Teen Titans - Uncensored

Choose your target

Chapter 1 by ShengLong2005 ShengLong2005

Welcome to The Teen Titans Uncensored Chyoo Story...

How this works is simple...

You play a Supreme Being, similar to the Watcher in ways. You have decided to possess one of the citizens of Jump City, in order to have some fun, at the expense of the local superheroine and/or supervillaness society, by inexplicably causing them to have a very much more arousing experience over a period of anything from a few days to the rest of their natural life.

You have decided on a target, from the groups known as the Titans and the Brotherhood Of Evil, then have decided how to influence their short-term life, hoping to maybe change their future for your betterment...

Even if that future means they no longer have any part in their old life...


1) No directly controlling the target character's concious thoughts.

This rule is for obvious reasons. Hypnotism is omitted from this rule for just as obvious reasons, but cannot be the basis for a starting thread. This essentially means you cannot have your target suddenly need to have sex, since it would ruin it for other players.

2) No 'magic' character encounters.

You cannot suspend disbelief over where people are. Now, If you encounter HIVE or the Brotherhood, That is OK, but don't expect me to allow threads where Jinx and Raven or Kitten/Blackfire and Starfire meet quite by accident.

3) No male characters as target characters!

This rule is so that I firstly don't need to have a hundred cast members, and secondly, So the male cast can be retained for controllable cast purposes.

4) You don't need to return to the status quo.

Yep, If a thread ends with Raven and Starfire in a master's dungeon, I don't care. You are changing the future for the target character, not writing a bad week for them.

Please, Select your main team Teen Titan. If you don't want to do one, Just select 'Everyone Else'.

NB - I will not start threads for you. That is up to you. I have left all sections open for additions, and will not be adding storylines just to encourage certain kinks.

So, Who is your target?

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