Warhammer Fantasy, End times challenged

The Gods of Chaos have done it, but now the chance is yours, but in their arrogance have given you and your gods a chance to undo it

Chapter 1 by George67 George67

As said in the intro portion the end times will happen somewhat different from how they did in Canon, specifically because the chaos gods are trying to imitate the canon books and in some ways failed as they didn't have the writers on their side trying to make it happen.
For instance the whole Arc of Malekith suddenly being the 'once foretold true Phoenix King' or however you want to make of it, and thus creating a massive second Elven civil war didn't happen. However he did go East and try to strike an alliance with the high elves to fight the ever encroaching tide of chaos. And there was some slight infighting and grumbling over this, however Malekith, Tyrion and Teclis where all on the same side of the whole thing and desperately tried to make it work. The exact details of how that all played out would be something that individual writers in their own stories can change, but would most likely revolve around the chaos gods fucking over the maelstorm and making them able to spawn more and more demonic armies into the world, eventually overwhelming the newly re-united Elves through sheer numbers and by abusing long grudges between various groups to lessen teamwork.

Meanwhile across the sea in Bretonnia, it wasn't Chaos simply rolling over them as if they were nothing with only Leoncoeur doing anything, and even that is mostly outside of Bretonnia's borders. Instead its a two year long sludge of constant skirmishes with nine major battles, seven of which where phyrric victories for the Brettonians with a portion of the wood elves even marching out to aid them at the guidance of Lileath with her standing alongside them revealing herself to be the lady of the lake and inspiring the Bretonnians to fight even harder, but they couldn't sustain the losses while Chaos and the Skaven just kept throwing more and more, causing them to eventually be to retreat through a series of portals to a sanctuary called Haven, with hundreds of thousands of Brettonians, some wood elves and lastly Lileath herself ending up there, while Leoncoeur and whatever survivors couldn't get to the portals on time fought their way through the hordes to assist the Empire. With most other locations and factions having a somewhat similar story, and in the end at the final battle where the forces of Order gathered and could scrape out a victory through a ritual, Mannfred still fucks everyone over at the last second, because its Mannfred. That was kind of a good description of his whole personality and life story -somebody is about to do something great and has mannfred on their side, now he fucks them over because he can't stand successful people-

However, after this all ends and before they go and try to fuck over Sigmar and Crews new realms, the Chaos gods (including the Rat) grow a bit bored and go do various things, for Tzeench that is looking back at that world where they got the books on the whole end times ideas from. Then he realizes that warhammer total war is a thing, and finds it interesting, but realizes its a bit boring to do it only on his own/against his own demons so manages to manipulate Khorne into also playing it, who loves the feeling of being able to directly control armies again instead of having to just watch from his throne. After a while they even rope Nurgle in on all of it. Eventually they feel a bit bored again and decide, why not recreate the circumstances?

However, while this is happening, Slaanesh and the Great Horned Rat do try their attempt at a Chaos invasion similar to the one that happens in AOS, however unlike the canon one, because three of the five gods are far too busy playing a videogame against eachother and with most of their followers, the support from said gods factions is kind of minimal. As such, Slaanesh is captured far more easily by the Elves than in Canon, and the Horned Rat and his skaven are now the sole focus of a lot of people that are very angry about what he did to them and their people during warhammer fantasy. So that invasion is far less succesfull than in Canon.

The three other Chaos gods come up from their gaming spree with their whole idea only to finally realize, wait this already all happened. And so they go the Great Horned Rat, iron out the proposal with him, get the message out to the captive slaanesh and finalise everything. Then they come up with an offer to the remaining Gods and champions of Order that those honestly can't refuse: if you play along with us here, help recreate the world of warhammer total war 3 and then fight us on said world in a take 2 of the endtimes, if an Order or Order aligned faction wins, we leave you all alone for a century and you can have the souls of various people we took back in addition to full on having an additional world aligned to your banners. If you lose, the individual chaos god that wins gets the world on their side, including the souls within it.

The gods of order agree, however every single one of them sneaks in all kinds of things into the rules and mechanics, trying to one up each-other and give their faction a better chance, with the Chaos gods actually mostly being of the belief they'll win easily and as such not working together all that much, while most of the Gods of order try to cover eachtohers backs, knowing very well that as long as one of their factions wins, they will get a great deal out of it even if they themselves aren't directly the victor. All of the gods will be far more directly involved than usual, even the Chaos gods as the latter will each take direct control of the body of one of their aligned legendary lords, however with only the powers of said body available to them.

You'll be going along the journey of one of those legendary lords in control of their own faction with the support of their god(s), as they try to secure the fate of the world, the vast majority of them already having lived through this once and having become far more powerful and experienced in another realm/world.
(Both as a notification to the readers and anyone interested in writing one of the factions stories/make a different branch, all characters involved in any kind of sexual activity will be/need to be 18 years old or older)

Which faction are you following?

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