The Predicament

The Predicament

Put in a Pickle by Your Asshole Sister

Chapter 1 by MissTaken MissTaken

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on true events. Some of it happened exactly as it is written. The rest? Well, the rest represents what I believe would have happened had different choices been made by the parties involved. All names have been changed to protect the privacy of said parties. I hope you enjoy it!

"What did you do!?" you scream, looking up from your phone and over at your older sister, Janie. She's sitting on the other end of the couch, laughing hysterically. You look back down, mouth agape, and stare at the screen in disbelief. "Janie, what the fuck!?"

"Your face!" she howls, still laughing as she extends an arm and finger in your direction. You want slap her. You want to strangle her! She's gone way too far this time.

"You're such an asshole!" you tell her.

"Oh, come on, Jen," she replies, dismissively. "It's just a joke!"

That's the thing with Janie, though. She really is a fucking asshole. Everything is a joke to her, and all of her jokes are immature and cruel. It's like she can only laugh if it's at someone else's expense or misfortune and, being her little sister, that "someone else" is often you. It's been that way since you were kids. You thought she'd have grown out of it by now, and grown up, but here you are, both in your mid-30s, and she's still the same wicked bitch she was in high school.

You were only gone for a minute, but that was long enough for her snatch your phone off the armrest on your side of the couch and text him.

"I want to suck your dick."

She texted that to Rick.

Who's Rick?

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