Unexpected roommate


Chapter 1 by Bossfrog Bossfrog

His eyes slowly opened to the new day, light pored in from the open blinds as the cold morning air crawled through the slightly opened window. His body clicked and contorted as he stretched and twisted his hips and shoulders.

Sitting up he clicked his neck and pressed a button on a black tube. It began to echo out music as he stood and walked to his closet. Opening the smooth white door he pulled out a change of cloths. Resting them on the radiator he walked into a nearby bathroom as he striped. Strpping into the small glass box of the shower he washed and rinsed his body and hair.

After his shower he removed the cloths from the radiator and put them on. His black jeans hugged his legs as his black t-shirt hung off his frame. He pulled a pair of socks over his feet and walked into the living room. The naked wall where a tv once sat was his main focal point as he stared at the slight discolouration. Scanning the room with a tired sigh he new he needed a new place. The carpet was patchy where two sofas had been taken away. He sighed again and pulled out his laptop and searched for acommidation. As it was the weekend he new he had enough time to look aspecially with his freed up space and time.

What option does he take

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