Through Sophie’s Eyes

Through Sophie’s Eyes

A text adventure by Melody Mounier

Chapter 1 by Abdulalahazred Abdulalahazred

Through Sophie's Eyes is an adult interactive fiction game, so you should be prepared for adult themes. Also, this game is oriented toward a Transgendered/BDSM audience - if you're into any of that, you'll probably find the game worth playing; if you're not...well, you'll just be wierded out. Go elsewhere.

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Note from Abdul: This has been set up on CHYOA as a game. To get maximum benefit choose start game. If you just read the links then later branches will be available.


Chapter 1: An Argument

You sit in Sophie's bedroom and think back over your time spent with Sophie over the past year, trying to figure out what exactly happened.

Sophie's young; maybe that's the problem. She's only 18, for God's sake - a brilliant IVR (Immersive Virtual Reality) programmer, but still, she's fucking young. There's a good 15 years difference between you.

But then, she always said that's what attracted her to you - she's only attracted to older men...

Ah hell, let's face it - the real problem isn't that you're old enough to be her Dad - that's one of the thrills of your relationship, for both of you. The real problem is that she spends way too much time in IVR. Weeks at a fucking time doing God knows what in there.

You've basically assumed that Sophie's having a virtual affair. Why else would she have spent the last ten days continuously connected?

You just had a long, drawn out yelling argument with her, where nothing really got resolved, except that she called you a weak man, and told you what she did in IVR was nobody's business, and generally, you know, fuck off.

Now she's sulking in her office, and you're in her bedroom.

Sophie only sleeps over at your house, so you've only had the occasional screw here. Despite Sophie's fantastic looks, she keeps house about as well as a longshoreman. Hell, she's got a mouth like one too.

There's her efficient single bed, and a dresser to one side.

You see some Reebonike running sneakers here. On the dresser are a candle and a cigarette lighter.

What's next?

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