The Coin

One guy with a coin and all the power

Chapter 1 by Nickstar777 Nickstar777

Jason didn't stand out in school, he wasn't popular, but he wasn't a loser, he wasn't part of any cliques, but he wasn't a loner, he was just a guy in the background, not making an impact, but that was all about to change.

When Jason returned home from school, he found a note from his parents on the kitchen table.

Jason, your mother and I went out to do some grocery shopping, we'll be back soon.


P.S. Your package arrived today, your mother left it on your bed.

Jason suddenly got confused.

"Package? What package? I didn't order anything" said Jason

Jason headed up to his bedroom and saw a small box on his bed. After opening the box, he found another box inside, only about the size of a box for an engagement ring, it was made of wood and had some weird designs carved into it, Jason opened the wooden box and found a gold coin inside, with a design of an angel on one side, and a skull on the other, there was also a sheet of paper in the box.

Dear sir/madame

If you are reading this, it means you are now the new owner of the coin.

You may be confused as to what is so special about this coin, well the answer is simple...

You now own an ancient relic capable of granting wishes!

I understand that you may not believe this, but I assure you, it's the truth.

The origins of the coin are unknown, some have believed it to have been made by Jesus Christ himself.

You can now use the coin to make your greatest wishes come true, but it comes with a catch.

After making a wish, you need to flip the coin, if the coin comes up heads, your wish will be granted, however, if you make a wish and the coin comes up tails, your wish will not be granted.

Also, the coin can only be used to grant a total of 10 wishes, this only counts successful wishes.

There are some rules to the coin's use on the other side of this sheet, please read them before using the coin.

Jason turned the paper over to the other side.


1. No wish is off limits - You can literally wish for anything you desire, there is no rule about what you can't wish for, killing, making people fall in love with you, bringing back the dead etc. are all acceptable.

2. No strings attatched - No wish comes with a cost, no matter what you wish for, there will be no unforeseen consequence, or sick twist.

3. No repeat wishes - You cannot wish for the same thing twice, this includes failed wishes, if you wish for something, but the coin flip comes up tails, sorry, but you can't just try again until you get the result you want.

4. The wishes are not limited to yourself - If someone finds out about the coins power and makes a wish of their own, this will, unfortunately, count as one of YOUR 10 wishes.

5. No take-backs - You cannot use the coin to undo a previous wish. You CAN however, use the coin to undo a wish made by someone else.

6. Passing the coin on - After you have used up all 10 wishes, you have 14 days to give it a new owner, if you fail to give the coin a new owner within that time, all your wishes will come undone, however, if you succeed in finding a new owner in time, all your wishes will stay.

7. Finding a new owner - When finding a new owner after using up all your wishes, the new owner you find must be someone you don't know. In addition, you cannot return the coin to a previous owner.

8. Awareness - Only you, previous owners or anyone else aware of the coin's power, will know if a wish is made, anyone who does not know of the coin's existence will be unaware of any changes made by a wish.

10. Don't waste your wishes - To prevent owners from using all their wishes at once, owners are only allowed to have one wish granted a day. This only counts successful wishes, any failed wishes will not be counted.

11. No wishing for what you already have - If you already have something, you cannot wish for another copy of it, you can only wish for things you don't already have.

12. Don't drop the coin - If you try to make the wish, but then drop the coin on the floor, this will count as a coin flip.

Jason scoffed, this was obviously some sort of prank, a coin that could grant wishes? Yeah, right!

Jason placed the coin back in the box and dropped it on his desk.

Jason heard something outside the house and looked out the window to see his next door neighbour, Jessica.

Jessica went to Jason's school and was a senior too. She had lived next door to Jason since they were both 4 years old, over the years, Jason had developed a crush on her, but he never acted on it. Now Jessica was the head cheerleader at school and she was dating the quarterback of the football team, Matthew, who, in Jason's opinion, was a complete and utter asshole. Matthew was the biggest misogynist Jason had ever met, he was also lazy, a complete narcissist and a major bully. Jason wondered how Jessica ended up with a guy like that, since she was the complete opposite, she was kind, active and selfless, Jessica was also quite intelligent, and she also had a great sense of humor, when they were younger, Jason and Jessica used to hang out a lot, since their mothers were (and still are) close friends, and no matter what, Jessica could always make Jason laugh.

What's next?

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