Wrong spell (gone sexual)

Wrong spell (gone sexual)

Take the shoes of an anthro priest after a hot, horny demon is accidentaly summoned

Chapter 1 by Stitch_the_snitch Stitch_the_snitch

Check out wrong spell on webtoon and Ayleen Deer on twitter. The bulk of the story is gay, but there are straight paths

You are Elijah, an anthro dog and priest of a small town, and you still can't belive your situation.

Almost a year ago, you were saved by a witch who lives in the nearby woods and discovered most of what you knew about them was false. They didn't poison the pope and (most) don't practice evil magic. You two ended up becoming friends, with you helping her and her three aprendices (wich are children, dear reader) hide from the now-corrupt church. So far so good

A few hours ago the kids didn't make their daily call to you like they were suposed to, and you got worryed. Their "grandma" was out to gather materials, so they were home alone. You decide to pay them a visit just to see if everything was alright, only to be surprised by the presence of demon

A quick "battle" (if can even call it that) ensued, with both of you assuming the other was a dangerous trespasser. You were quickly overpowered and pined to the wall before the girls explained the situation. And just in time, having such a handsome demon pin you to the wall was starting to give you some thoughs unworthy of a man of God

Once the situation was resolved, you insisted on staying for the night, refusing to let such a beast out of sight (especialy if he was to remain shirtless...). He pretended to be mad, but you can tell he likes the company

Especialy with how he keeps teasing you

Pretending to drop things as an excuse to let you see his (rather thin) underwear from up his thong, getting things from high shelves as an excuse to shove his exposed chest on your face. The climax of this was when his tong untied and he asked you to hold it in place while he tied it again as an excuse to have you grope his firm, round butt

I mean, you agreed to, cause refusing would just lead to further temptations down the line. (At least that's what you told yourself)

Thanks to all that, keeping your cool around him was already next to impossible. Then he proposes a way to pass the time...

What will Faust propose?

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