Unlimited Power

And What I Would Do With It

Chapter 1 by cunnilinguist cunnilinguist

I woke up at about 4 am. I had a splitting headache. I never had a migraine like this before. It was like my head was being pounded from every side and it just wouldn't stop. I had to get up to the bathroom to get some aspirin. On the way there I saw my dog who, of course, started barking like crazy. I desperately wanted him to stop and luckily he did. Then, I got the bathroom and pulled out the aspirin bottle but the next thing I knew I was on the bathroom floor and my mom was shaking me. "What the hell are you doing? Get up!"
Mom had been pissed off since dad left. Can't say I blame her. He really screwed her over. She was only sixteen and he was in his twenties when she got pregnant. Her parents threw her out and he reluctantly married her. They stayed together until this year, when mom caught him fucking his secretary. Ever since she's been taking out all her frustration on me. Still, mom's kind of a looker. From photos, I can tell she was gorgeous when she was my age and she's older and a little heavier now, but I sometimes still masturbate thinking about her. Right now though, she wasn't being particularly arousing.
"Are you hungover, you little shit? I work all day and then have to come home and take care of you and..." The dog was barking. My head was pounding.
All I wanted was for her to stop. Mom stopped talking, turned around and walked out of the room. The dog went back to sleep.
I was half-asleep still and so I just got into the shower, not processing what had happened. All I hoped was that mom wouldn't be mad when I got downstairs. Maybe she would make me breakfast for once.
When I got downstairs, that was when I realized something weird was going on. There was hot eggs and bacon. Mom was humming a song as she washed some pans. "Good morning sweetie," she said, as I walked into the kitchen, still only wearing a towel around my waist. "I made you some breakfast. I'm sorry I was so rude earlier, I don't know what came over me." I was confused, but I jsut said "It's okay mom." She came over for a hug. She was still only wearing her short nightgown and I was still mostly naked and I got an erection as she wrapped me in a very tight hug. I could only hope she wouldn't freak out. Then, I felt my boner pressing into her and she didn't stop. When she pulled out of the hug she just said "You're certainly up this morning," with a laugh. Mom was never like this. Could it be me doing this? Was I making her act like this.

How are you going to figure this out?

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