The Seduction Game

The Seduction Game

a new app for your entertainment

Chapter 1 by Tnaisawesome Tnaisawesome

Please use game mode!

This story is currently fairly linear and unfinished, but I plan to expand it with choices. This is a winning path. I plan to make more of them, but I also want to make paths that fail - and maybe possibilities to fix mistakes. Sometimes my ideas are too complex to work with the limited script system here.

Update: I'm working on Day 6. It looks promising.


Keeping a secret is difficult. Keeping an unbelievable secret is almost impossible. It burns in your soul, relentlessly. But I know I can’t tell. They would lock me up in an asylum or something. That’s why I am writing it down here for posterity. If you read this, I am dead. Hopefully late in the 21st century.

All right. You know me as Mike. At 23, I was your typical student of engineering. Slim, but not fit. Pale, and although not ugly, not exactly attractive either. Just a boring face that blended in with the crowd, with an unfashionable haircut and clothes. Geeky friends. No girlfriend, obviously, and although I wasn’t a virgin, I could count my few sexual encounters on one hand. I spent my nights either in my room, or out drinking weird beers with my fellow nerds.

One night, that all changed. I was lying on my couch, watching some geeky TV show while my main focus was on the porn I browsed on my Android phone. It was a pretty standard Saturday night. Watching a young woman get plowed by a large cock while I slowly jerked my little wiener. Out of nowhere, an ad popped up and obscured the video. Normally, I would have swiped it away immediately, but for some reason this particular ad got my attention.

“New! Exciting! THE SEDUCTION GAME! Play it now!” it said, illustrated by a nerdy looking dude surrounded by a bunch of smiling, topless women.


“Oh, what the hell,” I thought. “I’ll bite.”

Bored out of my mind, I clicked OK, half expecting to be caught in a click jack chain. Instead, a file started downloading immediately, and then installed itself on my phone without asking. When the process finished, my screen faded to black.

“Welcome to THE SEDUCTION GAME!” a soft female voice said.

The screen lit up, now showing a hot blonde in a tight blue dress, holding a “PLAY!” sign.

I clicked it eagerly. The blonde smiled, and walked away, while the screen faded to black again.

“Good choice!” she said in her soft, seductive voice.

“You’re about to start a new, EXCITING game. It is NOTHING like you’ve ever played before!” she continued.

The screen flickered, momentarily showing pictures of women, parties, sex and… then… a table of numbers appeared.

“Here is your player profile. We’ve already entered your current skill set. Have a look!”

The screen showed my correct name (“Mike”), age (23), height (5’6)… all of it stuff they must have pulled from social media or something.

“Hah, that’s weird!” I thought. They had somehow guessed my weight and fitness correctly. Maybe it was using some weird algor- wait a minute!

The next lines were stats straight out of a role-playing game: “Fitness”, “intelligence”, “charisma”, “confidence”, “coolness”, “sex skills”, “stamina”, “length” and “girth”. I noticed most numbers were average, or even lower, and got a little angry.

“What the fuck is this?!”

“Are you ready to level up, player?” the hot woman asked me. “It’s time to distribute your starter pack! Here are some free points from me. Use them well!”

The number eleven appeared in the top right corner, accompanied by a little “ping!” sound. That had to be the new allocation points. Now, let’s see… I read the numbers.

Intelligence: {Intelligence}/10
Charisma: {Charisma}/10
Confidence: {Confidence}/10
Coolness: {Coolness}/10
Fitness: {Fitness}/10
Looks: {Looks}/10
Sex skills: {Sex_skills}/10
Stamina: {Stamina}/10
Cock length: {Cock_length}/10
Cock girth: {Cock_girth}/10
Cum production: {Cum_production}/10

Available for distribution: 11 points

The rest of the stats were as expected for a random starter character. Cock length was five, which I quickly figured had to be inches. Girth was obviously the thickness; annoyingly at just two out of ten, although that had to be scaled in something other than inches.

“If you need game help, you can press “hint” at any time, the hot woman explained.

I pressed it immeditately.

“Each day you can earn points by seducing women. The game will end exactly 168 hours from now, so spend your points well!”

Alright. An avid gamer, I had played a lot of RPGs, and this actually seemed pretty standard for an adult dating game. I requested a second hint.

“Seducing a highly rated girl gives you more points! You can look up her rating by either taking a photo or entering her full name in the search bar. We will do the rest.”

I clicked the hint button for the third time.

“Try to focus on the seduction part early on! You can earn bonus upgrades for hidden achievements!”

“OK, got it, mam…” I said, not realizing I was talking to my phone.

“You can call me Liz,” the woman inside my phone said.

“Nice to meet you, Liz!” I replied.

Time to distribute my starter points.

How do I distribute the points?

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