The Stream

A once infamous streamer returns from an impromptu break for a memorable stream.

Chapter 1 by gm_dude gm_dude

The sun is shining out on a quiet suburban street, cars fly past occasionally as a seemingly regular if slightly skinny man stops his journey and pulls out a pair of glasses. Putting them on, he fiddles with a smart phone which he whips from his pocket. After a few minuets of fiddling he starts his monologue.

"Hello? Can you guys hear alight? These glasses' microphones should be awesome but this is the first time I'm really using them. Oh you can? Great, how is it?... Good, hows the picture? They said that these ones display in HD and don't get any weird fish eye effect like you do with Go-Pros. Like you're really here? Excellent, that's what I want Roastqueef, so you guys can imagine that you are right here with me. Also it feels weird saying your names in public. I mean 'Roastqueef'? hahaha, one day I'm going to ask you all how you come up with some of this shit."

The man seems pleased with events so far, he sets off in one direction, walking and chatting with seemingly himself.

"Ok guys, I'm going give it a few minuets before I start this whole show off just to give time for the rest of you guys to get in here. I posted on every feed I could, but even so not everyone is on the internet all the time. While we wait I'll just go over a few things because as you guys can already see, this is very different from my regular streams. First off, I'm outside for one. I'm not in my basement playing video games, watching porn and complaining about the world and shit like usual. I'm using Google glasses to record this. You guys are seeing almost what I'm seeing. I've got the chat feed in my right eye here, I can see you all. I can edit settings and mod stuff from my phone."

The man's eyes flicked down to his phone as he showed it briefly before putting it back into his pocket. He looked back to his display as he read his chat log.

"How did I afford this? I didn't buy it, I just asked for it and they sent it to me. With a few improvements which I requested which would have made it way, WAY more expensive for anyone to really buy. Why did they do it? It's a long story, I'm not going to go into details here but... err well... I can pretty much, sorta control minds now."

The man stopped and looked through a chain-link fence at a large patch of grass, thinking to himself for a few seconds and waiting for the inevitable reply.

"No Randyman, I have not gone 'fucking mental'. I can control everyone. It's not even hard, I'm not sure how I can do it but I can. I'm waiting for a few more to show then I'll prove it, if you don't believe me then stick around for the show. Speaking of which, Shotels here! Hey Shotel, I'm glad you could make it buddy. You thought I was dead? Well that's not to far off, it's been a crazy two weeks, let me fucking tell you. Yeah, Google glasses. Neat huh? Well anyway I can control minds. Yep. It's not telepathy, I think its magic. Why do I think that? Well I have experimented a lot with this over the past week or so and its too... amazingly convenient and does weird shit to be anything else. For example, I tell some one to do something and they do it, if someone else comes in, what ever they are doing no matter how weird, they treat it as normal. They all treat everything as normal. They don't ask why they are punching themselves or taking their clothes off or anything, they just do it without fuss and here is the weird bit; If I record myself telling someone to do something, they still do it, even if I'm not there in person, it works over the phone, whatever. So I guess that rules out telepathy or pheromones or any shit. It's magic guys, fucking magic."

The man looks up and sees a crowded bus stop ahead and stops in his tracks, deliberately staying out of earshot of anyone waiting.

"I don't know how it happened, but that day two weeks ago, there were weird lights in the sky that night which no one seems to remember, also I did accidentally drop a fifty into an old beggar woman's hat and she started chanting weird shit at me and I was to freaked out to get my money back, plus if you remember that rift head set I got? Well the damn thing nearly killed me with like a million volts from ear to ear. Next thing I know I'm walking up in hospital and the doctor is telling me I only survived because of a some experimental **** or something. All that shit on the same day so who knows."

The man takes a deep breath and continues.

"Guys, I've had a shitty life, I was nearly 30 and a virgin, shitty job, shitty everything. Everyone treated me like shit, the only joy I got was hanging with you guys on stream. You guys meant a lot to me, the way we used to just say fuck the world because it fucked us. These past two weeks have been crazy, I've lived the dream and had a lot of sex but I can't forget you guys, who were with me through the shit. So here I am, ready to let you guys live the dream too, if only for a little bit because I love you guys "

The man was silent for just a second to let that sink in.

