The New America

The subjugation of women

Chapter 1 by Aurora196 Aurora196

The US had been struggling for a while, with slower economic growth, declining birth rates, increased political and cultural tensions, and fear of environmental collapse. However, in 2031, a popular senator from Texas by the name of Ryan Shaye had announced his run. His campaign began in earnest, appealing to multiple sets of voters at once. He appealed to younger voters with his focus on environmental issues, he appealed to white male voters by focusing largely on stabilizing and growing the economy and stimulating business, and he appealed to women by talking about his concern for their rights. His talk about stimulating businesses won him support from major businesses who agreed to help finance his campaign. People of color were largely not appealed to by him, and were in fact used as a scapegoat, but enough people still voted for him that come January 2033, he was sworn into office.

When he was running, he used a decent portion of his funding on cultural propaganda. This propaganda focused on the demonization of people of color, blaming them for the economic stagnation and corruption in the country. It also focused on women’s roles in the US, claiming that women were special and had the sacred purpose of giving birth and homemaking. But the largest portion of funding was spent on propaganda making him seem god-like. If you walked down the street, you’d see posters talking about how saintly and honest he is. If you went on social media, you’d be bombarded by ads showing his intelligence and competence. His campaign had payed for major media companies and influencers to talk about how incredible he was, how he was the only one capable of saving the US, and how he needed more power to do so. Once he got into office, this propaganda campaign picked up even more steam.

Along with the propaganda funding came some huge shakeups in the government. The military and intelligence leadership were all replaced by people favorable to him, that he knew from his time in the military. As a result, his political opponents started having a lot of dirt dug up on them, and they were for the most part, swiftly kicked out of office. Heads of major media and social media companies soon found themselves blackmailed and bribed into stepping down and handing their position over to someone favorable to Shaye. This, along with allowing him to spread further propaganda, gave him strong control over the narrative, and therefore more leeway to do what he wanted. Businesses that didn’t support him soon found themselves collapsing. Courts were packed with judges favorable to him and his supporters. People who spoke out against him were quickly discredited.

A large portion of his propaganda focused on the bloated size of congress, saying that the overly large size caused too much conflict for anything to get done, and after gaining large public support, he cut down the size of congress, leaving only a small group who entirely supported him. After this, he implemented an educational overhaul, and everyone, even if they had already gone to school, was required to retake certain classes. These classes focused on promoting strict gender roles that delegated a significant portion of the female population as breeding and homemaking machines. Whiteness was called the core aspect of national identity, and other races were criticized for causing the main cultural ills. These classes showed how strong government control over social issues would be immensely beneficial, and stoked fears about attacks from other countries. These classes, along with the relentless propaganda, gave him the power to make some serious changes. Of course, this took time, but he had removed presidential term limits, so he knew he had that.

The education system now schooled every child up until the age of fourteen. He had greatly improved the educational system, increasing the value of teaching as a career to shrink classroom sizes, so this education was high quality, but also filled with propaganda. At the age of fourteen, all students would take the General Aptitude Test. This test, as the name implies, tested for general aptitude. Specifically, this test looked at musical, mathematical, engineering, artistic, writing, scientific, economic, speaking, strategy, mechanical, technological, analytical, and logical reasoning skills. Based on the highest score a student got, they would be sorted into a school dedicated to developing that specific skill to the highest level possible, as long as they got over a 70 in at least one of the fields. If they got between a 60 and a 70, they would be allowed to take the test once more, and if they still got below a 70, they would not go on to further schooling. Instead, they, along with the students that got below a 60 on their first test, would be sent to alternative training centers based on their sex.

The males would be trained in manual labor, farming, and military skills. As soon as they received what was deemed an adequate level of training, they would be put to work. This work, while difficult, was compensated by good working conditions, good pay, and a high quality of life. The government didn’t want to risk revolt, after all. At least, this was the case for the white men. The non-white males had ok living conditions, but nothing great. The non-white men were to have a vasectomy to prevent reproduction. They were kept heavily propagandized, and the FBI kept many informants, making potential dissenters too paranoid to revolt. The females would be taught cooking, cleaning, and other homemaking skills, to a much higher degree than the other females. They would then be used as a maid service as soon as they got adequate training. Once they turned 18, they would be sent to what were called cattle ranches. Here, they were bred and milked. When this wasn’t happening, they would continue their duties as maids. Any white American male was allowed to sign up to breed these women, but only specific men were selected. The stronger and more talented ones. Non-white women were also bred, with the hope being to breed all non-white races out of existence.

