The Creator's Manual

The Creator's Manual

God's How-to Guide to Creation

Chapter 1 by amanhasnoname430 amanhasnoname430

Creator's Manual

Preface: If you are reading this then you are not me. I'm me and I wrote this book so why the fuck would I read this part? So if you ARE reading this part then, shit I've lost my manual and you found it. Congrats I guess. This is God, yep... THE GOD. Well IN THE BEGINNING everything was complicated as shit. Physics, Chemistry, and Humans, don't get me started. Making them good enough not to destroy the whole world but juuuuust crazy enough to try. It was a delicate balance. I installed buttons and knobs in human biology to make controlling them a bit easier and make testing them easier too. I meant to take those debug controls out on the seventh day, but I sorta... slept in. Anyways this manual will teach you how to use these controls to manipulate the people around you. There's also the sections in here about like black holes and shit but I wouldn't look into those unless you want to destroy everything.

Seriously you would be amazed how easy it is to create a black hole. If you do destroy the universe I have a mechanism to reset it back to when you got the book, I haven't tested this feature though so... it might not work. Not everything works the first time. Somethings never work at all like retractable wings! Those were for humans by the way but they kept slamming into cliffs. I ended up calling them 'angels' and putting them in the special bin. ANYWAYS.

The following pages will teach you techniques for controlling humans and parts of the body that have certain effects. A few rules to understand before you begin.

1. A human cannot manipulate their own buttons. For obvious reasons.

2. The manipulations have to be exact! This was implemented so that nobody could accidentally discover them. Practice makes perfect though and these manipulations must be PERFECT. Expect to fail a LOT!

3. Failing to properly manipulate someone will result in a negative reaction slightly more severe than is warranted. Humans can subconsciously tell when someone is trying to push their buttons and they don't like it. Subsequent trials will become more difficult on the same subject and if you fail too many times, they won't work at all.

4. There are manipulations and there are commands. The manipulation is used to open up a command in the body and it is also used to close the command.

Example: There is a command in a girls mouth that you can rub in order to change her sexual orientation. If you rub it forward toward her teeth, she's straight. Move it to the middle she becomes bi and move it to the back of her mouth she becomes lesbian and everything in between. You can't just go rooting around in her mouth and doing this though. You must first perform the manipulation.

The manipulation to trigger the mouth based orientation switch is pinching a specific spot on her back. The manipulation has to be flawless in order to open the command. It also has to be performed again to turn off the command. If you don't close the command again, anyone can feel in her mouth and change her orientation by accident. ALWAYS CLOSE COMMANDS!

5. This tome is structured in a sort of tutorial like order so the easier manipulations are located at the front and the more complicated shit is in the back. It's almost like I wanted you to find this. You don't have an inherent skill at this though, if you want to jump straight to making a girl fall in love with you right from the get go be my guest. Just don't pray to me when you end up in jail for ****.

6. Every manipulation has a procedure that you must do, a penalty for failure, a cooldown for a failure AND a cooldown for a success. The more you succeed in a row the smaller the cooldown will be each time. The more you fail in a row the more brutal the penalty will get. Try to get better. Not every manipulation has a command or a sliding scale to change. Some are simply a toggle. You'll figure it out.

7. Humans will not notice when you perfectly manipulate someone else. Once you have your skills down you will be able to manipulate some girl in front of her boyfriend and he won't think it's weird. It will be like you are SUPPOSED to be doing that like you're the universe's IT guy and you're fixing a bug.

8. Commands are not user specific. If you open the command wheel for the subject's height, for example, anyone who runs their hand along the subject's spine would change their height. I said this before but ALWAYS CLOSE COMMANDS. However it is important to point out that someone accidentally using a command will not be aware of what they are doing unless they read this book. They won't be able to exploit this power but they might get some use out of it accidentally. Nothing you can't fix however.

9. Finally a bit of magic is involved in this book. This book has a perception field around it, nobody can read it except the user. If you die or burn this book, then it will appear somewhere else in the world at random and you will be excluded from reading it until the end of time and you will lose memory of the book. If someone ELSE burns this book while it is in your possession, it will reappear somewhere convenient for you to find. Basically, it's yours as long as you want it. Burn it if you want to pass it on.

Alright enough from me. Go out there and have some fun!

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