The Lives of  Slaves

The Lives of Slaves

Keep the slaves in the family

Chapter 1 by incestdomination incestdomination

In the first decades of the 21st century, a new unknown virus spread through the Earth. It goes unnoticed for years because, unlike any previously known virus, the disease it spreads has no noticeable side effects or at least none apparent immediately. After all, its only side-effect was that infected women could not conceive unless the fetus had male chromosomes. It took years to notice the rate increase of male to female borns.

With the virus already spread to almost all populations, humankind was practically doomed. Still, bioengineering companies join together to create a process to produce artificial women in just 20 years, made in mass in factories and capable of breeding with the male population. They are called factory females.

Between the years it took to develop the process and the 20 years it took for the first batch of factory females male population vastly outnumber the natural-born female population. Hence, it was easy to legalize the enslavement of factory females.

Decades later, after natural-born women became extinct, the process of factory females was perfected until they became immune to the disease and women were able to be born again.

By this point, female slavery was so extended that these new women were still considered slaves, and they didn't have any more rights than factory females. The only difference was that, unlike factory females, it was not legal to buy or sell them to protect the companies that created the factory females that saved the world. These women were only enslaved by their male relatives, and it was only allowed to transfer them between fathers and sons. They are called **** slaves.

**** slaves were not only created to obey their fathers, brothers, and sons. They have been perfectioned to the point that they associate happiness with slavery, actively pursue the enslavement of future female generations, and defend female slavery with passion more fervently than even men.

Here you can find short stories about those **** Slaves where those girls were the ones that explain and defend their own enslavement.

Author Note: Be aware that the following story contains strong fetishes like BDSM, female submission, piss drinking, and female orgasm denial. It does not contain any despection of **** or strong ****. All the women shown in this story are portrayed as being happy with being enslaved. In some sense, it is similar to free use stories in which everyone, including women, accepts free use as not just normal but the right thing, but in this story, free use is only between a woman or group of women with one male relative, so it is not exactly free. Private free use is limited to family members, if that makes any sense.

Even if you do not like some kinks, since almost all chapters are one-shot independent stories, you can skip those you don't like. For some kinks like piss, I will add in the title the kink and add a link to skip those chapters as an alternative.

I wrote those stories in my Tumblr blog in 2015, before porn was purged from the site. After the purge, I moved those stories to BDSMLR. So, any resemblance between a virus and COVID-19 is a mere coincidence because I wrote this years before. For now, I only intend to publish here the same stories I already posted on Tumblr and BDSMLR, which were a lot, but I will take the opportunity to make some improvements and corrections given that my English has improved since back then.

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