Young justice Artimas bad bet

Young justice Artimas bad bet

All characters are over 18

Chapter 1 by Littleprincespanties1 Littleprincespanties1

Artimas is sparring with bat girl aka barbra Gordon Barbra fancy making this more interesting what do have in mind Barbra asked well the first one to strip the other to there underwear wins Barbra thinks for a moment knowing how well Artimas has been trained but even her father sports master won’t take on bat man hand to hand who trained Barbra ok agreed but one condition no weapons hand to hand only Artimas smiles agreed ohh and if you like Barbra let’s up the stakes the winner gets to keep the losers underwear as a trophy and as a forfeit the loser has to wear the underwear the winner chooses for a week ok says Barbra agreed by the end off the sparing match Artimas is in nothing but light pink panties and matching bra Artimas could not believe she lost then it hit her the finial part off the bet Barbra is looking at Artimas well time to hand them over as they are now my trophies laughing Barbra says Artimas in tears takes off her panties and gives them Barbra

Artimas gets her new panties

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