The Devil's Journal (rescue)

The Devil's Journal (rescue)

She Pours out Her Heart to the Devil Himself

Chapter 1

Author's Note: Hey everybody, I found this story completely abandoned and the user deleted. It's totally my fetish so... I rescued it! I don't wanna take credit for another person's work, so I'll let you know when my additions begin. This story is totally hot and has a lot of potential though, so I hope you enjoy! If you have any feedback or suggestions, please comment and let me know (This is my first story, so please be nice!). :)

Amber's eyes widened as she saw the small book. It was perfect! She raced to her father at the counter and placed it on the conveyor at the cash register, right next to the beer and chips he was buying.

"This one Daddy, I want this one!" She squealed, excitement in her eyes.

"Alright honey, how much is it... three dollars? Fine". Her father eyed the book. Hot pink and covered in little flowers, everything about it screamed that despite her age, she still had the taste of a prepubescent girl. He rolled his eyes as he set it back down, the groceries rolling towards the cashier. Amber's mother had decided that the girl needed a new prayer journal, and sent her along with him to pick one out while he grabbed a few things for the barbecue. Now he was stuck bringing her along, and hoping she didn't embarrass him in front of the other guys. She was a great kid and he loved her to , but sometimes her naivete could get her in trouble. At the last "bring your daughter to work day", she had been playing quietly with his phone during a meeting before unexpectedly blurting out "Daddy, what is 'bukakke'?" Turns out she had found some... 'sensitive' things on his phone, and had no idea what she was looking at. Raising their kids catholic was a choice he and her mother had made together, but he'd be lying if he didn't regret it every now and again.

"Listen Amber, honey?" Amber looked up at him with a broad smile. "Yes Daddy?"

"Remember to stay quiet and keep to yourself, alright? Daddy doesn't want to have to explain any more awkward questions today. This is an important meeting."

"I thought it was a party Daddy?" Amber asked, her smile fading.

"It is honey, but in sales parties are a lot like big meetings, okay? The Devinsens are big clients, and if Daddy has a good meeting, he'll get a big bonus at the end of the year! So I need you to try to stay quiet, okay? I know that you like that Devinsen boy. What's his name... John? Why don't you go play with him during the party?" Stephen looked down at his daughter with a patronizing smile. She should be too old for him to talk to like this, but sometimes he felt like he had . If she would just act more mature, he wouldn't have to baby her so much.

Amber flushed bright red, snatching her new journal off the end of the conveyor after the *beep* of the scan. "I don't LIKE him Daddy, I barely even care at all about him!" She cried. "And his name's JACK!" Amber had had a crush on Jack for the past couple months -- basically an eternity. He had gorgeous hair, deep blue eyes, and he could run faster than any boy she knew. She was totally in love, she thought. Like Romeo and Juliet, Adam and Eve, or... other famous people who loved each other. She was his destiny, she just knew it! She clutched her book tightly as her and her father left the store. Jack was going to be at the party... should she tell him how she felt? That she loved him? She opened her new book to the first empty page. She eagerly wrote her name in the "if lost, return to: _" section, and began to write on the first page.

"I pray that I Jack will love me and be my boyfriend."

Amber quickly closed the book before her father could see. Her stomach tingled and she felt a little embarrassed. Was allowed to write things like this? They had told her in sunday school not to pray for selfish things. But this wasn't THAT selfish... it was love, after all! Jack would be so much happier if he were with her -- she just knew it! She would treat him perfectly. She was a good girl -- everyone said so. It only stood to reason that being with a good girl like her would be good for him.

Amber's heart raced as her father pulled up to the house. It was the picture perfect suburban house: cul de sac, picket fence, manicured lawn... the works. Her father grabbed her roughly by the arm as he led her inside through a wash of greetings and pleasantries. He deposited her by the stairs and briefly mumbled something about "Go play with the other kids upstairs" before walking out to the patio with the other adult guests.

Amber trudged up the stairs nervously. She walked past a bathroom, an empty bedroom, and a large games closet before coming to a door at the end of the hallway. She was supposed to find Jack up here, and this was the only room left. Amber knocked and waited. She could hear some sounds from inside, but no response. She knocked again and waited patiently for her future husband to open the door and woo her. After several minutes she knocked again, louder this time. "H-hello?" She asked, beginning to get uncomfortable. "Are you there Jack? It's me, Amber. From Sunday School? I need to confess something to you!" Amber pressed her ear against the door. She heard some movement and what sounded like somebody giggling. "Hello? Please Jack, it's really important!" Her heart fluttered as she heard the door handle twisting. Jack swung it open, looking down at her as she clutched her prayer journal. "What do you want?" He asked.

