X - The Final Frontier

To Boldly Come Where No Man Has Come Before...

Chapter 1 by spentbob spentbob


And so humanity got its shit together and spread out from the cradle of earth in thousands of generation ships and freezer ship and ships with ram scoops and all kinds of crazy shit, and they infected many other planets and adapted to live there by means fair and foul but there was one blight that seemed impossible to overcome - the slow and seemingly inevitable decay of the X chromosome.

Men were slowly going extinct.

The few colonies that still - through whatever means - produced healthy men isolated themselves as best they could, but many realised the important role they would have to play were mankind to survive.

That's where you come in.

You have lived on the planet Johnson3, where you've been protected from the rest of the universe all your life by both a thick orbital globe of dust further out and a heavy magnetic field. But now you're leaving, responsible not only for yourself but for a whole starship and its crew, and it's incredibly precious cargo!

Good Golly!

The high Priest and engineer nods at you. Now is the time to ask him any last questions. You know, of stuff you should know already.

Ask the Engineer something or walk towards the vessel?

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