going?"

"Well, far from here," 13 answered, "Maybe even back to the beach planet..."

"OOOOOOO! I love the beach!," the cat girl responded with joy as she followed 13 out of the room, "What's a beach?" 13 grew even more worried by this girl's aloofness and tried to focus on getting out of here undetected. But she triggered a silent alarm in the control center when she released the specimen. She continued through the cell blocks, dodging guards and dragging her target around and out of sight.

Inside the control room, the monitoring soldiers waited for the general to arrive, having called her moments ago when the alarm had been set off. "Private," came a commanding voice through the open doorway, "status report."

"Sir," he responded with a salute after jumping out of his chair, "Someone has released the extraterrestrial from her holding cell." The other soldier pulled up the still image from the camera feed that managed to snap a pick of the cat girl being dragged out of sight by an unknown person.

"The Russians?"

"No, sir."

"The Chinese?"

"No, sir."

"...One of our own?"

"No, sir. Whomever is stealing the specimen is far too pink to be human."

"So, the aliens have finally come back to take back their Frankenstein."

"Actually, it would be Frankenstein's Monster. You see-"

"Another word, private, and your balls are under my boot," she threatened the gulping private while his pal daydreamed of himself in that situation. "I don't want this on high alert. Send in a discreet team and retrieve the specimen. We now know she can survive in our atmosphere so the doctors will want a look at her. As for the intruder, send it to the interrogation room and prep the autopsy table for alien protocols. I think this might get me a promotion," she finished with a sneer as her subordinates scrambled a team.

13 was almost all the way through the facility by the time the earthlings sent a team to track them down, nearly through the warehouse level. As they went up the stairs and peeked through the door, 13 had to come up with a way to get past the guards who seemed on high alert. But she was distracted for a mere moment when her partner moved past her and walked right up to them. "Hello, what are your names?" The two guards, startled, jumped back and turned to aim their guns at her while she cooed and gazed into the barrels with wonder.

Sweat ran down 13's back before she jumped into action, using her innate skills to knock out both guards swiftly and prevent them from harming the naive girl. 13 sighed with relief and grabbed her target by the arm, staring at her wrist for directions out of the base. It seemed they could not leave as she had entered and so the device routed them through a hangar where they could hop in a vehicle waiting to leave the base. This made 13 hurry as she dragged her charge around who giggled thinking it was a game.

Inside, the hangar offered a lot of cover with miscellaneous boxes and unused aircraft to hide behind as they navigated through the building and aimed for the backdoor. As 13 rolled from cover to cover, she signaled for the cat girl to follow at every step with a beckon. The map said that they only had to move through a few more storage rooms before they arrived at the truck. When she arrived at the doorway, 13 looked back to find her partner was gone and she now had to find the target and pray that no one had noticed. Cat girl had wandered off after seeing something shiny and left 13 all by her lonesome.

Before 13 could search for that idiot, she was tackled to the floor by a solider in SWAT gear while four of his friends searched for the specimen. "Tango down, sweeping for the package," one whispered into a radio while the one on top of 13 cuffed her before dragging the captured girl to her knees. The others searched the room then the rest of the warehouse for the catgirl only to find nothing and returned to 13 and the radio guy. "No sign of the target...Understood, we will attempt to get her to talk," he called in then nodded to the general's orders.

"You think it speaks English?," one of the others asked.

"I don't know. Hey, alien! Can you understand us?"

"Yes," 13 said calmly despite the rifles in her face.

"Oh...didn't expect that. Where is the specimen you stole?"

"I lost her here," she said while doing her best to not mention the tracker on her wrist, "I have no idea where she is"

The radio guy paused and assessed 13's accuracy and decided to call it in to the general, "Sir, the alien doesn't know where the specimen is...Okay. Alright, she told us to take the alien to the autopsy room. She thinks she'll get more from the specimen than this one." 13 chilled in the face of knowing she was on her way to be killed until the soldier spoke up again, "But, should we maybe give a more thorough 'examination'?" Her brow raised, questioning his intent, while his buddies nodded in agreement with ominous chuckles. As most of the soldiers began removing their gear down to their uniforms, one started undressing the helpless 13 who knew this wouldn't end well for her when she saw the guys removing their pants.

13 looked up at the team of five as they stroked their growing cocks to her shapely alien body, especially her big soft breasts. She couldn't do anything with her hands bound and surrounded by well trained earthling warriors who wanted to have as much fun as they could before she was taken to slaughter. When they were all fully erect and tired of waiting, one man approached as he eyed her pretty face that grew worried and flushed. He stuck his dick right in her face, forcing 13 to wince and shy away from it only for the phallus to encroach further on her personal space.

In one foul motion, he jammed his ugly prick into 13's mouth much to her displeasure. She let out muffled objections to which the man ignored and placed his hand on the back of 13's head. He tilted his head and let his eyes roll back while he **** 13 to pleasure him with her unwilling mouth. After a while he felt that surge within his nuts and pulled 13 in closer to fill her up with his seed while she coughed out her nose and gurgled a yelp. When set free of the prick's prick, she spit up his white goop onto the concrete floor. "Ugh, disgusting," she cursed, wiping her mouth of the excess. But her moment alone wouldn't be long as another one blocked her view with his stubbled crotch.