Amber felt the blood drain from her face. It was really him. It was really HIM. RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. WHAT SHOULD SHE SAY?!?!? She hadn't thought this far ahead! She didn't know what to do! In her mind she said something something about "destiny", and he swept her into his arms and kissed her. She didn't know what words to use. How to tell him that he meant everything to her, that he was her life, that she would die without him! She needed him like the flowers need the sun, or people need air, or a poet needs words! "Words.... WORDS. I HAVEN'T BEEN SAYING ANYTHING!" She thought. She opened her mouth as she fumbled for what to say.

"J-jack, I... need... everything. No, um, I mean... I would die if I didn't... have air. Er, um..." Amber's legs trembled as she stuttered out nonsense. This wasn't how it was supposed to go! She was supposed to be eloquent and confident, not... not whatever THIS was!

Jack stared at her with narrowed eyes. "Who are you?"

Amber felt her heart plummet and her blood run cold. Had he... asked who she was? Her destiny? Her future husband? The best thing that would ever happen to her? Didn't he know? Didn't he know that he would be the father of her children, the Adam to her Eve, the Romeo to her Juliet? He had to. This had to be a joke. Amber laughed awkwardly. "You're hilarious Jack, I guess that's one of the many reasons I'm in love with you!" Amber froze. Had she just said that out loud?

Jack's eye widened. "You're WHAT? I don't even know how you ARE!"

"Wait, what's going on out there Jackie?" Amber heard another voice say. Olivia walked over to the doorway, followed closely by four or five other kids. Amber recognized them from her age group, while Olivia was one of the popular kids in the age group above hers. Their parents must have all been at the party too. Amber felt tears begin to well up in her eyes.

"This girl told me she's in LOVE with me. Haha do any of you even know her?" The group's eyes turned to her. Olivia looked her up and down before responding. "No, I have no idea who she is. She's some loser nobody." Amber could hear some of the other kids giggle. "What's more, it looks like she's after my man."

Amber couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Your... man?" Olivia's eyes narrowed. "Yes. MY. MAN." She stepped closer to Jack, her fingers interlacing with his. "Show her Jackie." She whispered. Jack turned and kissed Olivia on the cheek. "See? He's MY boyfriend. And you can't have him. Take your stupid pink book and your dumb haircut and leave us alone."

Amber began to cry as Olivia slammed the door in her face. She could hear laughter from the other side. She had confessed her love to the boy of her dreams, and he didn't want her. he didn't even know who she was. The other kids had heard it. She was sure they would tell their friends. Everyone would know. Everyone would know that she had tried to steal another girl's boyfriend. That she loved Jack. That he didn't even know who she was. She ran to her father's car, tears streaming down her face. Once inside with the door closed she began to bawl. She hurt so much she knew the pain would never go away. This was the worst thing that would ever happen to her. She would never have any friends and was going to die alone! Eventually her father came back out. he never stayed at these things long after he had handed out his business cards, and they drove home in silence. Amber went to her room without a word and buried her face into her pillow to continue crying, probably until she died.

An hour later Amber woke up to a knock at her door. Her father gently opened the door and walked in. "Hey honey, you... you left this in the car." he sat down on her bed and set her prayer journal next to him. "Your mother wanted you to know that if you have anything to talk about... you can tell us." Her father stood up and awkwardly backed out of the room, a heavy silence replacing him. Amber looked at the prayer journal, eyes puffy. The "stupid pink book". The stupid pink book with its stupid pink flowers. The stupid pink book with its stupid pink flowers and its stupid dumb owner and its stupid dumb prayers! She picked up and threw it a the wall with a scream. "YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY PRAYER! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU ANYMORE!". It hit the wall with a small thud and slid down behind her bed. Amber began to cry again. her eyes hurt, her head hurt, and her soul hurt. This was the end of everything good in her life, she knew it. After another hour of crying, she drifted off into a fitful sleep.

The Next Day

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