"Ha! Yeah well fuck you guys too. There is not that many 'A's in 'gay'. Whao! Shit! Nearly two hundred viewing, that sounds like everyone and more than usual. Probably because I'm using the glasses, people will check out anything if its new. Well new people, stick around or not it's up to you. I think its about time we get started. The reason I need to wait till I had as many as possible before we start is so we can get an important thing done for this. You remember when I said people will think everything is normal no matter what when I use my power? Well I can change that by commanding people to realise weird shit is going on. You guys won't know I'm using my powers unless I tell you other wise. This will not do. I will not leave my bros hanging. I've prepared a statement, oh hey Junkiemun, just in time. Make sure all you guys have your speakers up. Its time to start this party."

The man got out a piece of paper from his pocket and showed it to the stream, he cleared his throat and started up a well rehearsed routine which is clear he has done many times before .

"Hi guys, Renegade-leaderX, AkA the emperor of the filthy, but as always you can just call me, John. Welcome to my stream. Now for the important bit."

John carefully read from the page.

"Any Moderators or administrators of my host site stop viewing this stream now. Right. To all who are left currently watching my stream live, anything weird or out of the ordinary you will notice as you would had I not used my power. You will notice people acting out of the ordinary or anything else which comes about because of my ability. You are for all intents and purposes, immune to my power for the duration of your connection to my stream. Have a nice day."

John pocketed the paper and began to walk towards the bus stop full of people who did not hear what he just said.

"So guys, are you ready for this? You notice I said 'watching live' there. That's just in case any of you want to play this back to cops later, they wont see anything wrong, so I wouldn't bother... Yeah, I know. You think I'm about to get arrested anyway, I'm insane. Yeah, yeah, yeah. These past two weeks kinda make me feel a bit insane. Insane with POWER, heh-eh. That's sweet you care Shotel but I'm fine, look watch this."

John had reached the bus stop and turned to a man leaning against the ad board reading a newspaper.

"Hey buddy, give me your wallet"

The man fished briefly in his pocket, pulled out his wallet and handed it to John. John opened it up and grabbed all the cash in it.

"You don't mind if I have all this money do you?"

The man shook his head and went back to his paper.

"Cheers, here's your wallet back"

The man took it and put it back in his pocket minus all the cash and carried on reading his paper.

"Cool, huh, but that's not what you guys want, is it? " John turned to a girl who seemed to be about eighteen. She was quite cute with her button nose and a few freckles, wearing a typical white blouse and long yellow skirt, her long frizzy blonde hair in a pony tail, she was engrossed in her phone as she waited.

"Show me your tits"

The girl looked briefly up at John then looked down to her blouse which she started to unbutton. Once all the way open she quickly pushed her smallish tits up and out of the cups of her bra. She held the pose for a bit while John studied them.

"let me look up your skirt"

Before she could react John got down on his haunches and pulled the girls skirt up, like he was climbing in a tent, her threw it over him as he climbed inside and marvelled at her legs and panties.

"Don't mind me while I feel you up"

John nor anyone on the stream could see her reaction as John moved his hands up and down her legs. He started to rub in-between her legs, her pink lace panties filling his view. He moved them to the side slightly as he slipped his finger in and then a second and started to pump in and out, making sure to get a good view at all times. All this time John was too busy to watch his chat feed. His eyes unfocused from his task and looked at the feed briefly. As expected the feed was going nuts. In all his time as a streamer he had never seen it like this. The were a few "FAKE"'s thrown in but now as he was literally getting right in there it was mostly "OMFG"'s. John laughed to himself. He withdrew from the girl, uncovering himself he stood up.

"You see, what you guys need to understand... you, suck on my fingers. Is that we can do anything we want. The game I'm playing today is reality and I have already unlocked God mode."

The girl still with her chest on display opened her mouth as John presented his fingers to her, slightly moist with her own juices. She allowed them in and gently began sucking them while she went back to her phone.

"So, lets play. I'll ask you guys what you want me to do and I'll do it. What you want to see, ill make it happen. "

Behind John the bus was pulling up, people were gathering their things. The girl hand put her phone away but had not stopped sucking, people began filing onto the bus.

"I think its time you were on your way babe, off you go." She glared at him as she stopped sucking.

"Don't call me babe asshole." She spat at him as she stepped past.

John could see the chat erupting in messages such as 'owned' and 'Gets power and pussy yet still shot down like a loser, John in a nutshell'. His features darkening John shouted back after the girl as she boarded the bus.

"You like to be called fuck-slut" She looked back at him. "Cya fuck-slut" John added as he waved.

She actually smiled slightly and waved back as she disappeared inside the vehicle, everyone on board paying no mind to her exposed chest. John turned away and started heading on.

"Guys, the city centre is right around that corner. This city has everything so what ever you guys want to do, ill do it. So first come first serve, and no stupid shit. "

What does the chat say?

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