She gulped as the next guy shoved his dick down her gullet with a mean look on his face. He assaulted her mouth with forceful thrusts and horrible handling of her head that squished her nose up against his sweaty pelvis. She felt his curly pubes brush up against her soft skin when he smashed her face forward and hilted his "sword" in her maw as his cream drenched her insides in spurts. This load she couldn't avoid swallowing as this guy was determined to keep his prick in her until he heard her gulp it all down. An audible "blech" followed when she was set free of his putrid pickle and allowed to once again **** on air instead of cock.

By now her eyes watered, but this was far from over as the next guy came for his share of her rounds of blowjobs. Each man in the squad of five got a go at the pink alien at their mercy and used her like an inanimate sex doll. Now the excess began to smear on her face and lines of tears were shed with every attack on her throat. Through those watering eyeballs, she saw that these bastards weren't quite done as they were standing ready for round two. This time they were more rough and 13 was losing the strength to fight back as each powerful thrust sapped her of her ability to endure the ****. Through the reoccurring erections leading to seconds, thirds, fourths, and more, she faced a facefuck she wouldn't forget that made for a bad first impression of Earth. At one point they tried to fit in two at a time and started holding her by the tentacles like reigns and jammed their cock into 13's mouth as her weakened form limply flew back and forth.

In the end she was covered in layers of dried, wet, and fresh cum that trickled down from as far as her forehead to as low as her knees. Most of it like to dribble at the chin or pool in her cleavage like her tears, giving her the appearance of a well used cumrag giving it away for free on the weekend. She dizzily spun in place as she was held upright by the last user's hand grasping tightly to her neon locks. When he let go, 13 fell forward into the concrete with her cheek squished against the hard surface and making her face add to the comical appearance with her butt in the air and arms draped along the ground. The men laughed together as they redressed and prepared to take 13 to the autopsy table where she would be split open and examined by the U.S. top military scientists.

Just as they were about to hose down 13's **** body and wipe her of evidence of their contamination, an alarm rang throughout Area 51 with accompanying red lights flashing and illuminating the interiors in their crimson glow. "Attention, attention! The base has been breached! I repeat, the base has been breached! Man your stations and wait for orders!," yelled a voice over the loud speakers all over Area 51.

"Daniels! Daniels! Do you copy?!," called a voice from the radio.

Daniels responded swiftly, "I read you, sir. What is the situation?"

"It's happening!"


"We didn't take it seriously, but it's happening before my very eyes! They have breached Area 51! They weren't just memes!"

Daniels' face froze with shock and horror, "My god..."

"They are everywhere, Daniels. They sent in the weebs and furries as a distraction, but the Kyles were at the south fence and they just tore through the wire and fences with their bare hands. Their forces knocked out a quarter of our men, who were caught off guard, with Monster cans. That drew out men from the north and east ends to which the remaining enemies used or weakened barriers to penetrate and flank us. We need all hands on deck here so report to me as soon as possible so we can extract VIPs and then secure the area."

"Got it, General."

"And be careful, there have been reports of at least two chads in the area. And there's a Karen right outside my door asking to speak with the manager. Hurry."

"Jesus...Alright men, we need to move out," Daniels told his team.

"Sir, what about the alien?," asked one of his men.

"Leave her, she's not going anywhere," he said coldly before they took off and left 13 to lay in a pool of saliva and cum.

Meanwhile, in another part of the base, the cat girl was wandering outside as Area 51 fell into chaos. Gamers and nerds wielding foam and nerf weapons, wearing cosplay armor as they attempted to **** and raid the base while soldiers scrambled to contain the overwhelming number of Kyles and furries. The cat girl giggled at the strange sight and just walked about calmly as the base caught fire and Naruto runners dashed in the distance. A nearby storage shed had open doors that beckoned the curious kitten to come and take a look inside only to find herself in the den of the enemy. The raiders had set up a war room in the shed and were in the middle of planning to secure other sectors of the base and divide up the loot. Their map, drawn in crayon, was labeled with things like "Lazers? (definitely)" or "Big Tiddie Alien GF?" or even just "Steal all tanks and jets and find the secret JETPACK!!!" When this alien cat girl entered the room, all members stopped the conversation and turned toward this nude purple woman before them with awe.

She was an answer to the prayers of many and fulfilled the checklist of each demographic as a hot, alien cat girl that made everyone instantly horny **** their mouths to water. "Get her!," one shouted, forcing the crowd into action as they clamored to grab hold of this goddess. The cat girl just stood in fear as they drew near, her hairs on end and tail stiff with shock. She was piled on by the mass of men and women and dragged out by a number of hands as they settled and watched as she was taken to the middle of the room. Those hungry masses licked their lips in anticipation as their leaders looked over the lovely specimen and decided her fate. "Ladies and gentlemen. People of all genders, tonight we dine in Area 51!," declared a central figure, "Our prayers have been answered and we shall feast upon this fine morsel. Cat girl worried greatly as it seemed these strangers sought to eat her until the leader clarified further, "Get into your groups and we shall pass her around for everyone to have a turn. When you finish, join the fight and we'll continue the raid! But don't worry, she's coming back with us and we'll all have seconds."

