Slitman: Agent 69

Slitman: Agent 69

Enter a world of ass

Chapter 1 by 12por 12por

Agent 69 is an enhanced human, being sexually superior to regular males. His raw sexuality overpowers women who cannot control themselves around him.


  • genetically engineered penis that can be controlled fully
  • rewritable sperm that leave no genetic trace, but can be programmed with someone else's DNA


  • Slut injection - will set the victim into a fit of insatiable horniness
  • Tranquilizer - puts the victim to sleep
  • Viagra - hard mode
  • Rope - for tying people up

Every mission is structured similar to the game with multiple branching pathways.

The collective known as Grool has been infiltrating positions of high authority in order to impose severe restrictions on sexuality in everyday society. Some of their biggest exploits so far have been banning pornography production in a number of major cities across the world and installing porn filters in some of the worlds largest internet markets.

What is not common knowledge is that a number of the higher ups have controlling shares in some of the businesses that stand to profit the most from these restrictions.

Four of their main leaders have recently stepped down after a series of photos revealed them participating in an orgy with none other than Agent 69.

Mission Briefing

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