Such A Parcel Of Rogues In A Starship

Such A Parcel Of Rogues In A Starship

In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war; and sex; and profits; and sex; and adventure! (And sex; especially sex...)

Chapter 1 by Nemo of Utopia Nemo of Utopia

Warning: this story is intended to be read in game mode only: reading it without pressing "Start Game" in the sidebar can result in choices that make no sense, sudden switching of characters and gender, infinite loops, and other such issues: this is your one and only warning.

Welcome to "Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Starship".

In this story/game you will take on the role of a daring ROGUE TRADER in service to the Imperium of Man, humanities galaxy spanning empire of steel, faith and blood in the distant age of the 42nd Millennium.

For those of you familiar with the dark and grim age of that far time you can jump ahead to starting with creating your warrant, starship, and choosing your character and their crew, for those who don't know these things a small praise is included under the "Worlds of the 42nd Millennium" entry bellow...

Disclaimers: Adeptus Mechanicus, Rogue Trader, Space Hulk, Adeptus Minisoritum, Eclisiarchy, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Arbites, Asterum Millitarum, Aquila Lander, Arvus Lighter, Astropath, etc, ad nauseam: are (C), (TM), or (R) Games Workshop Ltd and its affiliates or subsidiaries. No challenge to that status, expressed or implied, is made by this work of dirived fiction, its authors, or the website on which it is hosted.

That said: the individual and specific characters, locations, descriptions, identity manifests, mannerisms, situations, plot elements, etc, ad nauseam: which appear in this story: are (C), (TM), and/or (R) their respective authors.

If you are going to Favorite the story please take a minute to "Like" the chapter your on... ^_^

Also, if you find an option which you feel is missing or you would like to see developed please feel free to either write that chapter or leave a comment to that effect... ^_^

(I'll try to update the story with new chapters fleshing out those options that people comment on, but my muse is a fickle thing, and sometimes not even getting laid breaks down a wall when I've hit one. Also some subjects aren't going to be considered for working on no matter how much people beg; either because they squick me out and I won't have 'em in my story or I'm simply no good at them. The ones I'm just bad at people can get into the story by doing them themselves, the others are just plain right out, check the submission guidelines for more information...)

Where To Go From Here?

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