The women who went on to receive a further education would put off getting pregnant until after their schooling. However, once schooling ended, they would be expected to get a job, and due to government mandates, most jobs required or heavily incentivized women to be pregnant. So they would do these jobs while constantly kept pregnant. The white men who went on to get an education basically lived on top of the world. The government, wanting to keep them happy, greatly reduced working hours while increasing pay and working conditions. They also implemented a UBI for the white men and women with an education. This allowed them to have a higher quality of life, which prevented revolt, while also giving them time to be creative and entrepreneurial. This greatly boosted the US economy, with a huge increase in start-ups, businesses and innovation.

Infertile women who failed the test were actually pretty highly valued. They served a couple of important jobs. The CIA gave infertile women to key figures in order to improve relationships. They also sold them in the black market to generate funds and bring more money to the US. The military also liked to keep some of the infertile women, letting the male soldiers used them for sexual relief and pleasure.

These infertile women aren’t the only thing the CIA sold. The US government, realizing they were missing out on funds from the international black market, tasked the CIA with cornering that market to bring in more money. Along with bringing in money, they also wanted to destabilize other countries. Along with infertile women, women from other countries were kidnapped and sold. They specifically targeted smart, skilled, and competent women, especially professors, to create a sort of brain drain. This helped to decrease the education levels in other countries, and brought in money from numerous black market buyers. were another major sale for the CIA. Their superior organization and access to resources allowed them to pretty much control the market, and they spread their product like crazy. The US media helped them out, making films that glamorized the use of and marketing them in other countries, but not the US. Weapons were also commonly sold by the CIA, to various rebel groups that wanted to fight their government.

Another destabilization tactic they used was . They assassinated key figures and some of the smartest people in the country, the innovators, scientists, doctors, and other leaders. They actually put birth control in the water of other countries to collapse their populations. They spread propaganda that encouraged men to brutalize women, forcing women to leave their country and shrinking the population.

To capitalize on the women leaving their country, the US government implemented a motherhood visa for aspiring mothers. These aspiring mothers, once they came to the US, would be sent to cattle ranches and bred by white men. It should be noted that they were not bred as often as white women, with the government wanting to keep white people as the clear majority. Men from these countries were also allowed to enter the U.S., but unless they scored incredibly highly on an aptitude test, they were sent to do hard labor in farms or factories. They were to have a vasectomy to live in the country, so that they could not reproduce.

Of course, there were plenty of dissenters to this government and its policies. However, organized movements were quickly infiltrated by the FBI, and paranoia spread like wildfire while the leaders and figureheads were arrested, leading to the collapse of these movements. The leaders of these movements, along with all of the radical female dissenters, were forcefully sterilized and then chained up and sent to a sex shop. A sex shop is a shop where any male customer can fuck, hit, , and do whatever they want to a woman, with the exception of killing or majorly injuring her. These shops were set up as a scheme to lure in tourists, and were incredibly successful, but it also served the community well. Along with allowing local men to take out anger, seeing men constantly beating up and dominating women helped to reinforce the key ideas of the patriarchy. The less radical female dissenters were not punished quite as heavily. Some were into temporary prison service, a service where women have to enter male prisons and sexually gratify them, letting them be as aggressive as they want. Along with punishing the women, it also helped to decrease the aggression of the male prisoners in other areas, and was so successful that female prisons were abolished entirely, and female prisoners were either sold into sex slavery, into sex shops, or just put in male prisons completely naked. The least radical female dissenters were sentenced to public humiliation.

Male dissenters were forcefully sterilized, then either put into prison or into hard labor. The only exceptions were the really intelligent or competent men, the ones that were too valuable for the state to waste. Instead, these men were given some of the most loyal women, who, through their submission, would encourage the men to embrace Shaye’s rule.

Porn of course became a huge business here. The women at the cattle ranches learned how to put on shows, and were rewarded monetarily for doing so. The sex shops, prison girls, and even the women who were well educated all participated in porn. Porn is after all a great industry to be in, so the government supported it entirely. Along with porn, the government provided plenty of support to agriculture, industry, tech, media, and plenty of other industries. With its even greater economy, even stronger military, even more extensive intelligence network, and even more popular media, the U.S. became more dominant than any country before. But, like all rulers, Shaye was not content with that. He sought to expand the country, colonize everyone, and finally do what no one before him could. Take over the world.

***This was an intro to the world of this story. The rest of the story will follow various characters in this world. Soldiers in the US military, women in the cattle ranches, dissenters, women in the countries the US will try to colonize, etc. I hope you enjoy it, let me know if you have any suggestions about people to follow or things to include.***

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