The Abandoned Factory

A First Person POV Fetish Adventure

Chapter 1 by JakobSams JakobSams

Welcome to this adventure, new reader. Here. A little bit of backstory:

Sammy’s Sweets. To the town of Loker, it was a name synonymous with incredible treats and sweets that defied logic. Bubble gum that could actually lift the chewers up the bigger a bubble was blown. Ice cream that could be eaten frozen, not be messy if it was melted, and even get baked into a fluffy cake. Lollipops that changed the colors of the eater’s lips and tongue. They were practically miraculous. However…one day, after a successful heist orchestrated by rivals of the company, Sammy Bilkar, the CEO of Sammy’s Sweets, shut down the factory for fear of further sweets getting stolen from him. And, for 10 years, the factory has remained shut off and closed.

Until a week ago.

Residents suddenly began to see smoke rising out of the smokestacks, lights flicker on in this windows, and even the occasional shadow in the curtains of the great factory. It had happened! Sammy’s Sweets was back! But so many questions were still needing answering. What happened during those 10 years? Where did Sammy get the new employees? Was Sammy even involved?

As an urban explorer and a grandchild of a former employee, such questions burned so furiously in your mind that you had to know! Fueled by curiosity and the stories your grandparent had told you, you decided to do your biggest urban exploration feat ever: sneak into the Sammy’s Sweets factory and get answers.

So, reader, with this backstory, I have given you a role and a purpose. Now your goal should be obvious: get through the Factory’s many challenges and quirks and get to Sammy as unscathed and unchanged as possible. Obviously, it will not be easy. With how zany and miraculously bizarre his sweets were, Sammy’s Factory will also be full of rejects. Plus, fear of heists and thieves will have made Sammy extra vigilant against such intruders like yourself, so be extra careful not to be caught.

So, reader, embark forth! And enjoy yourself!

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