Super girl humiliated by Lana luthor

Super girl humiliated by Lana luthor

Stripped humiliated spanking shaved embarrassing panties

Chapter 1 by Littleprincespanties1 Littleprincespanties1

Super girl aka Kara Danvers is stood in Lana luthor’s lab Lana is Kara’s best friend and also nows that she is super girl. Super girl is in her costume as Lana requested. Lana enters Hi Kara ohh sorry supergirl she grins. Super girl smiles hi Lana why Iam I here, Well I have been working on something and need your help to test it.

Super Girl says ok anytime Lana giggling says thank you as she press a button then the room fills with a yellow glow Supergirl can feel her powers drain. Lana wait what is happening. It’s ok it’s just something Iam testing it takes your power’s away but only for 48 hrs. Super Girl stutters ok then Lana pressed another button as mechanical arms spring to life grabbing Super Girl and lifting her up in the air.

Super Girl is squealing as more arms appear and take off her costume leaving the crying Kara in her pink frilly hello kitty panties and matching bra. Lana giggling says cute panties Kara I had a pair like that when I was five she mocks. Super Girl is bright red as her childish underwear have been exposed stop laughing she squealed.

Lana is still laughing as the arms now pull Super Girl’s panties down leaving her blonde bush on show. Lana decided to have some fun cute bush but blonde really doesn’t suit you down there as more arms appear covering Super Girls bush in hair dye after 30 minutes the arms clean away the die showing Supergirl’s once blonde bush now dyed bright pink just like her panties.

Lana is laughing as supergirl looks down at her now pink bush and whimpering as the arms now cover her pink bush in itching powder before pulling her childish panties back up next a ray off blue light hits Supergirl’s chest causing her already small titts to shrink even more her little bra now hangs off her Lana what are you doing to me supergirl squealing. Just testing my new machine Lana grins as the arms now start cutting Supergirl’s hair and put pink bows in it next they take off the bra and replace it with a pink training bra with a label that says my first training bra on it.

Super Girl humiliation gets worse

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