The Manipulator

With great power comes... yeah, you know the rest

Chapter 1 by SlimeQSlimedog SlimeQSlimedog

[Update 2020-12-30: I’ve decided to make this story moderated. Please read the Author’s Notes for details.]

[Important note: Good News, Everyone! I believe I've stabilized the condition variables and ironed out enough bugs that it's okay now for the main story to be played in Game Mode. Game Mode allows for chapter text and choices that become available depending on your past actions, and is what I am eventually aiming for, despite it being incredibly complicated to pull off successfully. (If you want to see just now insane I am, here is the current planned story graph (warning, spoilers).) In particular, Game Mode is required if you want to play as a girl, as all female-specific text and decisions require the "female" condition variable to be set. Normal mode will always default to male. (If you're playing the 'Sex Now, Please' route, Game Mode really doesn't matter so much, as it's basically just a linear porno journey.) As of the time of this writing, it is under heavy revision and addition, so I apologize if anything changes out from under you!]

[Content Warning: It probably goes without saying, but any instance where you’re manipulating the brains of people for sexual purposes is gonna qualify as .]

"Sam! Wake up! There's a package for you!"

Your mom's voice stirs you from your weekend slumber, far too early for a Sunday, in your opinion. You sit up in bed, and rub your eyes, the memories of whatever dream you'd been having already evaporating into the morning air. A package? you think. A package for me? You can't remember having ordered anything lately -- and your birthday isn't for another seven months, so you can't imagine you'd be getting any presents right now. Not that you'd expect any presents in the mail, anyway; the only family you have that would care about such things all live nearby. They'd probably just come over and visit.

You pull the comforter and sheet off of your body, and shiver slightly. Winter in Wisconsin, you think. Every summer I pray for this time to come... and then, when it finally does, all I want is to feel the rays of the sun again. You pivot your feet off the bed, and slip them into a pair of fuzzy slippers waiting there for you. The fluff surrounding your toes immediately helps warm you up; combined with your flannel pajamas, you're actually able to keep quite comfortable in your under-insulated attic bedroom.

As you stand up, you take a gander at yourself in the mirror hanging on the back of your door. Looking back at you, you see...

What do you look like?

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