Using her Assets

Chapter 1 by djmaxxed djmaxxed

 Ana had a difficult childhood, with an alcoholic Dad and a Mom that was Bi-Polar. She found that smoking pot, really helped her forget about home. When her Uncle won the lottery and offered to pay for college, she figured this would be her ticket out of this city and enrolled in an Art Major at the State College that was in town. Ana really enjoyed opening her mind to new ideas and was quite outgoing. Ana had straight long black hair with blue eyes and silky white skin. Her breasts developed at a young age and while topping out at only 5'3" tall, her bra size was a solid 36D. She wasn't skinny, but she was far from overweight. Some women like to use the word "curvy" instead of calling themselves fat or overweight, but Ana did not fit this mold either. She learned quickly how her breasts would grab the attention of men despite generally wearing clothing that rarely showed much skin. She really started to notice this in her early teens and it made her quite self-conscious and tried to cover up even more with clothing to avoid attention. For the most part it, it worked.

      College life did nothing to stem her pot smoking. In fact you could even say she really started depending on it. She avoided ****, because of what it did to her Dad so she would smoke when her friends were drinking. Ana never saw her smoking as an addition or a problem, but she would often lose track of time. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world to be late. At least not until she learned a valuable lesson.

    It was a Wednesday afternoon during her Junior year in college and Ana was at her friend Megan's apartment. She had a few hours in between classes so she, Megan and other friends would often hang out, smoke pot, watch TV or whatever. Megan and Ana were sitting on a small couch talking about guys when Megan noticed the clock on the wall.

  “Hey, don't you have class at two today?”

   Ana looked at her confused as if her comment was random. "Yeah, why?"

   "It's 2:30 now."

   Ana jumped up in alarm and knocked Megan's coffee out of her hand right onto the front of her shirt. 

   "What the Hell did you do that for?!" Yelled Ana, assessing the mess she would now have to clean up.

   "I'm so sorry! I just...if I'm late again to Mr. Howard's class again, he is going to kick me out!"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           "Well, you're already late." Ana said more worried about the mess. 

   "I need to at least try. Do you have a shirt I can borrow? So I don't have to go all the way home?"

   "I haven't done laundry, but if you can find something, sure." Megan said already starting to try to clean up with some paper towels. 

Ana went quickly to Megan's room and was trying to find just a T-Shirt. Most of Megan's clothes were scattered around on the floor so Ana went to the closet. Megan was taller than Ana, but was skinny like a toothpick. She didn't see any T-Shirts, but saw a simple button up white blouse and grabbed it off the hanger. Ana threw her shirt to the floor with the other clothes and quickly put on the blouse. As she was buttoning it up she noticed how it felt tight around her chest. She was already running down the steps and on her way to class so she didn't have time to find something more comfortable. She would have to make due.

From Megan's place to this class was usually a 20 minute walk, but Ana ran as quickly as she could trying not to drop her stuff. As she got to class, she looked at her watch. It was 2:50. Still another hour left in class. Maybe he wouldn't notice.

Ana opened the door in the back slowly trying not to distract the class. It was a large room with stadium style seating. She quietly moved inside and went for the nearest chair when a loud "SLAM" rocked the classroom. Everyone turned around to see Ana standing there.

She left the door to close on its own and it made quite the loud noise in the quiet room. She tried to smile, but no one seemed impressed. Ana took her seat and tried to melt in the chair, trying not to look at Mr. Howard. The next hour seemed more like four as Ana was more worried about her teacher than anything else.

   Mr. Howard was in his 40's and really didn't stand out in any way. Slightly receding hairline, average build. Just someone you normally wouldn't notice passing by. To Ana, he was the scariest person on earth at this moment. 

   As Mr. Howard dismissed the class Ana started to get up when she heard his voice raise. 

   "Ana, if I could please see you in my office......Now"

   His office was adjacent to the classroom. Without even looking at Ana he turned around with some papers and walked inside. Ana's stomach twisted up tight and her heart began to pound.

As she approached the door he was standing facing the other wall putting some papers in the filing cabinet.

"Please, close the door and have a seat."

   Before she was in her chair he started in. "Your grades are not good. You seem to have a good head on your shoulder, but you are not here more than you actually make it in. If you would only apply yourself......" Mr. Howard stopped in mid-sentence.

   Ana had her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands. After waiting a moment in silence she looked up. He looked like a deer in the headlights.

   "Yes?" Ana said confused. 

   Mr. Howard stumbled over his words face turning bright red and he turned around like he had more filing to do, only he had no papers. Ana looked down and noticed the shirt she had on. The fabric was stretched across her chest with the buttons holding on for dear life. The top of the shirt, while not designed to show cleavage left little to the imagination, squeezing her ample breasts towards the top. The bra she had on was nothing fancy, but the top of her breasts were showing more than she would have liked. A flood of emotions hit her at once. Shame, disgust, guilt, sadness. Her emotions were running wild, but none of them positive almost forgetting where she was. 

   "Well....I'm sure you have a lot on your plate" Mr. Howard started in again, this time a little more timid. 

What will Ana do to pass her class?

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