The Subtle Art of Perception

Chapter 1 by indigo sky indigo sky

Shifting her weight over to one side, Liana moved with precision as she typed changes into the navicomputer, preparing to make the transition from sub-ion space. The coordinates carefully entered and checked, she leaned back in her chair and cleared her mind, focusing all of her energy on the center of her body. Reaching out for the distinctive presence of her second in command.

Finding Ryn in the back lounge with their guests she gently reached out with her thoughts and spoke to the other girl firmly.

“Ryn, come here at once we are about to enter the planet’s orbit,” she commanded.

“Yes, Mistress,” Ryn responded immediately.

Turning to their traveling companions she quickly excused herself and made her way to the cockpit of the vessel. Liana spoke aloud as she entered the small chamber.

“We will be landing shortly. Tell the girls to prepare their things for departure. Then do the same for yourself. We do not want to arouse even the hint of suspicion at this stage of the game.”

“Yes Mistress,” she replied confidently. “The girls have not expressed any doubt that I will not be staying with them that I have observed”

“Good. We will depart the vessel separately. So as not to confuse the situation,” Liana continued.

“Yes, Mistress,” said Ryn dutifully and knowing her orders were at their end, she turned and exited the cabin gracefully.

The ship’s computer signaled that the descent from sub-ion had begun and Liana prepared to make contact with the planet through subverted channels in order to mask their arrival.

After receiving an approved hanger in an industrial area of the city. She too, began to prepare to disembark on the surface. Placing a blank data chip into the vessel’s central computer, she ran a data transfer of the necessary information and slipped it into a small compartment that fit evenly inside her interior coat pocket. Checking the charge on her blaster she secured it in a holster positioned on the left flank of her torso.

Landing the vehicle swiftly, she mentally signaled to Ryn that her and the other girls were to make their exit swift. She did not want to waste anytime whatsoever. The clock was ticking, their employer waiting for his information.

Satisfied that her counterpart and their guests had left sufficiently ahead of her, Liana exited the vessel. Stepping onto Shivar for the first time in quite awhile. Many a memory came flooding back, and Liana made her way through the streets of the notorious planet. Known for its gambling, exotic clubs and shady business transactions. There was a recognizable shadow or a naïve tourist around ever corner.

Where is Liana headed on the surface?

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