Her words did not reassure the captive xeno as she feared what else they might be referring to when they began to clear the room and crowd around her with starving eyes. Then they began to remove their clothes and she didn't know what would come next until it did and she found herself **** into the doggy position. First came the gamers and cosplayers who were orderly as they formed lines at her front and rear ends. The suspicious cat girl gave involuntary moans as she felt two cos slide into her open ends and get tossed between the two aggressive parties. What few women in this group stuck to aiming for the front where they let the kitty lick theirs with her rough yet loving tongue. She didn't know what she was doing, but felt herself in a rhythm despite feeling awkward and scared.

Loads creamed inside and outside her butt, puss, and mouth until every last gamer had been satisfied by their captive. Next were the furries who went straight into a yiff-fest as they hummed through their fursuits , crowding her into one wild mass of fur and appendages. Some had suits with zippers or holes for their junk and used them to cram those genitalia into the nearest open hole. After that, the weebs took charge who were really exited that they got to see an actual cat girl and use this opportunity to worship every square inch of her body. They started by licking any part thet fancied, especially the thighs and feet, before they **** her to blow one of them and give to others handjobs. More would occasionally slip behind her and grab strands of the cat girl's hair to masturbate with while she was starting to get the hang of the situation for reasons unknown to her at the time. She felt herself getting hot and just let her body and these earthlings take over with the weebs finishing their turn with a huge bukkake circle jerk around her who started to like the taste of cum.

As the cat girl licked jizz off the floor that had failed to hit her body or land in her mouth, the Kyles stepped up to take their shot with the sex ****. They were all hopped up on energy drinks and ready to smash the drywall that was her pussy with their varying dicks that all shared similar veins brought on by their addiction to Monster. She looked up as the shadows of the Kyles loomed over her, feeling herself be hoisted into the air by the strong yet slim arms of her next lover. He held her over his cock and just rammed himself into her unguarded hole followed by her yelp as she held onto his boney back. Another one joined in and stuck his prick up her pooper with little care and the two jack hammered that kitty cat like a ragdoll. Their bold nature influenced their next move as more of the brothers Kyle came forward and joined their fellows, cramming their cocks into her already stuffed holes and stretching them beyond a comfortable capacity.

But the cat girl found herself overcome with ecstasy that fed into this gangbang and let her fall prey to more Kyles who bent her into odd and painful shapes all in the pursuit of their pleasure as they continued to **** their alien cumrag. This poor, used up xeno girl was a mess of human jizz and vaginal juices with strings of saliva hanging from her slack jaw while her eyes lazily whirled around in her skull. Party time seemed over until two bug Chads walked in and unfurled their nine inch cocks out of their shorts and picked up the cat girl by the wrists and ankles. From there they just played tug-o-war with their toy who was given enough adrenaline by their spitroast to straighten her tail out and shrink her pupils. Later, her body gave up before the first load of thick and quantitative chad cum as her midsection arched to the ground, eyes rolled up, and her tail slumped to the cum drenched floor.

Back at the ship, still waiting for 13 to call in this whole time, the on board AI grew fed up and decided to check in on the base only to start witnessing the chaos. It would have sighed, if programmed to do so, and decided to send in rescue drones. Two hovering disks launched from the ship's roof and sought out 13 and the cat girl she was supposed to rescue. It found 13 still lying **** in her mix of bodily fluids just as a group of raiders found her free for the taking. The drone swooped in just in time to steal her away from the furious raiders who shook their fists at the flying disk as it hovered away with 13 in its tractor beam. The other caught the catgirl still in the shed with a lone chad who was fucking the mind broken cat girl with his cock ramming in and out of her mouth, a big bulge poking through her cheek like an oversized lollipop. This drone decided to wait until he finished before rescuing the mission objective and hauling her back to the ship.

The AI watched through their cameras, judging the girls with every ounce of its personality , and waited for the drones to return as they were assaulted by cans of Monster, rocks, and rubber shuriken. Once the packages were delivered, unceremoniously dropped on the cold metal floor, the AI booted up the computers and prepared for take off. Drones returned to their stations as the ship's engines blasted the hunk of metal into the atmosphere and back out into space before Earth's satellites could track the alien vessel. Big robot hands, under control of the ship's AI, lifted the two girls up and whisked them away to 13's bedrooms after giving them a scrub down and decontamination in the showers. Another drone popped out of the wall and cleaned up the mess they left behind on the floor with a trail to follow down the halls. Lastly, the AI dried them off and put them in 13's bed before sending an automated message to HQ that the mission was a success and they were on the way to deliver the package.

Mission report, good or bad?

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