The Bar

A place for exploration, domination and control

Chapter 1 by Darkleather Darkleather

The Bar is on the outskirts of town and has been running for years. Set back from the main road, it's far enough for people to ignore it, but close enough for people to be intrigued by it. There are no external windows and the door always has two impressively huge security staff. There are always a few vehicles parked outside, usually including motorbikes belonging to one of the local gangs. The Bar has an impressive reputation in the town and is the subject of endless debate. The Town Council is regularly petitioned to have it closed down. The police are constantly asked to stop whatever goes on there. Young children are warned away from it and older children view it as somewhere forbidden that maybe, just maybe they want to visit. Women speculate what goes on there at coffee mornings. Men discuss is over beers in the evening. Everyone agrees they would never be seen there. But still, a regular stream of people turn up at the bar. Some go once and never again. Others become regulars. Some have told tall tales about the Bar, but nothing has ever been verified.

And so The Bar continues to be open. And lonely men, looking for an outlet find their way there - some furtively, some openly - and step inside its' doors to see what experiences they can find. There are several people in there tonight:

* Steve, a 32 year old trucker who has dropped in for a beer as The Bar is en-route for his delivery

* Alex, a 27 year old police officer who is undercover and trying to find evidence of illegal activity

* Mike, a 45 year old leather Master, sat in full leather uniform and looking for a good time

* Dave, an 18 year old college rugby forward who has come here after losing a drunken bet

* Connor, a 20 year old student who has played with BDSM before and wants to do more

* Angus, a 30 year old teacher who works at a Catholic school and is looking for somewhere to be an outlet

* Someone else

Whose story should we follow?

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