The Magic Word


Chapter 1 by Ppunish Ppunish

Thomas sat alone in the bar of his local pub; once again his Friday night had been a washout. It wasn’t that he was unattractive, at 6’ with brown hair piercing blue eyes and a fairly fit physique he’d had luck with the ladies, he just wasn’t able to close the deal. You could say he suffered from a lack of confidence but even that wasn’t entirely true he could talk to the girls, in fact he had chatted with a girl named Suzy tonight for at least half an hour before her friends dragged her home, he just didn’t know how to swing the conversation around to getting them back to his or even getting their number. The times when he had got lucky were just that, luck; it was the girls who came on to him and asked him back to theirs. One or two of these occasions even turned into a relationship, but his heart was never truly in it and they didn’t last long.

Thomas looked around the bar it was empty apart from himself, Maggie the landlady and an old guy sitting on his own in the corner. Thomas looked over at Maggie, she was in her fifties and alright looking in a middle aged lady kind of way, she was average build but topped this off with a large pair of bouncy tits that she always loved to display in tight low cut tops. She’d told Thomas that they kept the old boys coming in and more than once she’d had drinks bought for her after propping them up on the bar while talking to the regulars. Thomas watched them now, swaying from side to side as she wiped the bar down and stored the memory in the wank bank for later. Thomas was pulled out of his inspection of Maggie’s tits by the old guy from the corner coming and sitting next to him.

“Evening young lad, buy a poor old man a drink will ya?” he asked in a gravelly drawl. Thomas looked the man and the face and thought, yeah what the hell who else am I gonna spend my money on? “Sure what you after?” “Ah bless you son” he replied “I’ll have a whiskey”.

“Maggie” Thomas called out “can I have a double whiskey please?”
“Sure thing love any ice?” Thomas looked at the old man who shook his head “no just straight up please.” “Coming right up” she replied. As Maggie served the whiskey Thomas looked at the old man again trying to see if he recognised him but every time he turned away it was like his face was stricken from memory, must be the beer he thought just as Maggie put the glass down in front of him. He gave her some money and turned around to the old man who was swirling the glass and taking deep whiffs of it “I do love the smell of a good whiskey” he said putting the glass back down on the bar.

“Now Thomas I’m going to tell you something but you have to keep it a secret otherwise it will lose its power” the man whispered in his ear. Ok thought Thomas this should be fun, nodding at the old man. The man looked around making sure no-one was close, even Maggie was out the back doing something. “if you want anyone to do anything sexual for you grab their ears like this and whisper this word to them while looking in their eyes” the man gripped his ears, placing his thumbs inside them and pushing up he closed his eyes and whispered “Felanacunum, now I had my eyes closed because I don’t want anything from you but in order for it to work you must have eye contact, this is very important otherwise it won’t work.” he continued “now once you’ve done this the person will be open to any sexual suggestion you make but only for an hour, after this the spell will end and they’ll forget everything that happened except that they’ve just had a really good time with you. Now remember keep eye contact and never tell anyone else or you’ll lose the power” “why are you telling me” Thomas asked a little confused. “Because I’m old and I’ve had my fun and you look like a guy who needs a bit of help” the old man replied. “Ok thanks mate” Thomas said turning round and taking a swig of his beer. “What’s your name by the way?” he asked turning back to the man who was no longer there, he looked around the pub but couldn’t see him anywhere.

Wow what a wierdo he thought draining the last of his glass just as Maggie came back out the front. “Can I have another Maggie” he asked the landlady “you ain’t touched your whiskey yet love finish that and I’ll get you another one” “but…” Thomas stuttered and then thought better of it picking the glass up and draining it in one gulp. Maggie walked over to him “so what can I get you honey?” She asked.

“Umm come here for a second Mags I wanna try something” “ok love” Maggie walked towards him her tits bouncing along with her “what’s up?” She asked leaning on the bar, her boobs almost bursting out of her top. “umm I’ve got this meditation trick I want to try on you” he barely said “ok hun it’s not the weirdest request I’ve had in here, what do I need to do” she said with a faint smile on her face. “We.. well I need to hold your ears like this and look into your eyes, don’t shut yours” “ok so far so good” Maggie replied the smile on her face getting larger as Thomas grabbed her ears “Felanacunum” he whispered looking straight into her eyes. Suddenly Maggie’s face went blank and her pupils dilated Thomas let go of her ears quickly and sat back, a little bit worried. Slowly Maggie started to blink and the smile returned to her face “wow that really worked I feel wonderful now what can I get you?”

What do you ask Maggie for?

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