The Gathering

The Gathering

The Land Of Lust

Chapter 1 by Bikieman13 Bikieman13

On the first day of the new year a strange feeling came over a small percentage of the world's populations, an un-resistible feeling. Within a few days every single one of them would pack their bags and throw their old life away without hesitation. Each and every one of these people booking a flight to an island that not a single one had ever heard of Priadite.

What could cause this irresistible feeling who knows, but what we do know is that each and every one of these people had a few things in common. First to begin with every single individual who left for the island was over 18. Secondly ever single one of them was unarguably gorgeous, and very well endowed.

The endowment part quite obvious from the women, each of whom possessed an outstanding hour glass figures, with very full breasts and backsides that bounced and swayed with every step. Medical records would show that these features were natural as well, as not a single women on record for booking a flight appeared to have ever had work done.

The endowment of the men was discovered shortly after the mass exodus to the unknown island. While a general well built physique was clearly a common factor among the vast majority of the men, the key factor was what was between their legs. Mirroring the women's own impressive natural endowments.

Who do we follow on their journey to Priadite?

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