The Super System

The Super System

Super Tales

Chapter 1 by darklyte31 darklyte31

A billion years ago, a benevolent alien race started seeding solar systems that had the potential for sentient life. They had seen tens of thousands of species fail to reach the stars due to various reasons, mainly internal politics or outside interference from hostile aliens, that would trigger species extinction. They placed asteroid belts that were made up of several hundred million invisible and intangible intelligent artificial asteroids. These asteroids were self perpetuating and linked together, constantly monitoring all the planets in the system, if one failed or was destroyed, it would be replaced. If a species managed to reach the stars, other solar system belts would be notified. If a star collapsed, they would migrate.

When the third planet started transmitting radio waves, they focused on the third planet and moved and contracted the their belt so it would share a near Earth orbit. When the internet was established, they planned. Since the species of this planet were only moderately warlike and had the capacity for compassion, they were able to act using the directives of their creators. They had to reduce the population to a level that would allow humanity to survive and at the same time give them hope.

A System would be implanted in random adult individuals among the human race. By observing the species it was determined they would combine two ideas that were popular, superheroes and role-playing game systems.

One Hundred-Seventy years ago, the first system was implanted. An asteroid would enter the upper atmosphere to release its contents, accompanied by the visible multicolored streak of a shooting star, before resuming its journey.

At first there was chaos, then a few decades of the usual hero and villain battles, which was then followed war. World War III lasted decades, the only countries spared were the ones too poor and far away from the war zones to contribute. There are vast wastelands scattered throughout the world, not caused by nuclear weapons, but by battles between the strongest Supers on each side of the War. The largest wasteland encompasses the lower half of the Asian Continent from the middle of Mongolia and Kazakhstan stopping just short of Cambodia, and all the Middle East. Most of the land west of the Rocky Mountains in the United States has either fallen into the ocean or become an uninhabitable wasteland. Much of South America was in ruins and Europe not much better. The waters of the world have risen and those living in the equatorial region have migrated further toward the poles. Except for weapons of war, technology and culture has regressed to the mid twenty-first century level. The population of the world is just over one and a half a billion and the powerful super abilities that appeared in the beginning are no longer seen. Superheroes and supervillains have been relegated to the annals of history. Everyone on their 18th birthday now receives minor random abilities.

Located over the remains of St. Louis, Rail City expanded into both Missouri and Illinois. The sprawling megacity houses over thirty-million souls and is the second largest city in America, Washington D.C. being the first at forty-two million. The other thirty million living in smaller cities and agricultural areas made up the rest of the country.


Stat Rules





Trait: Two

Abilities: 2-5 passives and 1 active(all based on personality).

No overpowered abilities.


US Currency: Dollars have been replaced with credit slips and coins have been eliminated. 1 cent is now the equivalent of 1 credit. Denominations are as follows: 1, 5, 10, 100, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000.

Transportation: The city is made up metro trains and roadways, with high speed rail and maglev trains passing through as Rail City is a hub. Cars are mostly single seat electric with a small trunk, or old vehicles that have been converted for modern use.

Technology: Tech has reverted back to the equivalent of the early to mid 21st century, with the exception of a few convenient devices and warfare.


Writing about supers isn’t really easy for me, but I hope you can add some fun stories to the universe.

Write from whatever perspective you wish, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

Who is the individual and what are their stats?

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