The Good Son

The Good Son

You are from a huge family, but you are the most diffrent from all of them so when your family each decides once you turn 18 to tell you there secret you can't belive what it is.

Chapter 1 by sissysub34 sissysub34

You sat in your room after just arriving home from school you had a long day dealing with the constant harrasment from your bully's constantly making fun of your looks and appearence looking more feminine than masculine constantly making fun of your looks and appearence looking more feminine than masculine you stand up of your bed and make your way towards the mirror in your closet, and stand in front of it looking at yourself

After you turned away from your mirror you walked out of your closet before opening your door to your room, and walkin down the hallways once you rounded the corner, and started walking down the stairs you saw your family sitting in the living room talking amongst themselves before one of your sisters turns to see you walking towards the living room, and gets the others attention all of them stop talking as one of your mothers walks up to you stop talking as one of your mothers walks up to you.

Jane: Hey sweetie come sit down we need to talk.

You go sit down by your mom as you feel a slap on your ass as you pass by your sister Ava getting a look of rage from your other sister's as you sit down in between your mothers.

Jane: So you turned 18 today its hard to believe, but me and your mother decided to tell ypu this only when you turned 18 because of how you might react so let me just say it we are Futanari's

Alex: Huh?!

What's next?

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